Why is there love for SMU?


Mr. Incredible?
I don't get it??? I am a huge square, or I feel like it alot, but what's to like about the worst D in NCAAF? Also...I can never take a dog that gives up over 65% of opponent 3rd down conversions. How much time will their offense even be on the field? Tulane has a good D...SMU will be lucky to score 10 points tonight.
I doubt I'm betting it...

but if SMU keeps the TO battle close to even, I think they should cover this number. That is a huge IF with this team, as Jones is basically force-feeding them the offense, consequences be damned...
Rak -

I'll give you my reason, and from what I have read lately others feel the same way.

When you look at a line like this, the first thought that should come to your mind is "Unfamiliar favorite role". You should ask yourself, "When the hell was the last time Tulane laid 17 points"? Someone has posted it but I think Tulane is something like 0-4 laying this many. As far as line VALUE goes, who the hell wants to lay -20 with Tulane. The question here, imo, is not whether they CAN beat SMU by 20 or more, but if they should be LAYING 20. That is a big difference.
Rak, I feel the same way about SMU & N Tex both should get killed both are at least 2 yrs. away...glta
horses...IMO, there is no chance...if you look at it game by game, SMU was -3 vs Rice, -4 vs TxTech, and -3 vs TCU...the only reason they aren't at the bottom of the rankings is they were +5 vs TexasSt. Tulane on the other hand was +1 vs Bama, +2 vs ECU, and 0 vs LaMonroe.

Ramble...very good point, not much to say there other than yeah...they haven't won more than 2 games by this margin since 2004. Maybe I'm too down on SMU, but I feel this is a 3TD game. A late moose is possible...I might have to hit a Tulane TT if the number is right. Looking at it now I have SMU O/U 21 and Tulane O/U 39. I find this to be quite odd since the game total is set at 49.5, but these team totals add up to 60.
horses...IMO, there is no chance...if you look at it game by game, SMU was -3 vs Rice, -4 vs TxTech, and -3 vs TCU...the only reason they aren't at the bottom of the rankings is they were +5 vs TexasSt. Tulane on the other hand was +1 vs Bama, +2 vs ECU, and 0 vs LaMonroe.

Yep, that's why I am passing; however, you will never convince me that player for player, Tulane is 18 points better than SMU. Good luck.
Yep, that's why I am passing; however, you will never convince me that player for player, Tulane is 18 points better than SMU. Good luck.

That's the goods right there. Tulane may win by 18 or more, but there is no way they are laying 18 pts better. That's not to say that a bet on SMU is warranted per se, just betting Tulane at that # is almost ridiculous IMO, even if they do cover it.
Yep, that's why I am passing; however, you will never convince me that player for player, Tulane is 18 points better than SMU. Good luck.

One thing to remember. Player for player? No. But Jones isn't playing the best players. He's playing youngsters who will be very experienced in 3 years.

I think it is very similar to North Texas. Get your ass handed to you for 2 years, then have some upperclassmen with 2 full seasons of experience AND are fucking tired of getting humiliated.

To that degree, I looked at this game, and wiped it off my card pretty quickly. Tulane isn't a great team and, as someone pointed out, SMU has the type of offense that could backdoor cover with ease. One missed tackle on Robinson or Sanders and you've got a TD on your hands.
One thing to remember. Player for player? No. But Jones isn't playing the best players. He's playing youngsters who will be very experienced in 3 years.

I think it is very similar to North Texas. Get your ass handed to you for 2 years, then have some upperclassmen with 2 full seasons of experience AND are fucking tired of getting humiliated.

To that degree, I looked at this game, and wiped it off my card pretty quickly. Tulane isn't a great team and, as someone pointed out, SMU has the type of offense that could backdoor cover with ease. One missed tackle on Robinson or Sanders and you've got a TD on your hands.

Very excellent points<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Nice to see so much discussion on this. I appreciate all the thoughts and feedback. I've always been one to ride the hot hand...and IMO Tulane has it. 3-0 ATS vs Bama, ECU, and LaMonroe...SMU VERY COLD 0-2-1 ATS as dogs vs Rice (L 4), TxTech (P 36), & TCU (L 26.5).

Good health to SMU players :cheers:
Big - I'm on board with you, not sure how anyone can bet ON SMU regardless of the line!
Yep yep...I need to start fading myself...should have played them 1H instead of the Spoiled Children
