What do you guys think of Brady Quinn?


Pretty much a regular
I've seen Anderson play a couple times this year and he's awful. OF course, he can blame some of that on Edwards dropping a ton of passes. I think Clev is in a good spot here, but the question mark is the QB. Personally, I think Quinn is gonna be a really solid QB. He seemed to be comfortable in the offense in the preseason and hes had 24 regular season games to sit and watch.

What do you guys think of Quinn?
Quinn is a second year QB if I'm not misatken. In the long run I think he's gonna work out well for the Browns. There is no doubt that he will go through some growing pains and there will be games where he will either make you or break you. You'll have to wait and see how he reacts to different defenses.
DA was a second year starter and we were going through some growing pains with him, and he had all the pressure of brady being behind him and all the dumbass browns fans wanting him to play so bad. qb is definitely not the browns' question mark either way, although i'm not the biggest brady fan if you couldn't tell from my avatar. we have serious depth issues, as noted by our season's performance when we had injuries, as last year was injury free. we have serious underperformance, leadership, cohesion, focus, discipline, and major defensive issues that are all question marks. qb is actually a position we were good at. we had a guy going through his soph slump that took some bumps in certain situations last year in DA who nobody on our coaching staff can develop the way he needs, and who was supposed to be a decent qb in brady to add depth...i think he sucks personally, but that's a different story. here's the browns probs offensively...#3 wr from last year who led the league in 3rd down receptions -- out for the year. #2 wr -- pussy who has only played in 2 games. #1 wr -- leads the league in drops. all the rest of the receivers on the roster shouldn't be in the league. an offensive line with little depth that has dealt with injuries all year. a team that leads the league in drops. an offensive coordinator who gets away from the run in the second half too much (when he has 20+ carries, browns are 3-0; 0-5 when he doesn't). an offensive coordinator who makes some of the poorest playcalling decisions i've seen in this league in the redzone. we have an organization that has no commitment at all to long-term development or building because we had one year with a cake schedule that we won 10 games in as one of the healthiest teams in the league. they are in the midst of tearing it all down and re-building AGAIN, starting our 11th qb in 8 years. our coach will be gone soon, and rightfully so, because he has no control over the team and has no idea to teach discipline, schedule properly throughout the week of preparation, makes terrible halftime adjustments, and has no idea how to manage the clock. we can't stop the run. we have no second rb that's even close to talented in this two rb league. we have an inexperienced, soft secondary. we have a roster full of talented players who have never been perennial winners.

those are our problems. to say that brady quinn is the missing link is very inaccurate. just as inaccurate as feeling from these idiotic fans that frye and holcomb were the missing links.

he'll have a good couple of games off the bench with a sparked up offense and fans; enough for fans to get the wrong idea just like they did last year; then defenses will start to figure him out just like they did DA, and we'll be back at square one, except this qb can't make nfl throws and never could, which is why 20+ teams passed on him. he's smart, and possibly a better leader than DA, but he can't make the necessary throws like DA can, which means eventually he's going to be sitting next to Kelly Holcomb as a sideline reporter. go watch his college games against georgia tech and lsu, and tell me he's our missing link. give me a motherfucking break.

hope that answers your question.
realize my vent was pretty much 100% irrelevant to your question hahaha. for purposes of this game...he took very equal reps in camp, has been taking increased reps for a few weeks now, and this is his moment to shine.

i expect a conservative gameplan which would be built for the denver defense anyways, so that should help him out. actually still a big game with a lot of energy in cleveland because of his start. i expect him to play well here. when he's been in games, he hasn't pressed and has taken what defenses have given him. i don't expect him to be too rattled because quite frankly there's not much pressure on him. we lose or win today, there's not playoff hopes riding on this one like there has been last few weeks. so i expect his underperforming teammates to make less mistakes too considering it's not a clutch situation
it's tough sammy; but gun to my head, i think the browns win the game. like i had said, when they are committed to the run game they win -- and it's tough not to see a scenario where they aren't committed to the run game. i would hope lewis gets to about 30 touches. it's a weakness is denver's rush defense, but a weakness for years is denver's inability to cover the tight end, one that we can definitely exploit with both winslow and heiden. our weakness on the other side of the ball is stopping the run, and our two best dts are banged up, but den can't do a great job of running the ball, so that's hindered a little. our defense is also opportunistic, and that fits well for a cutler pick or two, of which he's prone. and we have a small special teams advantage as well imo.

