What Is Up With Clowney?


In transit, arriving late.
Early yes, but man this kid doesn't seem to like to play with even a scratch. The talent is there, but I am sure there have to be rumblings around H-Town.....they invested a ton into this kid and the skill set is there, but something ain't right.

EVERYONE gets a lil dinged in the NFL....you play through it. That is the nature of the game.

I think he has played in 2 games this season.

It is very early like I said, but he seems like he may be headed the wrong way.
texans already regret passing on Mack
that they do. he is everything people said he would be in a negative way. For as much as they got the Mario Williams pick right, they got Clowney wrong (so far). It's early, but he has started off on the wrong foot and it getting the same shitty advice from "advisors" he got at SC. Dude just needs to go out and play but he needs to be motivated. He could learn a lot from the guy on the other side of the line. 99 needs to crack down on that shit and show him what a real man is.

I totally agree- this guy seems like a big pussy- the writing on the wall was last year when he seemed to sit out every other game- The weird thing as someone pointed out earlier last week- On Wednesday he was on the injury report with an "illness" How did they know he would still have that "illness" on Sunday? That seems very fishy to me. I think it's too early to tell if he is another over rated SEC player like GoIrish mentioned- Jeremy Hill sure isn't "over rated" I wish LSU could have kept him around this year
that they do. he is everything people said he would be in a negative way. For as much as they got the Mario Williams pick right, they got Clowney wrong (so far). It's early, but he has started off on the wrong foot and it getting the same shitty advice from "advisors" he got at SC. Dude just needs to go out and play but he needs to be motivated. He could learn a lot from the guy on the other side of the line. 99 needs to crack down on that shit and show him what a real man is.
Mario is having a nice run...was he number 1 pick worthy? 3 Pro Bowls...he has been paid nicely, especially this time around

I feel like I do not hear his name as much as I should, especially for a DE...

It was always a thing that I felt worked out for both teams picking 1 and 2....Mario was held to almost unfair scrutiny tho it seemed

Saints won a SB and Reggie was a big part of that whole run and it brought commercial appeal....It worked out for the Saints

I totally agree- this guy seems like a big pussy- the writing on the wall was last year when he seemed to sit out every other game- The weird thing as someone pointed out earlier last week- On Wednesday he was on the injury report with an "illness" How did they know he would still have that "illness" on Sunday? That seems very fishy to me. I think it's too early to tell if he is another over rated SEC player like GoIrish mentioned- Jeremy Hill sure isn't "over rated" I wish LSU could have kept him around this year

it would have been sick this year if Hill stayed

can you imagine? Hill, Fournette, Magee, Hilliard....JFC so ill
Clowney is a pussy. He got so much pub from that hit on the Michigan guy where he blasted his helmet off. ESPN, Fox sports, CBS Sports and every other network pretty much guaranteed him the #1 overall pick from that hit alone.
Mario is having a nice run...was he number 1 pick worthy? 3 Pro Bowls...he has been paid nicely, especially this time around

I feel like I do not hear his name as much as I should, especially for a DE...

It was always a thing that I felt worked out for both teams picking 1 and 2....Mario was held to almost unfair scrutiny tho it seemed

Saints won a SB and Reggie was a big part of that whole run and it brought commercial appeal....It worked out for the Saints

I guess I should have clarified, HOU got the Williams pick right regarding him vs. Bush, but I would agree that it worked out for both teams.
Jadeveon Clowney may (or may not) have liked an Instagram photo during the Houston Texans' 31-21 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday.
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Clowney, inactive with an illness, was lambasted in some pockets of the Internet for this alleged behavior, which (as the #hottake goes) showed horrendous, unconscionable judgment by the No. 1 overall pick.
It's weak criticism of a guy going through a fairly rough rookie year, and Texans coach Bill O'Brien had the good sense to treat the controversy with the levity it deserved on Monday.
"Yeah, he and I, like, we tweeted back and forth (Sunday) night," O'Brien said, according to the Houston Chronicle. "I went on Spacebook. He went on Twitter. ... I mean, come -- I don't know, I don't. You know? This guy wants to play football. He's trying to get better to get back on the field. I'm not going down this Twitter road.
"I don't even know what that is really, to be honest with you," he went on. "Instagram: My kid was trying to talk to me about it last night. Like, 'This is what Instagram is Daddy.' I don't know. We're moving on from that. We're moving on."
Sometimes I'm tempted to call out coaches who claim ignorance on anything remotely connected to the technology sector, but then I remember all these guys work roughly 115 hours per week. Falling behind the times of regular human folk pretty much comes with the territory.
Here's the pic he apparently 'liked'...

