What did we learn in Week whatever it is?

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Detroit not sure why people back them at home or low spreads, there are better ways to spend or bet your money than them. Betting on Detroit is like betting on ZERO in roulette, it shows up once in a while-

Denver showing that their bad home play and inability to win 2 games in a row is killing them. Thinking they lose to Diego next match.

Jets are who we thought they were, bad defense with FAVRE who even himself says his arm is shot and has no power-

Patriots may be the best team to miss the playoffs in a while, they should have a seeding system, that way Arizona could be kicked out of the playoffs, or Eagles whoever makes it, should be removed-

Cassells play may make them get rid of BRADY as his knee injury is very serious and he may never be the same-

Carolina- John FOX continues to not allow his team to reach its potential, if that team had a coach with balls they could reach the superbowl-

Giants- Still the team to beat- on Experience alone they are better than Atlanta and Carolina- Dallas-- ROMO wont beat them he will choke anyway- Ward and Bradshaw and JACOBS, if they just run they can beat anyone-

ZONA? I honestly belive in my heart that WARNER is very washed up. I mean look at his receivers and he barely beats the shit teams in his own division, he has done nothing vs good teams, I mean nothing, he has been down 28-0 every single game, he didnt answer a score in even one game this year?
Book on warner- he would be the best QB in touch football-
Tackle football- he is way too easy to hit, rattle, distract, not a tackle player unless he never gets touched by a defender-
Their D has no heart either, nothing at all- just a bunch on nobodies--

Pitts- finally lost one, but I think they were tired, BIG BEN can struggle and did today- Their D looked a little more normal, in fact a QB like Collins can beat them, Collins is decisive, quick decisions and super accurate-

Tenny- Great effort, still a force, their D is lights out, and once they get into a groove, no one can beat them at home, running, coaching, kicking is all money-

TBAY- Grude has assembled a horrible team- Phil Buchannon is being targeted he cant cover anyone- The D cant stop the run but is bad vs the pass also-
J GARCIa is not a starter, GET A QB GRUDEN- no receivers either, CLAYTON sucks, BRYANT is undependable but can dominate from time to time. Monty Kiffin is a joke also, everyone knows his stupid cover 2 Yag defense now, it was effective 5 years ago-
Eagles- Wow Desean Jackson with 4 drops today- single handedly lost this game, dropped a 50 yard easy catch, then the game tying TD right in his hands- This guy once he gets injured and his speed slows will be out of the league, he will out of NFL in 4 to 5 years, short shelf life on him, as he is all speed and no football skill-
Mcnabb, REID, time to fire the coaching staff, get a free agent QB, new offensive coordinator, they are wasting a championship Defense- their D is very good-
ANy REID fire him, he is beyond retarded- ALso Cut avant, Reggie Brown, they all blow-

SKINS- good to see them get a win, good defense performance, not sold on ZORN as a coach-

Cowboys- Teams that know thier plays like the Ravens did will beat them, Dallas cannot adjust to defenses- ROMO is pretty much a good QB vs bad teams, he can beat some good teams at home like eagles, giants, but he cannot win when it matters, he chokes- OWENS is overrated, also ROY williams is not working out at all, where is he?

Miami is for real, winning, Bill parcells has his footprints over this team, consistent team with imprving D--

Atlanta- Oh my this team is scary good- they dont kill themselves- try hard, have the leagues best pass rusher in ABRAHAM- best passer other than Peyton Manning in Matt RYAN- best running game overall-
just a great team, they will be dangerous in playoffs-

Houston- Lost today in houston fashion, never lay points with tehse guys on the road-

JETS- they were never good, just played good for 4 games, they were always bad, and are showing as they wont make the playoffs--

Seattle- Good win for them, Seneca Wallace is impressive at QB-

Cincy- Has a good Defense- like Leon Hall at corner--

Chargers- Are peaking- Rivers is capable of getting hot and coming through in big games, always has in college- He kicked TBAY ass--
If the D can play well this team is dangerous--

INDY- best offense in the league, most potential, their D is weak but if it can stop the run of TENNY or INDY, watch out, this team could win it all--

BALTY- They will make some noise in playoffs- FLACCO is one of the better QB's in the NFL- good road QB- Defense is good, coaching is good also-- they can beat a better team, they will be close in playoffs, who wants to play tehse guys?
Minnesota - As with every fucking year they control their own destiny & shoot themselves in the foot in the last couple/few weeks. Bears will win out remaining & unless G-men bench starters next week the Queens can start making golf reservations. Why oh why do I continue to route for this team every year?
SOme teams play resembled their head coaches--

Minny fumbled like crazy, Philly had 7 dropped passes including 4 by Desean jackson, so the teams played tight for whatever reason-

Guys like Childress and REID are idiots, it actuallly makes perfect sense that these guys wont make the playoffs, because that is not what the playoffs are for- They are for the teams that can make the plays and not fumble 5 times and drop 7 passes and go 3 and out 6 possessions in a row in the 2nd half like the eagles--

Everyting comes back to haunt teams in this league--

Coaches Like MARK MANGINO- Andy REID- BRad CHILDRESS are horrible coaches and they wont make the playoffs---

I feel bad for teams like PATS and DENVER who were coached WELL and overcame injuries to the team and still played hard and may fall short for the playoffs--

Those other teams had no exuses, it comes down to coaching kids----

WHy is MIAMI winning every week? Maybe a guy named Parcells has soemthing to do with that?

