What's wrong with the Lakers?

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Coach needs to go --> Needs to call Phil up again.... would this even be possible?

Duhon, Jamison, Hill, Meeks all need to be traded for anyone IDC we will take Scally

Earl Clark needs more minutes

Kobe Bryant needs less minutes

Pau Gasol needs to stop being a pussy

Offense doesn't click because the Lakers can't stretch the floor.


NEED athletic players, doesn't matter who. (players alike Shannon Brown, Trevor Ariza, Batum, etc.)

Not a single great three point shooter on the team beside Blake and Nash whom are decent. Meeks has been a disaster

Bottom line is this team will have ZERO defense with a coach that has never been known for defense. For the Lakers to be sucessful, they will need defense.
offense is fine dude, not the problem.

this team plays no defense, turns over the ball too much, and can't shoot free throws.
offense is fine dude, not the problem.

this team plays no defense, turns over the ball too much, and can't shoot free throws.

Offensive problem^

I watch every game and their offense definitely does not flow smoothly.
Offensive problem^

I watch every game and their offense definitely does not flow smoothly.

so do I...and fair enough point, but you should be much more concerned with the defense. They are averaging over a 100 pts.
I think the main problem is probably still health and chemistry. The system is probably not the best for a player like Bryant as well .. it calls for a lot of unselfishness which he lacks ( for good or for bad ).

Too many terrible defenders like kobe, Howard, Peace, etc. to be expecting a great effort on that end. sarcasm font
whats wrong with the lakers?
answer- lakers fans,.. your team is old, no bench, soft.. should i go on?
whats wrong with the lakers?
answer- lakers fans,.. your team is old, no bench, soft.. should i go on?

Old/Experience whatever, but everyone knows this team is capable of winning a championship, it's just a matter of what the hell is wrong
As you already said - two main issues - take better care of the ball and play some defense.
I understand that Nash won't be on the all defense team of the year. But why on earth, any simple P&R or an opponent that makes 3 - 4 passes, finds itself in a great position to score?
The team just no insync as far as defense goes. You see time after time that players don't know when to come and help on defense, what the other player suppose to do in that case and so on...

At least twice in each game you see a play where Lakers players bump each other and actually do a screen for the opponent.

D'Antoni needs to get a coach for Lakers defense and ASAP!
Old/Experience whatever, but everyone knows this team is capable of winning a championship, it's just a matter of what the hell is wrong

this team as presently constituted is not winning the west never mind any 'ship
Just come to the realization that it is becoming more likely than not that the Lakers are not going to be in the playoffs, and focus on next season
Just come to the realization that it is becoming more likely than not that the Lakers are not going to be in the playoffs, and focus on next season

No way Lakers focusing on next season, till there is any chance at all to make it to post season.
Dwight can leave the team, Nash and Kobe don't get younger, Artest and Jamison of course as well...
I think they will fight and fight, but right now, their chances are getting smaller and smaller, though I, as a fan, still hope and believe.
I think that when healthy the current Laker bench is fine. Jordan Hill is a fine player who is out. Steve Blake a very competent back up point guard. Since he was allowed to play Jamison has played very well. Tonight 8 of 17, 3-3 free throws, and 10 rebounds.
Clark I assume will be going to the bench. Today 5 of 12, 3 assits, 10 rebounds, 1 turn over, 3 blocked shots.
half the team is out and a lot of bad decisions were made. Fighting hard that last 7 minutes at Spurs when they were down by 16 mostly meant the remaining players were very tired. If you want to say they have no chance with this coach that MIGHT be true. Bottom line a lot of bad luck combined with bad decisions
Have not looked at their remaining games but they have to be much better. Still see no way to overcome the lack of reasonable defense.
This is a less cohesive group than the 2004 'all-star' team that lost to the Stons.

Need to start drafting better to get some yungins...

Nash is what he is, plays one side of ball.

Kobe can be great on defense but does not care to.

MWP used to be the best on-ball defender I have ever seen sans Rodman and Jordan. Not so much anymore.

The system does not work for Pau.

Dwight, as charasmatic as he used to be, may just be a cancer.