Clowney is a pussy. He got so much pub from that hit on the Michigan guy where he blasted his helmet off. ESPN, Fox sports, CBS Sports and every other network pretty much guaranteed him the #1 overall pick from that hit alone.

That hit is an ejection for sure this season ... unreal.
Clowney is a pussy. He got so much pub from that hit on the Michigan guy where he blasted his helmet off. ESPN, Fox sports, CBS Sports and every other network pretty much guaranteed him the #1 overall pick from that hit alone.

Say what?

You obviously didnt follow his recruiting. He was destined to be the top pick since his junior year in hs. :shake:
I saw this play his freshman year, in his first road game in conference.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Sg3_iccMYHw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Clowney is a pussy. He got so much pub from that hit on the Michigan guy where he blasted his helmet off. ESPN, Fox sports, CBS Sports and every other network pretty much guaranteed him the #1 overall pick from that hit alone.

:rofl: more SEC haters.

When you watched Clowney live, it was amazing to watch. Dude is a total freak but he is really looking bad here.
:rofl: more SEC haters.

When you watched Clowney live, it was amazing to watch. Dude is a total freak but he is really looking bad here.
Nah no hatred at all. I have no problem saying the SEC is the best division at all because they are.

But with Clowney you saw how his last season went. From coming in out of shape, huffing and puffing all over the field. To being a pussy with not playing with injuries others would have. If this guy stubs his toe, he's out 4-6 weeks. He's a bonafied pussy who doesn't care about the team, only himself. The writing was on the wall he's not committed. He's got his money already.
It's an interesting scenario especially with Watt on the other side. In Watt you have a guy who was not born with the elite athleticism required to play defensive end but all he ever wanted to be was an NFL DE and so he busted his ass, transferred to Wisconsin, busted his ass some more, got drafted, busted his ass and now is the best DE in the league. With Clowney you have a guy who has all of the measureables and was born to play this position. He has always been bigger, stronger and faster than everyone else. Whatever he eats turns to muscle and miles per hour. He's never had to have a work ethic and no one has instilled the importance of a work ethic in him because it honestly didn't matter. This is the first level of football where he's ever played where he's not the most badass dude on the field 99% of the time. He's not responding well so far.
Watt still busts his ass too, after he signed his contract too

It all started as a joke. That’s what Taylor Jannsen thought, at least. Jannsen lives with an old friend in his hometown of Pewaukee, Wisconsin, in a two-bedroom, third-floor walk-up of an apartment building about five miles from town. He’s 25, a basketball personal trainer and coach just getting his business off the ground. It’s postcollege living at its purest: 1,000 square feet, beige appliances about his age, wall-to-wall carpet, and a pair of recliners in front of the TV. So when J.J. Watt mentioned he might want to crash on Jannsen’s floor, he didn’t take it seriously.

A few days later this spring, the Texans’ superstar defensive end was knocking at the door of apartment 3A, carrying a mattress and not much else.

Jannsen doesn’t know why he was surprised. He’s known Watt for the better part of a decade. A spot on the floor at the Manor1 gave Watt exactly what he wanted: a place to sleep while he wasn’t working out. Twice a day, Watt drove the 10 minutes to the gym he’s visited since he was 16, a place called NX Level, in a business park next to a machinery company. Watt’s parents live only a few minutes from the Manor. They thought his move home would mean seeing their son for dinner almost every night; they barely saw him once a week....