It is what it is, their is bad coaching and it will show as teams will be sitting home watching.
John FOX is a fucking idiot - why the fuck would you try a 50 yard field goal with swirling winds in shit ass weather. Running the ball 50 billion times in the 4th with a 8 point lead didnt help ether. He played so fucking conservative in the 2nd half that it fucked up his teams chance to win. When you have a lead on the road and the home team is on the ropes - you gotta go for the kill period. With the protection Jake Delhomme was getting I dont understand why they didnt pass more in the 2nd half.
Give Payton Manning protection and a lead going into the 4th and I can guarantee you he will rip your ass apart. Yes I had the Panthers ML and I shoulda cashed.
Fuck you John Fox.
Did you guys see how Lendale White was stomping on Pittsburgh's terrible towel. I have a feeling they're going to meet again and the Steelers get some extra licks on him. Some guys never learn about giving another team some extra motivation.
Did you guys see how Lendale White was stomping on Pittsburgh's terrible towel. I have a feeling they're going to meet again and the Steelers get some extra licks on him. Some guys never learn about giving another team some extra motivation.

Yes,then some O lineman,I dont know his name, also made a show of himself swinging it around and roaring at the camera.
Agree with you mate.
yeah i agree, going to the superbowl should be enough motivation to make you play hard but the burgh won't forget. and i think they'll be gunning for White's head.
Watching Arizona stand around like a bunch of pylon cones on defense & offense, was disgraceful Granted New England plays well in those conditions, but to lay down belly up shows the type of character this Cardinal team will take to the playoffs, Its too bad the 49ers didnt fire Nolan sooner. It looks a quick exit for the NFC West.
John FOX is a fucking idiot - why the fuck would you try a 50 yard field goal with swirling winds in shit ass weather. Running the ball 50 billion times in the 4th with a 8 point lead didnt help ether. He played so fucking conservative in the 2nd half that it fucked up his teams chance to win. When you have a lead on the road and the home team is on the ropes - you gotta go for the kill period. With the protection Jake Delhomme was getting I dont understand why they didnt pass more in the 2nd half.
Give Payton Manning protection and a lead going into the 4th and I can guarantee you he will rip your ass apart. Yes I had the Panthers ML and I shoulda cashed.
Fuck you John Fox.

I'll add one more thing.

How do you not get Steve Smith the ball ? I would have gave him a bubble screen, reverse, wildcat something. They didnt even give him a chance in the 2nd half. :hang:
Panthers let them off the hook. Coach Fox approach to try mooch a 50 yard fg in those conditions were idiotic. They played the second half like a bunch of chickens.
I need to remember that the sod at Soldier Field is complete shit. I forgot it twice and it cost me money.
i think there should be an 8-8 rule...where you can make the playoffs at 8-8, as long as there isn't a 10 win team that you're leaving out. if there is a 10 win team, then all tie-breakers apply. if you have 11 wins, that automatically gets you in over an 8-8 team. if you have 10 wins, then it goes to the same tie-breakers they use when two teams have the same record--head to head, conf record, etc, etc. if you have 9 wins, then tough luck; i say let the 8-8 team make it still. it makes perfect sense to me. an 11 win team should not be left out of the playoffs in favor of an 8-8 team in any circumstances. under this rule, you would have 8-8 making it over 10 win teams very rarely, 8-8 making it over 9 win teams the same as they would not, and 8-8 making it over 11 win teams---never. that isn't leaving the importance of the division crown out of it, but i doubt any team would have a problem with that. who cares if you win your shitty division and get 5 or 6 wins from that division and then go out and have a losing record against everyone else
fuck it. they stomped the burgh. come AFC ship time, no ones gonna need extra motivation

i disagree. it's a lot easier to deal with the pressure of that situation if you have something like that to concentrate on and to be angry about---ie white stomping on a terrible towel and what i think was more disrespectful, returning the int for a td when the game was over if he just slides down.

especially with a team like the steelers imo. they've been there before, and the titans haven't, which makes it harder for the titans alone.

i had the titans, i think the titans are a better team, and i am one of the few that don't think the titans are pretenders, but those things were very stupid imo. act like you've been there. i hope these teams don't meet again, because i'd like to see the titans go to the superbowl, but if they do meet again, i think it's going to be a steelers beatdown of the titans.
well one thing that could happen... if they meet there will be so much talk about the towel crap that it could become a dsitraction. i just think its way overblown. who cares. its freaking football. i still don't buy that it gives anyone extra motivation. i think the steelers are more mad that they got punched in the mouth than the towel stomping
I think it's going to be very tough to put money on any of the home teams during the Wildcard Round.
i disagree. it's a lot easier to deal with the pressure of that situation if you have something like that to concentrate on and to be angry about---ie white stomping on a terrible towel and what i think was more disrespectful, returning the int for a td when the game was over if he just slides down.

especially with a team like the steelers imo. they've been there before, and the titans haven't, which makes it harder for the titans alone.

i had the titans, i think the titans are a better team, and i am one of the few that don't think the titans are pretenders, but those things were very stupid imo. act like you've been there. i hope these teams don't meet again, because i'd like to see the titans go to the superbowl, but if they do meet again, i think it's going to be a steelers beatdown of the titans.

The two teams are similar. All things being equal, the Steelers prolly have the better D but the Titans aren't far behind at all. Problem for Pittsburgh is that Fisher has always been good at beating their schemes and the Titans can protect their QB while Big Ben will get killed again in a rematch. You just can't get better at blocking if you suck ass at it.
heard chris hope talking about how white disrepected the steelers and it will make a difference. the commentary is priceless...

"then we went out and unfortunately hurt palmer"