who is up next for patriots ?


This claim is disputed
is it hulk hogan or randy macho man savage ???

sick of wwe pretending to be football.

notice on the brady scramble on fourth down ... when he ran for the first down .... that again they had flagged the ravens with an automatic first down penalty. it didnt matter that time ... but refs had bases covered.
Tonight was funny

Ravens screwed themselves with the timeout...then the false start actually helpd NE into a better situaion on 4th down...

Pittsburgh is next...
I don't buy all this conspiracy bullshit...I've seen flags WORSE than that several times this year...

NFL is opposite of basketball on end of game situations...they error on the way of a flag in a big spot where basketball refs eat their whistle's many times there...
i agree Jump. one thing to miss the call on the field and not be able to review it....but when our playoff hopes are on the line AND you get on national TV and apologize...something has to be done.

Just makes me wonder. If it had been the Pats protecting the lead in the same situation the Ravens were in last night, and the same plays had been made, would we have seen the same calls by the refs? hmmmmm
why would they be cheating for the pats? the calls were all good calls right? didnt you watch the colts and pats game where every "close" call when the pats way?
they called defensive holding on a tight end who was triple coverd basically. never see it. never.

whether it is shady or not .... well that is for each peson to decide ... claiming all the calls were good calls ... or that the game was officiated even close to evenly is a joke. I guess you would expect the pats to get all the calls in the game since the game was being played at new england ...... oh wait a second .... are you kidding me ???????? ravens were the home team ???????

nothing like taking a team that cheats .. FACT .... and then officiating almost every one of there games ( they did get the worst of it in colts game) as if they can do no wrong ... it sucks donkey balls.

and to watch the qb of an undefeated team spend 60 minutes whining to officials after every play is also a bit of a joke. Is that the lesson you want to be teaching your illegitimate son Mr Brady ??

IF i was the coach of thepittsburgh steelers , i would make sure that my defendeers and offensive linemen held on virtually every play ..... the first time they called one i would take a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct for arguing with the referree. then i would have all my players hold again. it is going to take some serious balls for the referrees to give the patriots every call after last week .... but then again this has been going on ever since brady fumbled the ball and the raiders beat them in their first super bowl run. oh by the way .... in that tuck rule game ..... pats had ZERO penalties on offense for zero yards !!!!!!!! They had ZERO penalties on defense for zero yards !!!!!!!! They had one penalty on special teams for lighting up charles woodson before he received a punt !!! In a fucking blizzard !!!!! In addition to the official review tht overturned the correct call on hte field when brady fumbled ... they also blew a review earlier in the game when tim brown caught a pass for a first down and they spotted it incorrectly. reviewed it but failed to overturn it again , despite obvious evidence. Sick of these cheating fucks.

it has been ... maybe kraft has been sucking the nfl commissioners dick for the last decade. They catch patriots stone cold cheating and basically do nothing ....... the fine .... they make that up on hte first extra home game they get int he playoffs. meanwhile ..... other ocaches lose their jobs because they lose an extra game. cheaters. cheaters . cheaters.

oh if you have the chance , the ability and the inclination .... watch a replay of the cowboys - pats game earlier this year. also sick.
Ways to justify a loss:

A. Blame it on the refs
B. Blame it on injuries

And if you are a packers fan you will blame it on both.
u know its possible to commit some penalties (even if they are bs) and still win... see pats vs indy, some of the worst calls ive ever seen. You guys can't seriously argue that any of the flags on baltimore were actually bad calls. Just cuz its 4th down doesnt mean ur allowed to grab a guy's shoulder as he is running his route
u know its possible to commit some penalties (even if they are bs) and still win... see pats vs indy, some of the worst calls ive ever seen. You guys can't seriously argue that any of the flags on baltimore were actually bad calls. Just cuz its 4th down doesnt mean ur allowed to grab a guy's shoulder as he is running his route
i hate to fucking agree w/ you in any topic, but i do. there are so many calls that coiuld be "looked at" by the nfl. this is just a flat out good team

it has been ... maybe kraft has been sucking the nfl commissioners dick for the last decade. They catch patriots stone cold cheating and basically do nothing ....... the fine .... they make that up on hte first extra home game they get int he playoffs. meanwhile ..... other ocaches lose their jobs because they lose an extra game. cheaters. cheaters . cheaters.

oh if you have the chance , the ability and the inclination .... watch a replay of the cowboys - pats game earlier this year. also sick.

I do agree that refs are biased, anyone who played the game knows that. BRADY is working the REFS the whole game and bitching. The REFS are not going to give Kyle BOLLER any calls but they will give Brady the benefit. One weird thing is they never call holding on the PATS even thoug Brady has 2 hours to throw, surely they are holding on some of those plays.

Vegas Kyle called it correctly,NFL is a business. in any business there is an "OLD BOYS CLUB" and I think for sure Robert KRAFT is in that "Old Boys CLUB". Referees always will tend to favor the poster boys teams, it always happens, trust me, The NFL did not want the PATS to lose that game, it could cost them literally Millions and millions of dollars of advertising, because no one will watch the 15th and 16th games for the PATS, now they can advertise the undefeated angle.

NFL is a business not a GAME, sooner you remember that, why do you think Pittsburgh beat Seattle a few years back in the Super Bowl, no one cares about Seattle, PItts winning was key for the league and translated into milions of dollars.
yes you can overcome bad calls. GREAT teams like the patriots can certainly overcome bad calls against aninferior team like the ravens ..... but when reversed it is far more difficult. When the ravens have to play way above their heads to compete evenly with the patriots ... they simply do not have the talent to overcome it.

as for the pats/colts game earlier in the year.... well ...the patriots did overcome some suspect officiating in that game. no doubt they were on the bad end ... and they managed to win anyway. no arguments from me on that one. but again ... there is not a huge discrepancy ( -20 ? ) between the colts and the patriots like exists in the case of the ravens and patriots.

btw does anyone remember or have the link to the jerry rice interview when he stated after playing a year with the raiders that he could not believe the difference in the officiating between his years as a 49er and those as a raider ?

oh .... the nfl also just released a memo..... the league has officially called another holding penalty on the seahawks from their super bowl game against the steelers. They will mark it off the next time the two teams play.

i can tell you this much ........ if you are not taking biased officiating into account when looking at a patriot game ... or a raider game ... then you are not doing the best that you could when handicapping. the difference is tangible and quantifiable.
On the game winning drive, the Ravens were called for two defensive holding penalties. Both on fourth down.

The Patriots, on the same drive, threw the ball or dropped back to throw the ball 13 times. They were called for ZERO holding penalties. A drive in which the Ravens could pin their ears back and go after Brady...on the fucking road...getting a jump on the Oline because of crowd noise...ZERO penalties on the Oline.

The Umpire ate his whistle. The Back Judge did not. You do the math.