What have we learned? Halloween Edition...


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This league sure is scary...

I'll take about Lions later...

Atlanta won a tough game in tough conditions but still just do not seem right..

Buffalo looked great. Shady is really in a good groove...

Gotta play the under in that wind trend in Tampa...easiest bet all day...

Other than over in Seattle...thank you gambling gods...

Minnesota wins the ones they should...

Browns need to contract...

Back to the drawing board Dolphins...

Lotta FG's today...

Bengals are hilarious, in general...

Bears are pesky, they play till the end.

London games are dumb as hell.

That is all I got...wiped...long night...
Dallas has turned it up while Washington is slowly becoming a Mash unit.
Raiders offense looks vanilla. I think Carr is playing hurt with a bad back.
The league no longer seems compelling to me. This whole kneel down and sensitivity over what the Houston owner said has made the NFL more about drama than a game.
I have learned that Matt Ryan's MVP year last season was an anomaly. Although, to be frank, I suspected that even during last season.
I learned NFL coaches still don’t know how and when to use TO’s.

First, Bill OBrien. How do you not call a TO to give your pass rushers a blow? Defense was on the field for a ton of snaps and just had to sprint down the field after the long pass completion. JC barely made it onsides and got no push on the TD play as he was clearly gassed. Could have used a TO to regroup and set his defense. Instead an easy TD for Seattle.

Don’t even get me started on Jay Gruden. First he failed to use his time out after Dallas’ third-down play allowing Dallas to take the clock all the way down to a minute before punting. Then, he runs two of the worst offensive plays I have ever seen from a team within a score and under a minute to go.
Pats D played well despite the loss of Dont'e....5 of 6 on the road for them coming up so we will see how good they are....pats really having trouble in the red zone....need to cure that....will look at under in upcoming games
Who is Dwayne Washington and why is he getting the goal line packages for the Lions? Coming into the game he had nine carries for 31 yards and no TDs. Where was Zenner? He's nothing great but at least he's punched it in. Better yet, what's wrong with Abdullah in that spot? Washington is 6' 2" and lacks leverage. Abdullah is a 5' 9" tank.

The Lions get inside the Steelers 30 on 7 different possessions and scored 12 points (other FG was snapped from 33). And the Steelers red zone D had been a sieve up until this week. BRUTAL.

I don't understand why teams don't copy the entire Patriots goalline offense. Did you see Gronk come wide open on a play fake from Tawmmie at the 2? Why can't teams duplicate that?

Granted, the Pats had problems cashing in this week too, 7 trips inside the SD/LA 30 and only 21 points. But the weather had a bit to do with that. Outside of Melvin's freak the Pats held Rivers & Co. pretty well in check.

Dallas has gotten back to their identity from last year. 33 minutes TOP last week, 33 minutes TOP this week, rinse and repeat. O line is starting to maul again, and the D line is finding ways to get pressure. Should be a fascinating matchup with Andy and the Chiefs. The Chiefs horizontal attack is something Dallas can handle, I think they're better covering that way than getting sliced up vertically by a Rodgers or Brady.
No matter how many bad coaching decisions I have seen there is always a new worst.

Jim Caldwell, go to the top of the list for not kicking the chip shot to take the lead late 3rd quarter but then kicking from the same spot in the 4th to cut the lead from 8 to 5.
Yeah kdog, that was bad. Favorites finally have a winning week, although by slim margin 7-5 with tonight's game pending.

Well, I don't think we just learned it this week, but Texans a totally different team with Watson at QB. Will be riding that over train, especially this week!
Pats schedule looks worse on paper than it really is. Coming off the bye they go to Denver for the Sunday night game then to Mexico for an 'away' game against the Raiders. They'll be catching Denver at their worst and possibly in quit mode after Denver's trip to Philly with still no QB and a vulnerable defense. Then it's off to Mexico to play the so-so Raiders. BB will probably head straight to Mexico from Denver saving time and energy in the travel department for his boys. Does Denver or Oaktown worry you if you're coaching the Pats? My guess is they come home in 20 days 8-2 with Miami upcoming. At that point it's 5 division games in 6 weeks 3 of which are at home. BB stresses the importance of division games so barring any more crippling injuries my guess is the pats will be fine. The offense will pick up and the defense will keep improving after being dumbed down a couple weeks ago. Special teams are rarely a problem although the kicker is a tad worrisome these days. Anything can happen in this crazy league but they're right where we thought they'd be at the bye.
Tom Brady prevents injuries with his mind. Dude is on another plane of existence...

