When will Barkley return to TNT?


The Doc
Was talking about this with a couple of my boys during the Superbowl. I think he'll be back for Allstar weekend because that's when a lot of eyes are on the NBA and TNT needs to have it's best people on air to keep everyone entertained during the festivities. However there are a lot of parties going on during Allstar weekend, so that may be a bit of a problem for a man who is allegedly trying to get himself back on track.

Either way, TNT is suffering without Chuck. Chris Webber is terrible on television and Kenny Smith is nothing without Barkley clowning on him. But I have been impressed with Gary Payton, who I can see one day working permanately at TNT.
ya webber is very shifty, doesnt seem very comfortable on the set and does not communicate that well.

to me it always seems like he's kinda struggling to get his point across.
I think Webber has been very solid and has a career in this business for sure.

Now, the EJ, Kenny and Chuck chemistry can never be matched.

The other thing not pointed out is the ASG is in Phoenix. That makes the Chuckster and "unofficial" host. Should be pretty interesting.

Glad he is back. I am sure he will have some sort of statement and then it will all be back to normal.
yah, webber is one of the best tv analysts currently going, for any sport.

this is simmons' take on the situation, which i completely agree with, from last weeks chat

Bill Simmons: But here's what has shocked me: Webber has evolved into potentially the best studio guy ever. he has full confidence and he's belting out really interesting/different opinions and an eloquent and well-thought out way ... with even a little passion thrown in (like last week during the All Star discussion). And he's funny. And he has credentials since he did play at an elite level from 2000-2003. I love hearing his take on things. I gotta say, there's some serious Ewing Theory going on right now with Chuck out on TNT... maybe the first ever studio show example. Chuck had gotten lazy and was not doing homework anymore. It's just a fact. His defense of the Kidd-Iverson trades was really embarrasing to anyone who actually follows basketball.​
Could not disagree more about Barkley and Webber.

CWebb is a fresh presence on the set. Charles is fat, lazy, and unprepared.

Payton is perfect for "the guy that rips on Kenny"......he is hilarious.

CWebb was always well spoken.....I'd like to keep seeing him, esp. b/c I dont have NBA TV where he is a regular.
Webber is great. I actually like him more than Barkley. He actually provides basketball analysis. Barkley isnt bad dont get me wrong, hes hilarious but I wouldnt mind them keepin CWebb around
the NBA tv show with him and Payton might be better than the TNT show

only thing that keeps it down is ahmad rashad who is just going through the motions
Howabout this?

ABC/ESPN relinquish their TV rights and TNT takes over fulltime. Then we can see all these guys. That would be a perfect world there.
Howabout this?

ABC/ESPN relinquish their TV rights and TNT takes over fulltime. Then we can see all these guys. That would be a perfect world there.

No. Because JVG/Jackson/Brey are the best booth in sports, besides Bilas and Raftery. Those guys are great. I dont want to be stuck with seeing Cheryl Miller that much either
No. Because JVG/Jackson/Brey are the best booth in sports, besides Bilas and Raftery. Those guys are great. I dont want to be stuck with seeing Cheryl Miller that much either


I do like Breen and always have. I wil lalso admint that Jax and JVG have a funny chemistry. That being said, I am old school when it comes to televising games and coverage. ABC/ESPN is like one big commercial. Bring back the old NBA on NBC and even NBA on CBS. Simpler times.
I'm surprised that so many people in here like Webber in the studio. He's not the worst but I dont think he's good enough to sit in Magic's chair.
As for NBATV it's starting to look like Ahmad may be past it a bit. Eric Snow is just plain terrible and Steve Smith is not much better.

Alonzo was on the other day and I thought he did pretty well considering he's kind of a rookie when it comes to this shit.
Magic was terrible...did he even talk?

He just sat there

Webber brings good shit to the table every time hes there
i agree with JPicks about Barkley.

i thought i read that Karl Malone was sitting in for Barkley tonight...surely that was in jest, though, right? that man can murder the language.
i agree with JPicks about Barkley.

i thought i read that Karl Malone was sitting in for Barkley tonight...surely that was in jest, though, right? that man can murder the language.

Looks like you heard right...

No Sir Charles tonight

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

As if the Jazz weren't already playing one of their most important games of the season Thursday against Dallas, now consider that Karl Malone will be filling in for Charles Barkley as a studio analyst on the TNT broadcast.
A couple of weeks ago on TNT with Webber, Payton and Kenny Smith was one of the funniest things ive ever seen, I haven't even missed Charles with those three being just as good if not better.


barkley is the man and loosens up the serious tone of the other guys

always cracks me up at least once in the post game reports when he looks hammered at least half the time:cheers:

DUI's en route to getting BJ's:cheers:
I like every year in the first round they will have a tripleheader one of the first days and he just agaonizes by the third game still having to be on the air.
NEW YORK -- Charles Barkley called his drunken-driving arrest "unacceptable" as he prepared to return to his television gig after a six-week leave of absence.



Barkley had a blood-alcohol level of .149 percent, nearly twice the legal limit of .08 percent in Arizona, after the 45-year-old former NBA star was arrested Dec. 31 in Scottsdale.
He will resume his studio analyst role for TNT on Thursday.
"This is just my bad, no excuses," Barkley said in an interview with TNT colleague Ernie Johnson posted on NBA.com Wednesday.
"I think that a DUI is unacceptable," he added. "That can't happen and I've got to challenge other people, not just celebrities or jocks. You have to really think before getting behind the wheel after you've been drinking."
Barkley conceded he may face jail time. He indicated that the case will be resolved by plea agreement and expected to undergo alcohol counseling.
"I think it's going to be good for me, to be honest. I need to make sure drinking is not a problem for me," he said. "I just want some professionals to talk to me about it."
If they tell him to stop drinking, "then I'll have to stop drinking," he said.
Asked if he could do that, he replied, "I feel I can do anything that I put my mind to."
Barkley apologized to his family, employer and the league, saying he had embarrassed them. He thanked a long list of friends -- including Hall of Famers Larry Bird and Moses Malone -- for checking in on him.
He vowed he would start using a driver when he goes out in public and would not get behind the wheel after any drinking.
"I let so many people down," he said. "It just [stinks] watching the shows and not being there. I screwed this up."
Chuckster got a 10 day jail sentence that starts March21st.

Its reduced to 5 days if he completes his alcohol counseling beforehand. So more like 4 days with good time.

Be hilarious if he goes to the tent jail.