Why would Andruw Jones take a 2 year deal?

he been playing since he is 18 and he does have a lot of miles on those legs.

The other part is that after hitting .220, getting $18 mill is a steal because that is a hell of a risk to take on a guy who K's in half his at bats.

I would never ever throw Jones a fastball, he would see a steady diet of curveballs in the dirt and he would swing at them all
Those legs are exaclty why he shoulda got a longer deal while he still could IMO...I doubt he hits over .240 in LAD and his value will be garbage prolly by end of the two year deal..

I think he coulda got 4 year/55-60...better than 2 year/36.
i see what you are saying.

4yr x 60mil wouldn't have been a bad deal

maybe AJ doesn't see a long future for himself?

maybe no one wanted him for that long?
possible..I just can't beleive a 4 year deal wasn't out there somewhere..

although he said he wanted to stay in the NL and that basically limited him to LAD, NYM, Philly, and maybe SF.
i know if i was gm, i wouldn't be paying him $18 million.

god baseball contracts are out of controkl
hes still young - hes what? 30? 31?

He was looking for 20+ mil a year

couldnt get that due to the shitty year last year

figures he'll prove himself for two years and then cash in for one last four or five year contract for 80-100 mil in two years...

im just pissed the Phils didnt take a chance on him...he could hit 50 homers in philly in his sleep
Those legs are exaclty why he shoulda got a longer deal while he still could IMO...I doubt he hits over .240 in LAD and his value will be garbage prolly by end of the two year deal..

I think he coulda got 4 year/55-60...better than 2 year/36.

Well 2yr/36

that means in 2 years he'd need need to get 2/24... something tells me he could hit .200 with 30 home and he'd still get that on name recognition. Thought it was a great deal for him.
He's gonna juice up and hit 330 with 40 bombs... Then get a huge deal from some big market then suck

Just my opinion... Sorry i'm a Jones hater due to my Mets patronage
i would rather put a trash can in front of home plate to deflect the ball for a bunt attempt rather then have Andruw Jones batting. Guy is a straight up thief. That being said, i feel bad for him for sucking so much. Gotta be pretty stressful to suck so much ass.