Who in the F laid into USA?

I was looking to play them and waiting for the Petrino lovers to keep jacking this up. Bad move...
maybe people saw tulane beat tech last night and saw usa beat tulane in the dome last week. the other might be the smart guys that got wku at -7 on sunday now taking a middle shot at +10 or +8.5 or so. just two guesses.
the only thing that would concern me is an injury or problem internally with wku. if wku shows up healthy and ready to play, they will win easily.
“We’ve had a good week. It’s been very, very competitive. We’ve opened up a number of spots for competition throughout the week for practice. It’ll be interesting to see how that all plays out. We get the effort grades after tonight’s practice. But it’s been fun. Been very competitive in practice.”

Lineup changes coming?
“Yeah, definitely. What we did is open it up for the guys that give the best effort in practice will start the game.”

unless this is just rhetoric from petrino, which i doubt, battling for positions is a good sign against a letdown.
don't be so scared of line movement against you man. don't let it fuck with ya

if you like the bet, like it, wku could easily cover and you'd be doubly pissed if you bought off. and if it hit in between, oh boy

trust your gut...could just be bullshit