Why shouldnt i bet the house on zona today??

I guess a good starting piont would be why do you think you SHOULD bet the house on zona today..

Would be an easier counterpoint from there.
Since 2001 AZ has gone 19-39 at SF including 6-12 their last year. Brandon Webb however is 4-2 with a 2.70 ERA in 9 starts in SF and 9-5 lifetime with a 3.30 ERA. Webb has been lights out so far this year, BUT there will be a drop off since his last start in beating Colorado. Pitchers, like football teams I think have let down games and this could be one. A lot of mental and physical stress was used against Colorado and I'd expect Webb to not be quite as sharp. Although it's not like I think he's going to get lit up either.

Mark Reynolds should be back in the lineup today after sitting yesterday, which changes the order a lot in terms of run production.

Zito has been awful, but you can't just look at his numbers, he's gotten better each start. If not for an error last week, he's 1-2. Lifetime he's 2-3 against AZ with a 2.73 ERA including 1-2 last year with a 3.93 ERA.

Randy Winn will most likely get a start today as he's a career .429 hitter against Webb (12-28) and Ray Durham is .295 (13-44). In limited appearances Dan Ortmeier is 4-7 against Webb and Jose Castillo is 3-6. I'd expect all to be in there today.

It's an interesting matchup today and it points to the UNDER, but I'd seriously consider taking the OVER. Especially if Reynolds is back in the lineup. AZ has hit a HR in every game this year and the OVER would be a play assuming the AZ hitters stay patient against Zito. If they're over aggressive against hi, Zito will look like Zito of old.

The wind is blowing from the N at 5 MPH too, which means it is blowing out towards RF. I like AZ today to win SU also, but it's a lot of juice. It's also a travel day for AZ and they've got the series won, it could be GTFOD for them.
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg4 align=left><TD>Pitcher</TD><TD>IP</TD><TD>PC</TD><TD>H</TD><TD>ER</TD><TD>BB</TD><TD>K</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Webb</TD><TD>6.0</TD><TD>63</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>4</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Hope you loaded farm bro....no way these bayside losers were gonna get to Webb.

Still time I guess, but 63 pitches thru 6? He could go 14 innings today.............