i do think denver will be able to score, because they will have all day long to throw the ball, and they have enough wr depth to exploit our nickel and dime packages. if they can consistently find a way to run the ball they could win, because we are in one of the worst positions to stop it, and we haven't all year. another concern i'd have is penalties that we always get. could do wonders for field position.

it has much much more to do with my feeling that denver is one of the most overrated teams in the league and has been since the beginning of the year than it does with the browns right now. i've been saying how i don't understand the denver love from the books every week, and i think this is the first week i haven't bet against them...

i have the over, because unlike many, i think both teams will be put in good positions to score and move the ball on one another. lots of good matchups offensively on both sides. but i almost bet the browns. lot of good people on the other side though.

28-24 browns
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Brady Quinn will be a first ballot Hall of Famer, and at the end of this year discussed in the Top 5 QB discussion

He is that good, and you will see tonight. I watched all his games (sans a couple here and there and a lot of his Freshman/Early sophmore year) at Notre Dame, and I've yet to see a QB compare when it comes to decision making, accurate, well placed throws, and so on

I could talk about Quinn all day, but I digress, as I obviously have a man crush on him

I emptied my Bookmaker account on Browns -3 last night, now I just have to play the waiting game
The only way Brady loses this game is if, like Broadwayjoe said, the playcalling is overly conservative.

Quinn can make decisions, let him go out there with no leash, and let it all out
^are you kidding me? so, all the nfl scouts were wrong about his accuracy and his arm strength, huh? 7 out of 10 deep balls he threw were underthrown (and no, not on purpose), and he looked awful in every big game. i just don't know how you explain that and then go and project him as being so good. i hope you're right, but i just don't see it

i didn't want him in the draft and don't think he's the answer now.
^are you kidding me? so, all the nfl scouts were wrong about his accuracy and his arm strength, huh? 7 out of 10 deep balls he threw were underthrown (and no, not on purpose), and he looked awful in every big game. i just don't know how you explain that and then go and project him as being so good. i hope you're right, but i just don't see it

i didn't want him in the draft and don't think he's the answer now.

Well thats what's great about a transition from a college QB to an NFL QB, some people are right, and some are wrong. I for one believe Quinn possesses every tool and quality that you look for in that transformation. Especially when you compare him to the #1 pick that year, JaMarcus Russell.

Quinn absolutely beasted the combine, so I'm not sure what you're talking about there. Had never heard anything about the under thrown deep ball, but if that happened during drills then so be it. He also put up 27 reps on the bench press. Yes, 27. That is unheard of for many QB's. Tom Brady didn't exactly impress many (ok, tireless argument, but I don't mean it like that) with his arm strength and accuracy at the combine, and was one of the reasons he didn't go between rounds 2-3 and 4. Look at his arm now, by far the one you'd want to have if you built a QB from clay today.

I've seen Brady make every throw he's needed to time and time again, I think people are living with their distant memory of that forgettable Senior Season and bowl game against LSU.

But then again, he has his fans, and he has his haters.

Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but it won't be tonight...
What do I know about Brady?

Well, my girl went to HS with him, and he used to wear a good bit of makeup, because when he hugged her, it would rub off on her shirts. He would make her say it was hers.

The blond chick that was with him on draft day, and is still his girl, is a big time slut. Used to mess around on him all the time.

His older sister is a dime, and his younger sister is a dike, and went to UVA on a soccer scholarship, but she was cool.

I could go on...
What do I know about Brady?

Well, my girl went to HS with him, and he used to wear a good bit of makeup, because when he hugged her, it would rub off on her shirts. He would make her say it was hers.

The blond chick that was with him on draft day, and is still his girl, is a big time slut. Used to mess around on him all the time.

His older sister is a dime, and his younger sister is a dike, and went to UVA on a soccer scholarship, but she was cool.

