Where the cash flows, matters
Haven't seen him post since Monday? Hope he is ok
Not like Wire to disappear , I have communicated with him for years. Hope all is well with him & his family
What was his last login?
This doesn‘t seem to be like him the mods know his e-mail and could ask right?
I think he signed up at a time when an email didn't need to be confirmed. So I don't think it is real.
What about his real name?
Anyone see Bodogkilla? Or Brutus let me know..thanks
I'd know it if I heard it, but I can't remember what it is. Would need to talk to some of the guys from his old site. TimH, Santacapper, some of those guys might know.
You cant look at his registration info for his real name?
That's not information that is needed for registration. So nope.
Then howd you find out about what Hunt did in the picnic in real life?