Where is our boy WiretoWire?


Where the cash flows, matters
He has not posted in over a week which is very unlike him. I have been sharing mlb thoughts with him for over 15yrs & for him to vanish without a word is very worrisome. I use to have his email but lost it when computer crashed, I think I will reach out to Tim H he may be able to find out if W2W is ok
This is very strange, wish I knew how to get in touch with him. Did he have an issue here at CTG? I was the one who recruited him to post here & would appreciate him continuing to post here
This is very strange, wish I knew how to get in touch with him. Did he have an issue here at CTG? I was the one who recruited him to post here & would appreciate him continuing to post here

Didn‘t seem like it to me Cash his last post is him thanking everyone who wished him good luck and posting 5/21 plays
Just dont get it, shared mlb thoughts with him for 15+ yrs & he never disappeared like this

Something just doesn‘t add up Cash I am concerned for him. He announced when he would be on some trip or otherwise not posting. I dont think he‘d willingly just vanish
Has anybody checked the across the street site, whatever that is, to see if he's still posting there?
I went looking for him and couldn't find him. Thought he got banned from there over 10 years ago though when he started his place.
Sorry there was a wire2wire that was posting at BT as recently as last night/early AM and i thought that was him.

Must not be the same one, this guys has a Mets update thread going
Fellas - I've been out of town for a few days, but Wire contacted me and unfortunately he is in the hospital right now. He asked me to let you guys know he is ok, but facing some surgery and probably will be out of pocket for a couple of weeks.

Please send best wishes (from his buddies at CTG) if you can Tim, maybe it'd cheer him up.
Fellas - I've been out of town for a few days, but Wire contacted me and unfortunately he is in the hospital right now. He asked me to let you guys know he is ok, but facing some surgery and probably will be out of pocket for a couple of weeks.
Thx for the update TH.
All the best. We go back to the early days of is site. You were influential in getting me here used to go by the handle,"raise a thou."
Dang it!!! Certainly hope he is ok. I have been online friends with him on every site hes been on. When my health took a bad turn it stopped me from handicapping as we used to do it back in the day when it required so much time to squeeze out .52 percent winning record for the week. W2W has been The Constant in all these years. I still remember Wire, Timh, Bloodhound and myself being the only ones at one spot for a good while. If anyone can get him a message.....Wire! You have Get Well wishes from the Heart of Texas coming ag ya!! Wishing you all the best buddy!!! CTG~CenTexGambler
I remember Blood telling me that w2w was the real deal, and that he was a voice to be listened to.

Get well soon, amigo...
