wet weds action,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


35-39-2,,,,,,-1.3 units,,,,,,,,,,,,,wash +230,,,,,,,,cincy +220,,,,,,,stl/pitt over 9,,,,,,,,,,,oakland +250,,,,,,sea +200,,,,,,,kc/cle over 9,,,,,,,,bos/balt over 11,,,,,,tex/detover 11.5,,,,,,,,,,lots of plays, lots of commas, lots of beer ,,,,,,rain rain rain,,,,,,,ban rain:whip::whip::whip:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:drinking::drinking:
id kill for sun burn right now,,,,some places south of me by kennedy space center got 24 inches of rain,,,,unreal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:7_2_111::Tumbleweed2:
Best of luck comma boy! lol

We should all have some good Sunny weather again when that pussy fake hurricane gets up to Ga./S.C.

BR.........:shake: :cheers:
hop,,if u havent noticed this fucking thing has just been sittin over daytona beach forever,,then it moved a little offshore,,then its comin back on land right over me again,,,,,,in need a boat,,,,not that bad really,,,45 mph winds 4,5 inches of rain,,,those poor fuckers in brevard county got 2 feet of rain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my direct tv hasnt gone out yet,,,if that happens then the beer consumption gets kicked up a notch due to boredom,,,,,,i dont even think i get the tampa game on local tv here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:7_17_4::18_7_23::drinking:
BR, I'd be surprised if you don't have the Rays on somewhere....I guess you really aren't that close to tampa for a local channel, but I think that Miami is just about as far away if not further from sarasota

than daytona is from tampa. they gotta give ya something.
no hop im fucked,,i dont get either,,i sometimes i think get the rays if they are on a certain channel,,,never the marlins,,,too far ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thats why i got the dish man,,,cant live without it,,,watchin the yanks and mets right now,,,,,,,,,,,woooooooooohooooooooooooooo:cheers::cheers:
hahahaa,,i got u monte,,,,,,,,,,,,where u been man?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,monte in the house,,,,,,,,woooooohoooooo:smiley_abvm::whip:'an_horse'
I wasn't going to go. I had to fix some siding on my house. Idiots who did siding left, this rusty vent. So I decide to take it down and patch it with siding. I get a call on a horse in 6th race. I fill vent hole with expanding foam. Get off ladder go to track, horse loses. I hang around with my friends. I win like $200. Happy, not a big hit but at least, I'm off the snide. Stop at cigar shop get a couple of nice cigars, can't wait to get home and sit on deck and light up. I go to sit on my deck,cigar in hand,just about to light up,,,,,,,,,,,when I look up,,,,the fricking foam expanding,,,,,,I thought it was done,,,,,,,,runs right down my house. like lava,,,,,,put down cigar and scrap foam for 2 hours,,,,,,,,,,:hang:
i didnt know u smoke man,,,,got a big ass humidor in my house,,,wife always brings me back nice stogs from all over,,cubans too if u want em,,,,,,,,,,,,cool 200 bucks,,as ur financial adviser , what is my cut?,,:popcorn:
Cubans, I know your wife flys but don't bullcrap me, I seen u and Kramer getting Cubans at the embassy,,,,,,,,,,you can take your usually fee. Reading form right know, card looks chalky at Saratoga.
bullshit u monte?,,,me ? u know better,,,,,its not that hard to get cubans bro,,,remember she flys everywher,,,,,dominican republic,,,all the carribean,,south america,,,bermuda,,london,,paris etc.etc.,,,,not hard,,,,,,,,shit when i get back up to nyc i can get em there,,,expensive as shit though,,,theyu whack u for like 3 to 4 hundred a box,,,,,
what?,,i got the kramer reference,,,great episode,,he trades the jacket for the cubans,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I was just saying u and Kramer were getting Cuban cigars,, forget it. I have been inhaling some serious chemicals while scraping foam,,,:36_19_2: