Will Kyler Murray Succeed In The NFL?

Depends on the team, David Carr is a HOF'r if not for an expansion team

What team(s) do you think he‘s a good fit for? I also ask you specifically because your boys get brought up by the media as a potential suitor
I cannot understand why he would choose football over baseball.

At least nowadays it‘s basically illegal to touch a quarterback. I think it‘d be different if he were a running back or any other position. But i still agree with you
What team(s) do you think he‘s a good fit for? I also ask you specifically because your boys get brought up by the media as a potential suitor
I won't project teams, but I know a smoke screen. It would be GM suicide for Keim to trade up for Rosen last year and throw in the towel a year later. Josh looked great when he actually had a pocket. Give up after a year means you were inept with decision making last go round. I like Rosen a ton. Cocky, arrogant, winner in the long run. He made some incredible passes when given time.

Kyler needs a team that plays on turf imo. Always gives a speed/cut guy an advantage. Grass neutralizes it to a degree. Maybe Detroit, NO, Chargers (?)

He's a flake, that's been shown. Hope to dear God we don't fuck with all that
I cannot understand why he would choose football over baseball.

more money in the short term (and prob the long term). say he goes 20th. He had 5 mil to play baseball. 20th pick last year got 11.8 mil guaranteed with a 6.6 mil signing bonus. He goes NFL, he's living the high life. He goes MLB, he's riding busses and staying in shitty motels for at least 3 years. Way more endorsement money as an NFL QB than a minor leaguer (and virtually all major leaguers) as well.
Let's be honest, he used it as leverage to see if Oakland would give him a guarantee to play in the majors. And that was smart, couple months in the minors and live the MLB lifestyle I'm guessing he chooses baseball. They likely didn't want to commit to that.
LOL Pasch is the Cards play by play guy on the radio....with Ron Wolfley! Wolf is out there too, all Dave has to do is moderate the crazies
more money in the short term (and prob the long term). say he goes 20th. He had 5 mil to play baseball. 20th pick last year got 11.8 mil guaranteed with a 6.6 mil signing bonus. He goes NFL, he's living the high life. He goes MLB, he's riding busses and staying in shitty motels for at least 3 years. Way more endorsement money as an NFL QB than a minor leaguer (and virtually all major leaguers) as well.

Ya the argument was always crazy

Mlb only makes more sense if you are a trout type prospect

Plus, say worst case scenario, he can go back to baseball cant go other way
Sure Murray had a good season----

Played on a perennial top 3 offense in college DIV 1
Played with an offensive genius in KENNEDY
Played with very fast receivers- future PROS-
Played behind the best O line in college

My biggest reason why I believe he isnt going anywhere is this---


In College Kyler had a lot of time to analyze the field- His O line was amazing and the hurry up offense kept defenses tired and unable to substitute.

His receivers then gained ELITE SEPARATION on their routes-- Separation that doesent exist in the NFL--

He does have a ELITE arm and can throw the pocket--

But the game vs ALABAMA was exactly how he will play in the NFL--

HE was rushed in that game-- HE DIDNT have the TIME to scan the field--

His receivers were not getting elite separation either--

I think he is actually one of the worst prospects I have ever evaluated for the NFL---
Has any QB ever played 1 year of College football and been ready for the NFL? Only guy I could make a case for is Trevor Lawrence-- He could do it--

But Murray if they compare him to Michael Vick which is absurd because as you saw ALABAMA had no problem tracking him down and sacking him---

I honestly believe he might be the worst PRO prospect we have seen for the ages--

NFL- Size-- undersized severely--- Skinny frame- narrow shoulders- 190lbs natural weight

Running- NON FACTOR- Did Mike Vick win anything running? Johny F? Lamar Jackson? Everyone is fast in the NFL now- New league- Everyone is fast-
Plus after a few hits QB stop running--

So after we really realize it? What can KYLER do better than any other QB? Not much IMO--

I think he is very very very smart-- He knows he can make a quick 15-20 million even if he is a bust--

What I saw from the BAMA game is a guy who will struggle once the ATHLETES he is competing against are FAST and BIG-- He will sink
I heard Tim Hasselbeck yesterday praise his leg speed and velocity. He was on board.

Leg speed doesent last long in 16 game seasons with hits. Nobody will be able to dominate the nfl based on speed alone.

Those days are over. Now everyone is fast.

Speed and skill is needed. AB Beckham all are fast but very skilled.

There are players faster than Ab and Beckham but they are just fast with no skill.
Players on practice squad are fast as the wind but lack skill
A lot of it depends on where the guy gets drafted.

With the right coach and scheme a lot qb could elevate his game easily.
My concern with Murray is the 1 year in college.

He does have a A+ arm. A mlb caliber arm which helps for sure.

His body is a red flag. Bulk up all you want. When a big D lineman picks up Kyler and slams him to the ground his body isn’t designed to take those hits.

He does slide to the ground a lot and avoid contact.

But then if he is sliding to the ground avoiding contact that takes away his most dangerous elements of his game.
But the top two quarterback prospects of the 2019 draft, Kyler Murray and Dwayne Haskins, both have a measly one year of starting experience in college. It's not just rare for a quarterback with only one year of starting experience to become a successful starter in the NFL, but it is rare for a quarterback with only one year of starting experience to get drafted in the first three rounds.

Here's the list of quarterbacks with only one year of starting experience to be drafted in the top 100 picks since 1997: Mark Sanchez, Brock Osweiler, Mitchell Trubisky and Cam Newton, if you don't count the year Newton spent starting in junior college. That's it.