“The moment another player’s helmet makes contact with my body, my muscles are pliable enough to absorb what’s happening instantly,” he writes.

“My brain is thinking only lengthen and soften and disperse before my body absorbs and disperses the impact evenly and I hit the ground.”
Hes to be selling tb12 sleep wear and electrolytes in 5 years doing Tony Robbins style events

His business partner on this is shady as hell too
Oakland is barely above sea level so I don't see this being an advantage for them in Mexico City.

It will be tough for both teams , I was just pointing out that this is not as easy as a road stretch as he makes it out to be
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I predict that the Nfl has seen its best days. The league is in DECLINE and could be extinct soon.


1- GREED- As Marc Cuban said Pigs get hoggy .
They just over saturated the market by giving too much Nfl to fans. Nfl attempted to sell everything and anything and tickets are too expensive. The league had too much growth in a short period and is now in decline.


Most starters today were backups in previous years.
JAMIS WINSTON, Desean Kiser, ponder, Dalton, mcown, Simeon, Tyrol Taylor are not starters. They are backups.

Even Marriotta and carr are not in the league of the former guys like Favre rivers manning Brady romo Mcnabb.


Kaepernick kneeling saga exposed the ignorance of the fans. The fans Ignorance was exposed for this reason. Sure the flag may mean the world to some people and that’s great. However just because it means the world to you it doesn’t mean it means the world to each and every citizen.
The flag is a symbol a concept. There is no truth in A flag. Looking inside yourselves to expose the lies and weaknesses and hypocrisy is TRUTH.


The league has screwed up too many major scandals and ppl eventually get sick. Nothing was handled correctly.

IMO a league with no morals and no will to do the right thing is experiencing a karmic taste of its actions. All the Nfl cared about was money. Now they are in trouble.

5- owners and Goodell bullshit about CTE.

NFL REFUSED to acknowledge any CTE evidence and instead hired doctors that would state that CTE ISNT REAL AND NO CONNECTION TO FOOTBALL FOR YEARS.


7- MILLENIALS DONT CARE FOR NFL. milleniaks are just not interested in football. I think football was a generational thing with ppl born around 1990 or later having little to no interest in nfl
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I predict that 50% of current today’s starting QBs would be backups in previous years.

Jamis, Eli, Keizer, mcown, mariota, hoyer, dalton, Glennon, Carson Palmer, Cutler, Taylor, Simeon—

This is why the league is in decline.

Our future stars are DAK PRESCOTT DEREK CARR, Andrew luck, Marriott, Jamis,????

The only true future star I see at Qb is Carson Wentz and Desean Watson who will be the best player in the league next year and possibly the greatest of all time when his career is finished. This guy is the best-

Memo to Bill O’Brien.
On 3rd and 4 trying to ice the game maybe let Watson make a play on a roll out ? Why run it and punt it back to Wilson and lose?
Watson likely wins that game. O’Brien should be fired for that decision AND FOR BELIEVING THAT TOM SAVAGE WAS BETTER THAN DESEAN?
What was Bill O’Brien doing in practice? What was he watching? What was he evaluating?
Pretty much O’Brien suffered from ego based conservative thinking.

The rest of these guys are pretty much nothing.
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How on earth are the Miami Dolphins 4-3? Every time I see that I do a double-take. They just look so bad offensively
If anything supports Sammy's claim that the decline is in effect, it's this jfc...just how?

The retirement of Peyton Manning and other major stars have also had a huge impact .

Peyton Manning was the star of the league. When he retired the league lost a major star.

Add in the retirements of Tony Romo, Vick, Favre, Calvin Johnson, Chris Johnson- Kurt Warner.

The league has not replaced these guys with equal level talent.

Jamis Marriotta Carr and Luck are not true stars. They are Injury prone and also inconsistent.

To their defense more q.b are getting injured and players because the speed of the game is too fast now. Defenders are blitzing like human torpedoes and able to really hit hard.