I could go on...
I guess that makes him a threat with the deep throw? :36_11_6:
capt i'm not talking about the combine, i'm talking about what i saw with my own eyes. i realize some players, especially qbs are completely different college/nfl, but i usually feel a lot better about that when the guy is a winner. virtually every big game the guy has played he has not only lost, but been very unimpressive in. usc, lsu, michigan, michigan state, osu, lsu -- pretty much the only time he was facing nfl caliber defensive backs, he sucked.

"There's an accuracy issue," (NFL Analyst) Mayock says. "A couple of times a game, I run the tape back about eight times and say, 'Why did he miss that throw?' In the NFL, the windows get smaller, not larger."

also, even look at his highlights...when he was throwing deep he underthrew a lot of his deep passes to the sideline, showing me a lack of arm strength. he hangs that fade up there too long, and he's been knocked for not being accurate when being flushed out of the pocket.

i also go to most of the browns practices in camp, and he had a very unimpressive camp, missing quite a few easy throws. DA's arm is 10x stronger than his, and he makes all the throws with ease. i just don't see it right now. but again, i hope i'm wrong.

<<<<< i now have to be a fan of this pink shirt-wearing, dick-grabbin qb.
LOL...this same guy will be drooling over B Quinn The Chosen One's dick in 10 years when he has 3 Super Bowl rings...
What do I know about Brady?

Well, my girl went to HS with him, and he used to wear a good bit of makeup, because when he hugged her, it would rub off on her shirts. He would make her say it was hers.

The blond chick that was with him on draft day, and is still his girl, is a big time slut. Used to mess around on him all the time.

His older sister is a dime, and his younger sister is a dike, and went to UVA on a soccer scholarship, but she was cool.

I could go on...

Yeah thats bullshit. You obviously don't know much about the situation, Brady dumped his draft day chick a while ago.

Brady Quinn will be a solid NFL QB. He should've gone #1 to the Raiders but people fell in love with J-Marcs arm and that was that. Pretty much the same argument broadway is making. Yeah sure, he can't throw the ball 90 yards of his knee like Russell and Anderson, but what he lacks in arm strength he makes up for in common sense.

Those two QBs previously mentioned suck mainly because they don't make good decisions. You won't see Quinn make the bone headed play, and he has more than enough arm to make all the throws nessesary.

Just watch.

Check out this highlight of him teabagging the PSU D. He made some throws that game that were absolutely ridiculous. Like the 1st clip shown.

Yeah thats bullshit. You obviously don't know much about the situation, Brady dumped his draft day chick a while ago.

Brady Quinn will be a solid NFL QB. He should've gone #1 to the Raiders but people fell in love with J-Marcs arm and that was that. Pretty much the same argument broadway is making. Yeah sure, he can't throw the ball 90 yards of his knee like Russell and Anderson, but what he lacks in arm strength he makes up for in common sense.

Those two QBs previously mentioned suck mainly because they don't make good decisions. You won't see Quinn make the bone headed play, and he has more than enough arm to make all the throws nessesary.

Just watch.

:shake: Friend Requested.
^ i know i should have been out of this discussion a long time ago, but what makes you think he doesn't make the bonehead play? a stat line in the other thread had his stat line in the 6 appearances in college vs defenses with multiple nfl caliber players his jr/sr years, and he threw 8 picks in 6 games!!! it's fine to not have a jamarcus arm if you're going to have pinpoint accuracy, but if your accuracy is flawed too, what the hell?!? he was a heisman candidate pre-season and they had huge expectations as a team those years, and he and his team came up short. jamarcus went #1 because he was not only a prototype nfl qb in terms of arm strength and accuracy, but he was also a proven winner. brady's been not living up to expectations his whole life, what makes anyone think he will now? and i'm not talking about the next few games. who cares if he plays well in those. let's see where he is 10 games into NEXT year, with real nfl pressure to win, without these shady pass defenses he's up against the next couple of weeks, and when he has to deal with some of the same probs as DA has had to deal with. i won't budge on my opinion of him tonight even if he comes out and is 28 of 30 for 315 yards and 3 tds. won't impress me. it's by far the worst defense the browns have faced all year, and with no pressure to win on not only him, but his teammates too. goodnight, and go browns
You do know Brady was forced out there to make plays right?

