Will football exist in 20 years?

something 100% needs to change. There have always been injuries but now its to the point where you cant watch a game without somebody taking a hit that you know is going to lead to them eating through a straw. I do think a variation of football will continue to exist, but idk if they are gonna put flags on them or what, things are going to change
20-25 years it will be gone. It doesn't matter about player safety. It depends on which big money wins out more than anything.
The lawsuits are ridiculous. You know what you're doing before you do it. Unfortunately that trumps a lot. I could go on 10 tangents about this but it's pointless.
Some kind of democracy in which money plays such an enormous role but that's a different topic...

But which big money is interested in taking down football? Nfl is a billion dollar industry
There has been a strong effort made at emasculating the USA. Football is just another bowling pin. We are a country of iver-litigious, entitled pussies now

My sister is visiting Normandy in a few months. Our pussy heroes for people today take a knee during the anthem. We, and i include my generation, are but a shell of the men our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers were