What's your opinion on Achilles Injuries


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Am I losing my shit, why does it seem there are more and more achilles injuries than say 10 years ago in football?
Am I losing my shit, why does it seem there are more and more achilles injuries than say 10 years ago in football?
I've been saying this for awhile.

I remember maybe a handful in the 90s. Nique ruptured his in early 90s and that felt unheard of.

I think it's training based.

The number of injuries in general seem to be 10x the old days. Most point to training and AAU etc.
Ligaments & tendons injuries are common in every sport. I don’t think there’s ever going to be a way to minimize injuries. The process of Rehabbing can be and is improved.
It does seem like there has been way more. I actually had this exact injury a number of years ago. It’s not painful but the rehabilitation is LLOOOOONNNGGG. What A Rod is doing is crazy and impressive. My doctor had me no weight bearing for the first 6 weeks.

I think a lot of it has to do with how much better we’ve become at building and strengthening muscles, but not able to strengthen the ligaments and tendons that support the muscles.
It does seem like there has been way more. I actually had this exact injury a number of years ago. It’s not painful but the rehabilitation is LLOOOOONNNGGG. What A Rod is doing is crazy and impressive. My doctor had me no weight bearing for the first 6 weeks.

I think a lot of it has to do with how much better we’ve become at building and strengthening muscles, but not able to strengthen the ligaments and tendons that support the muscles.
Makes a lot of sense. Ligaments and tendons are still trying to do the same work that in the past they've done for weaker muscles. Pretty much sucks as you get older and really the best advice I can get for preventing achilles injuries is to stretch the calves more. Barf.
Makes a lot of sense. Ligaments and tendons are still trying to do the same work that in the past they've done for weaker muscles. Pretty much sucks as you get older and really the best advice I can get for preventing achilles injuries is to stretch the calves more. Barf.
Yep. Exactly.
When I was younger I never stretched and was rarely injured.
But now I make sure to stretch before every daily run. The couple of times I haven’t, I get injured. Usually fucking hamstring.
Yep. Exactly.
When I was younger I never stretched and was rarely injured.
But now I make sure to stretch before every daily run. The couple of times I haven’t, I get injured. Usually fucking hamstring.
Really? I’m oppo. But I am also a Theragun makes it worse kinda guy
Get two of these one for the office and one for the house in the closet when you strip down for the night hit it in the AM when getting dressed mid day and then at night every day for a minute a side you will thank me
Twink was at Tulane for parents weekend two weekends ago. Last year parents weekend took Tulane and they were up 35-0 at half and Memphis marched back and almost won no cover
This year 21-0 at half against Mean Green same fucking story I left and NT scored like 28 Tulane again held on and much like that USC game Cotton Bowl game we met at, Green Wave fucked me for a third time !

I remember playing a flag football game at Kyle field , on a Saturday when the team was playing an away game at Rice.
I had ran track on many different surfaces in HS, but the next morning every muscle in my knees down were sore. Ankles especially. This was astro turf. I had never ran on it.
I guess I wasn't fast enough to blow a major joint <sigh>

Turf has changed since then, not that means it's for the better.