You know Matt Ryan was forced to make plays right? Look how many INT's Matt Ryan threw against good competition.

You're not understanding what it takes to be a QB, and both those guys have it...

Any good QB will have many int's, if they have nothing around them and our forced into situations...

Look at Brett Favre over the years...Tom Brady will go down in history as the one exception to this rule as he is forced to make plays with a subpar offense, most guys (Montana, Bradshaw, etc) had good offenses around them to make up for it (which is why Brady is so impressive)

*Not sure why I just rambled about Tom B, but it made a point*

Is it making it any more clear to you?
Atleast some are understanding what having Braylon will do for a qb like Quinn

Donte ain't too bad either
^ i know i should have been out of this discussion a long time ago, but what makes you think he doesn't make the bonehead play? a stat line in the other thread had his stat line in the 6 appearances in college vs defenses with multiple nfl caliber players his jr/sr years, and he threw 8 picks in 6 games!!! it's fine to not have a jamarcus arm if you're going to have pinpoint accuracy, but if your accuracy is flawed too, what the hell?!? he was a heisman candidate pre-season and they had huge expectations as a team those years, and he and his team came up short. jamarcus went #1 because he was not only a prototype nfl qb in terms of arm strength and accuracy, but he was also a proven winner. brady's been not living up to expectations his whole life, what makes anyone think he will now? and i'm not talking about the next few games. who cares if he plays well in those. let's see where he is 10 games into NEXT year, with real nfl pressure to win, without these shady pass defenses he's up against the next couple of weeks, and when he has to deal with some of the same probs as DA has had to deal with. i won't budge on my opinion of him tonight even if he comes out and is 28 of 30 for 315 yards and 3 tds. won't impress me. it's by far the worst defense the browns have faced all year, and with no pressure to win on not only him, but his teammates too. goodnight, and go browns

Agree to disagree.

Just hope you say the same thing about Stafford when he comes out. So far he's has SUCKED in big games this year, was a pre-season Heisman candidate, and had national championship aspirations. That still doesn't diminish my opinion of him being a elite NFL prospect.

You do know Brady was forced out there to make plays right?

You know Matt Ryan was forced to make plays right? Look how many INT's Matt Ryan threw against good competition.

You're not understanding what it takes to be a QB, and both those guys have it...

Any good QB will have many int's, if they have nothing around them and our forced into situations...

Look at Brett Favre over the years...Tom Brady will go down in history as the one exception to this rule as he is forced to make plays with a subpar offense, most guys (Montana, Bradshaw, etc) had good offenses around them to make up for it (which is why Brady is so impressive)

*Not sure why I just rambled about Tom B, but it made a point*

Is it making it any more clear to you?

no it sure doesn't make it any clearer to me. i like it when people can make projections and predictions based on something that we have little evidence of previously...it takes a bold person to do so, and the only good predictions imo are the ones that aren't as widely foreseen, so for that i tip my hat to you.

we obviously disagree on several things here, which is fine, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. i don't see now, and have never seen any parallels between quinn and the guys that you have mentioned such as tom brady or matt ryan.

i disagree with your feeling that "any good qb will throw many ints" or for that matter what you agreed with in another thread that "wrs don't have to have good hands in the nfl"...imo that is ignoring basic fundamentals of football.

and i don't understand why you think you know the extent of my quarterback assessment skills, as you keep saying things like "what tools do i have to measure a qb's skills" and "do i know what it takes to be a good qb". just seems silly to keep putting these fillers in there. even if you're that confident that i don't have any credibility in this area, which i believe you're wrong about, i don't believe that adds anything to the points you're trying to make here.

