What book will you be using for this season?


One of trus baby mommas



I'm ready for the season, this is a really slow and boring time for me as I really HATE basketball.
Green- As a reult of being burned by Wagermall and BOS, and now Pinny no longer accepting our wagers, I decided to go with about 8-10 Books and never have a large balance at any of them. I plan to make withdraws fairly frequently as well. At this point I find it difficult to trust any of them 100% to keep 10k or more in any one Book. I wish I could, it would be alot easier. Having said that, I would rather go through the hassle and still be able to do my sports investing.
from what i see so far, 5dimes will be the best for mlb.

i agree with most of what Terp said...but things are still changing. jsut be ready to adapt when necessary.

but basically i expect more to fall...and i also expect one or two to step up to the plate, and try to offer some or most of Pinny's features. there's jsut too much money out there for some offshore to not try to copy pinny's blueprint for success.
it'll take time...there'll be both good and bad changes...but one of the one's left is gonna wanna take over as #1. and to do so, they'll have to give us a damn good reason...jsut like pinny did.
I disagree with you Yanks. Matchbook is by far superior than 5 dimes.

While 5 cent overnights may give you some value...what is the maxout price of the 5cent offer?

Second, Pinnacle was the only book that ever came close to Matchbook's pricing and most of the time Pinnacle would fall 3 cents short.

I have been saying it for a while, you will find 3-5 cents in your favor on the fav or the dog @ Matchbook...
yeah, yeah...i understand from ALL the posts everywhere in the forum, about your raging hard-on for Matchbook, austin. i'm sure they are good...

myself, i haven't been there yet. jsut speaking of my personal experiences this past week.
i'll prolly check out Matchbook by bases though...we'll see. but that's an exchange, not the traditional offshore, so imo it's also a different animal that i'd have to aclimate myself too first.

anyways...what's important about my post above is that things WILL continue changing. you can count on that, unfortunately.
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I believe we are in a great position as former Pinny customers. In the next several days some sportsbook, will get off their ass and come up with a reduced juice program to attract most of the former Pinny bettors. There is quite a bit of money at stake here, and it makes perfect sense. I am shocked that the existing books are just sitting there with there hands in there pockets vegetating. If I were in this position, after crunching the numbers a long time ago, the word would be out about a "reduced juice program" for dropped Pinny bettors. I have emailed quite a few of these existing books about a reduced juice, and I have yet to hear back from one. I see an opportunity for Hugh Hefner or Larry Flynt to relocate offshore and rival Bill Gates! LOL!!! The bottom line guys "don't worry be happy" this will pass and we will be back on low juice down the road. Peace out!
Yanks26Sox6 said:
yeah, yeah...i understand from ALL the posts everywhere in the forum, about your raging hard-on for Matchbook, austin. i'm sure they are good...

myself, i haven't been there yet. jsut speaking of my personal experiences this past week.
i'll prolly check out Matchbook by bases though...we'll see. but that's an exchange, not the traditional offshore, so imo it's also a different animal that i'd have to aclimate myself too first.

anyways...what's important about my post above is that things WILL continue changing. you can count on that, unfortunately.

umm...I was just wanting to point out that match has some good prices...I don't necessarilly like the fact that you can't always get a line overnight, but it can definately help if you use them. I just know Greek is 20 cent lines...not sure about CRIS....
Buying runs .... (head shaking) .... who are you, wiretowire?

Baseball betting 101 by tipyerbartender, this course has been adjusted over the years.

1.) Flat bet.
2.) Never, ever, ever, lay over -150. I'd adjust that to -140 or even -130, but my local fucks the bettors on the favorites, smart man.
3.) Run lines are fine (-1.5), don't listen to the shitheads telling you differently. They haven't done the math.
4.) Alternate run lines, if anyone ever offers 'em again, are even better.
5.) Usually bet dogs.
6.) Usually bet unders.
7.) Bet against the New York Yankees on a daily basis. (Over the last 30 years, this one's a beauty.)
8.) Don't bet a lot in the playoffs, but do bet the dogs.

Follow that, you'll keep yourself out of trouble in baseball.

Good luck, gents.
fade theyankees?

The onething you are overllooking is the RL's with teams like Boston/NYY/Toronto....when they win they cover the RL....at a 65%+clip last year.....
I wish I could see into the future and know what books I'm going to be using...I'm leaning towards Matchbook, Bet Jamaica, or 5 Dimes...but who knows. I'm really hoping the increased payment options show up soon...
I wish I could see into the future and know what books I'm going to be using...I'm leaning towards Matchbook, Bet Jamaica, or 5 Dimes...but who knows. I'm really hoping the increased payment options show up soon...

I am looking at the same 3 books for bases
I use Bodog...They finally started to give out lines the night prior to the game and they payout quickly and easily.

Great Dog lines, they get a lot of public favorite money over there...
Bumping this for Yanks26 ... for the record, keep betting against them, don't lay the chalk, go ahead and run-line the Sox this weekend. If you get swept, what are we, like a million units up?

Buying runs .... (head shaking) .... who are you, wiretowire?

Baseball betting 101 by tipyerbartender, this course has been adjusted over the years.

1.) Flat bet.
2.) Never, ever, ever, lay over -150. I'd adjust that to -140 or even -130, but my local fucks the bettors on the favorites, smart man.
3.) Run lines are fine (-1.5), don't listen to the shitheads telling you differently. They haven't done the math.
4.) Alternate run lines, if anyone ever offers 'em again, are even better.
5.) Usually bet dogs.
6.) Usually bet unders.
7.) Bet against the New York Yankees on a daily basis. (Over the last 30 years, this one's a beauty.)
8.) Don't bet a lot in the playoffs, but do bet the dogs.

Follow that, you'll keep yourself out of trouble in baseball.

Good luck, gents.
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as far as the yanks...
of course there is never any value in their inflated lines. they could throw out a single A SP, two weeks outta high school, and they'd still set a crazy line.

as far as the yanks/sox...
if u wanna make money on this series...over the long haul...take overs, and take whoever the dog is. every year you'll wind up well on the plus side...of this particular series.

and tip still is crotchedy old fuck...
but all the rules (besides 7) are very sound advice. 7 won't hurt over the long run...but it's only there cuz he's tip.
bookmaker is pretty reliable. got two payouts since cris switched over with no problem. their early lines are not that bad, but nothing beats pinny.