Will KG be suspended for game 5?


CTG Partner
Mr. Stern has a decision to make regarding his fave to make the finals from the East...

Would like to see video to see if he's actually shoving the ref or being held back..from watching it live, looked more like being held back:

i'd guess perkins will be. I don't remember KG touching a ref, that picture is news to me.
I've seen that happen a hundred times in games during the season and nothing gets done to the player pushing the ref out of the way or struggling to get free from the ref during an altercation. I doubt they'll do anything to KG, but Perkins is definately gone, and Big Baby will likely sit a game, too, IMO...

Celtics in 6, IMO...
perkins is a huge role on this team. leon powe brown and kg can't handle the frontcourt on their own.
No doubt. Tell you what, there has been a lot of "heat" in some of these series. Atlanta-Boston, Cleveland-Washington have had som great theatre.

if stern wants to get ratings back then just let it go. If he really cares about the integrity of the game then step in. It has been no secret that NBA playoffs and finals last few years have been absolutly dreadful for NBA ratings. Stern needs to do something, i don't know if this is it, although with conflicts like these, they will be mentioned in local newspapers and news casts which may ultimatley bring a different market segment to the television.
Did you see the look on his face last night. He had just been interviewed and it couldn't have been more that a few minutes later hen the KG-Pachuilia thing started. They flashed right to him. Priceless.

I pesonally love hard fouls and intensity like this. No, no dirty play but good hard fouls. There NEVER shoul be a made layup in a halfcourt set in the playoffs. The Celtics, Lakers, Pistons, Knicks Bulls Etc of the 80's and early 90's would cringe at the sometimes soft play.
If the Celtics lose this does KG go down as one of the biggest choke artists of all time?

I vote yes

Hes constantly coming up small at the end of games...though not much they could do about JJ last night
BAR i wasn't watching the game but i think stern's awkwardness is these situations are quite humerous.

On a sidenote, what if someone came out of a coma today and you were trying to fill them in on whats happened since they went into a coma (assuming the year was the last year Jordan won his last championship with the Bulls). First thing trying to tell them would be a fishing show (world's deadliest catch) gets better ratings than playoff NBA basketball.