i see a lot of your points, and i've heard them all before from just about every browns fan i talk to. i have plenty of reasons of why i think the browns made the wrong choice here and that sticking with anderson would make the browns better long-term. i'm confident in my assessment, but that doesn't matter now, because the browns have once again decided to tear it down and build it again. i don't think we'll recover and become a perennial playoff team for another 4 or 5 years at the very least. i hope i'm wrong.
Yea, we could easily both argue back and forth on this issue but theres no need to...tonight will be the first step in many for Quinn, hopefully its a good one
And I wasn't judging your ability to scout a QB I was merely asking because there are many Brown fans out there that just dislike Brady Quinn and have for awhile, they also don't believe Cleveland will ever have a good QB haha
gotcha capt, good banter. i haven't talked to many browns fans that haven't wanted this for a long time though...they were literally chanting "brady brady" in unison in the last game several times. even dating back to last year when anderson first started to struggle, the majority were calling for brady. just really hope it doesn't end up at a "be careful what you wish for" situation

gl on your play tonight; i'll certainly be rooting for it
I think Brady had a fine debut, he gave the Browns a good chance to win the game, it was their defense that didn't hold up. We'll see how he fares against better defenses.
I was impressed with the kid. He was virtually untouched and did a fine job when they were in his face. Still, there is something about him I don't like. I can't pin it down. I don't know. I just keep thinking of hoopsstar's comment about Quinn wearing makeup. :36_11_6:
OK, Slap I've got to add my two cents here.

A few of you know my I'm very good friends with John Carlson and his family and have been since childhood when we both grew up in Minnesota. John helped me quite a bit with last year telling me what Jimmy C knew and didn't know in the offense etc. and I won quite a bit on ND last year.

John did not hold Brady Quinn in real high regard. He'd never come out and say "I don't like that guy" but they weren't real tight if you catch my drift. They were friends, but not tight friends. John's biggest problem was their personalities were quite a bit different. Essentially he said everything short of Brady Quinn was one of the biggest dick heads at ND there was. BUT, he also says dropping in the draft and sitting has shrunken his head and he's not a bad guy.

From a physical standpoint John always said Brady Quinn while at ND had very poor arm strength and his accuracy as a percentage was juiced because he had solid receivers (John and Samardzjajashashhas mainly). He has always said Quinn was very good at short passes against zone defenses because he could simply throw to a "spot" as opposed to man where you need the arm strength to hit a guy in stride and/or throw it past a LB.

Up to about 15-18 yards Quinn has pretty good strength and accuracy, probably better than most, but John said there's a HUGE decline in zip and accuracy once you get past 22-25 yards, especially if he is on the move. He needs time on deep throws to set his feet. John said told me the top 3 positives and negatives about Quinn after the ND pro day before the draft. Here they are

1) Will struggle with deep ball and deep ball accuracy (his ball hangs)
2) Will struggle with intermediate to deep out patterns, especially any type of throw to the strong side against NFL DB's
3) Will struggle against strong press/man coverage or on throws where he needs to split defenders

1) Has above average leadership qualities
2) Vocal and is "NFL" smart
3) Excels in short to intermediate passing game

The final evaluation from the independent scouting service that does the ND evaluations said "A bit of a mystery because arm is solid in the short game, but there is a significant drop off after that. Must improve accuracy and arm strength. Early 2nd round is a possibility, but could slide all the way to round 3 if he can't prove he can make intermediate and deep NFL throws. Because of weak QB class there is a chance someone could fall in love with his leadership skills and make him a late 1st round pick, but it would be a stretch."

That's word-for-word from his pro day evaluation.

So obviously when there was talk the Vikings approached Cleveland about Quinn I wasn't that thrilled.
I think Brady Quinn played well obviously, and he's gonna be a pretty good qb. Spanishshark said it best that he'll go thru his ups and downs. I'd also like to see how he'll do against a better defense. I can throw for 300 yds and 2 td's against that sorry ass Denver defense.

And Clev shoulda won that game. They were one defensive stop away from winning that game. Chalk that loss up to the Clev defense and not Brady's play.
We'll see how he fares against better defenses.

i agree wikeman, in college he showed the tendency to buckle under pressure.

going up against tough physical defenses that blitzed often seemed to give him a lot of trouble and take him out of any rhythm. i think a team like baltimore could give him shits

example: sugar bowl vs LSU