Who would you keep? (Part 2)


Pretty much a regular
Very similar situation as ljc, but didn't want to hijack his thread. Just like his league, you lose the round pick from where you got them last year.

Peyton Manning (7th round) or
Colin Kaepernick (15th round)

I was all set on keeping Kaep as there could be value there for years (pick moves up one round each subsequent year kept), but I'm starting to doubt myself and keepers are due tonight.
Peyton is still considerably better than kaepernick, who is also working with a small sample size. I keep Peyton. You'll have guys next year who you'll have a similar debate about. Make your team a lot better this year
No there is no max on years. It just keeps going up one round every year.

Thanks for the input but it might be solving itself. Currently in last minute negotiations on a trade.
Peyton is still considerably better than kaepernick, who is also working with a small sample size. I keep Peyton. You'll have guys next year who you'll have a similar debate about. Make your team a lot better this year

I agree with this and would go this route. You can always find another QB when Peyton hangs it up.
Ended up with Kaepernick.

Traded Manning and my 11th round pick for a 3rd and a 8th round pick. Feel satisfied enough with the outcome.

Thanks again for the thoughts
It again depends on the size of your league...

10 team? Peyton
12 team? Peyton
14 team? close
16 team? Might go with Kap

the shorter the field, the more the elite player is valued