He’s here for the same reason that mattress was on the floor — because doubt was an unwelcome guest he would rather never see again.

“When it comes down to that moment,” Watt says, “when it’s me against you, you know in your head whether you worked hard enough. You can try to lie to yourself. You can try to tell yourself that you put in the time. But you know — and so do I.”
when you have a guy like that, with a work ethic that's probably only matched by a few guys in the world (Kobe and Ronaldo come to mind), I don't see how he doesn't go off on Clowney at some point before next season if he doesn't get his act together

just has to be incredibly frustrating
Watt still busts his ass too, after he signed his contract too

for everyone defending Johnny Fucking Backup, Famous Jameis, and every other dipshit out there, read that blurb that teeed posted. That's how a professional acts.
Talented player with major character concerns. But he had those question marks entering the draft. Houston knew what they were getting into. Could be a bust unless he grows up.
saw that instagram thing earlier. hilarious.

anyone see Rashede Hageman asking for pot on instagram? also getting shut down by ladies. kids these days.
It's an interesting scenario especially with Watt on the other side. In Watt you have a guy who was not born with the elite athleticism required to play defensive end but all he ever wanted to be was an NFL DE and so he busted his ass, transferred to Wisconsin, busted his ass some more, got drafted, busted his ass and now is the best DE in the league. With Clowney you have a guy who has all of the measureables and was born to play this position. He has always been bigger, stronger and faster than everyone else. Whatever he eats turns to muscle and miles per hour. He's never had to have a work ethic and no one has instilled the importance of a work ethic in him because it honestly didn't matter. This is the first level of football where he's ever played where he's not the most badass dude on the field 99% of the time. He's not responding well so far.

Think this pretty much nailed it. In HS and college, the elite athletes are coddled and excuses are made for them because of their potential. The NFL is not a potential league. It doesn't matter if you went to Alabama or some JUCO nobody's ever heard of. When you get to the league, there are guys sleeping in their car and working out 2 or three times a day waiting for a team to give them a chance. And the teams will cut your ass as soon as it is financially viable for them, which is the shortest time frame from contract signing of any major professional sport
when you have a guy like that, with a work ethic that's probably only matched by a few guys in the world (Kobe and Ronaldo come to mind), I don't see how he doesn't go off on Clowney at some point before next season if he doesn't get his act together

just has to be incredibly frustrating

JJ is on another level and Clowney no matter how hard he tries will never put in the work JJ does! That guy is already considered the best franchise player ever, no doubt he is, fan favorite and does everything possible. He's endorsed by 6 companies in Houston alone and still puts 110% on every play. Guys like this are rare to come by now days.
not good

According to ESPN’s Adam Schefter, Clowney hadmicrofracture surgery on his injured knee on Monday, and he’s expected to need nine months to recover.
The 21-year-old Clowney had knee surgery in September. Per John McClain of the Houston Chronicle, the September surgery was performed on Clowney’s cartilage and his lateral meniscus. According to McClain, Texans G.M. Rick Smith indicated the team knew microfracture surgery — which addresses cartilage damage — was potentially on table at some point.
In the short term, Clowney’s availability for the start of the 2015 regular season becomes a primary concern. A nine-month timetable would keep him out until August.
Longer term, the focus turns to how Clowney plays post-surgery. Lions tailbackReggie Bush and Saints wideout Marques Colston are among those who have had the microfracture procedure and managed to have long, productive careers.
Nevertheless, this is unwelcome news for one of the game’s exciting young defensive prospects, not to mention his club.
David J. Chao, MD @ProFootballDoc

Not saying it will be case with @clownejd, but microfracture surgery has marked end of some professional athlete careers. @HoustonTexans

Hope I am wrong, but typically @NFL players don't have 10 year careers after microfracture. Regrowth cartilage not as strong. @clownejd

After @clownejd microfracture fracture surgery, no weight bearing on knee. Like need to stay off lawn when growing grass from seeds.

Microfracture surgery done to regrow articular cartilage by punching holes in bone like aerating soil to get new grass to grow. @clownejd
