Who wins the West?


CTG addict
imo seedings will be huge on who comes out

We could see SA play Dallas 1st rd. That would be interesting.. as SA has probably the most trouble against Dallas. Hell we might see SA play Phoenix 1st rd.

also, do you think NBA will try to set up the playoff picture perfectly? Last yr it seemed only a perfect 1st rd set up. Phoenix/Lakers- like always. GS/Dallas- lotta background stories there. Utah/Houston- eh. SA/Denver- youuth vs old. it seemed near the last 2 weeks, the games were being played out just to get these matchups.

imo the best ratings for west would be

1 SA- 8. Dallas (lotta history, and Dallas can make upset as 8 seed instead of other way like last yr)
2. LA- 7. Phoenix (was reversed seeds last yr. lotta history)
3. Utah- 6. New Orl (Dwill vs CP3)
4. Houston- 5. GS (contrasting styles, blah blah)
I think LA will win the West. Suns will finish with a higher seed by season's end. I also think New Orleans, and their inexperience, will hurt them down the stretch. They will struggle to get the 8th seed.
^ Jr SMith update

9-13 tonight for 22 pts and 6 rebs in 28 minutes vs San An and Manu. :)

But, he needs to stop turning it over (4 To's tonight). So George will play him more.

he gonna get paid this summer. :smiley_acbe:
Nugz got fucked vs SA late

AI gets called for a pushoff ok good call

game tied under 3 min Parker pusshes off AI every1 stops then keeps playing no call that was the most fucked up call all year

how do they call that on AI but let Parker slide seconds later ? :shake:
JR was takin it to the rim like i hadn't seen before. finished over duncan twice like it was nothin.

he's on his way.

please god don't let him end up a knick.
NO and Spurs don't got a chance I believe. Houston if it reaches play off, go not shot as well. Who do we got left? Utah, Lakers, Dallas, Phoenix, Denver, GSW. I hope that GSW will be in play off, because they got no chance to win the West and Denver can. I don't see Utah "can't win a road game" do that, even if they showed great spirit winning the 7th game in Toyota Center. Phoenix and Dallas are enigma. If they look like they did the last few games, bye bye in the first round. I'm afraid though, that as I said earlier this month, Suns got a good play off team. Dallas are good, but it is hard for me to see that happen, since the team lacks a big guy and lack a true coach, something that Utah, Lakers, NO and Spurs have.

Lakers - Suns seems like the logical final, but it depends on the rivals as well.
Lakers can take NO, Suns, Denver and Houston without any problems. Utah, Spurs can easily eliminate Lakers and Dallas will lose in the 7th I guess.

Spurs can easily win Utah, NO, Houston. Can beat Lakers, but will have problems agains Denver and Suns. Dallas can cause problems as well.

NO - the weakest playoff team in the West, still can win Utah and Suns and maybe even Dallas.

Denver - will be in trouble against any team that isn't NO or Houston. Maybe got a shot at Spurs as well.

Utah - any team that can defend their ground at home will cause trouble to Utah - Spurs will eliminate them, other teams are harder to call. Houston, NO and Denver are the three teams Utah will have it easiest to beat.

Suns - Spurs are the best opponent for the Suns, Lakers are the worst. every other team is in the middle.

Houston - without Yao will be in trouble during play off against any team.
Dallas, NO and Denver are the best she could hope for.

Dallas - an enigma. Will have trouble against strong teams in the paint as Utah, Lakers, Suns - Houston and Spurs are the most suited opponents for Dallas.
It's between the Spurs and Lakers in my mind. Spurs can be beat. In seven games though? Tough stuff. I hope this lines up to be the WC Finals.
If Denver wins I will not bet NbA again until the finals. More serious note. not sure but see Lakers and Utah as the real contenders with GS and Spurs as possible dark horse options. Spurs are going to look worse and worse for a while but they made good trades and have a great coach so they are still live.