Whiteside over 10.5 boards

Prop Whiteside o9.5 reb -161 3*
Prop Whiteside o10.5 reb -113 2.5*
Prop Whiteside o11.5 reb +117 2*
Prop Whiteside o12.5 reb +177 1.5*
Prop Whiteside o13.5 reb +282
Prop Whiteside o14.5 reb +459 .5*

Hope I don't lose em all
Let's do this KJ! I just want it to hit, then I pass out. Won't make it through the game out West, that's for sure
You know what HR...I stand corrected. I give you credit for saying the same thing in BAR’s thread that you did in hubs’ thread.

That being said, you’ve been here a long time and nobody wants or needs to get their shit kicked in on a play that blew up.

And I see you even posted about his potential minute problem before the game. I have no problem with your opinion...I just don’t think the reminder after the game to either guy was particularly necessary at all. You were dead on with your pre-game take. But to go the lazy route after the game is where I have issue.
No worries I'm a big boy. I can handle any comments headed my way. He was averaging over 20 minutes for quite some time now. Last night he got 12, wtf?
There’s no telling. They will give him chance to punish Philly’s lack of size but if it doesn’t happen then Spo has no choice but to yank him. They never use him in the fourth quarter anyways because he bogs down the offense.
Meats offense bogs down regardless. The big baby just makes it worse.

Do expect some good things tonight though.
dude only plays 15 minutes, if one glanced at early box one might have thought they were tracking well

Puff does highlight something I hadnt considered as much with props since i seldom play. You need a different or more comprehensive knowledge to attack then team/situations. I would love to hear stories of people that focus on props in a sport. I would be more impressed with success here then in outcomes for some reason I think.

Its easier to look uninformed thats for sure when things go south, hurts a little more, like maybe you were played