Westgate Supercontest Sign up


Resident Newlywed
I'm most likely signing up again this year and since one person can sign up for 2 entries, I wanted to see if there is any interest of a CTG Group sign up. I know the pharmacy does this, not sure of all the paperwork they sign or anything to that nature.

basically we get 5 guys/gals total who are interested. we each make 1 pick every week. split the cost 5 ways and the winnings 5 ways.

$1500+$300 for proxy, $360 per person.

If this seems of any interest, put your name down.

1. wizardofodd
Interested. Would depend on the makeup of the team (as I'm sure many would be dependent on), but definitely interested.
yea just putting this out here early so we got some time, about 3+ months or so.

I'll probably head to vegas in early-mid August
I did my own a couple times. When i had the site and we were innthe top 10 all the way until it mattered it was solely the picks of someone else.

So mine were easy and without dissension.
Where it gets hard as a contest is the weeks where there is one good play only ....now what?
When u get in a contest with 5 people to make 5 picks how do u go about making the selections.
Discuss n debate or start by everyone giving their top selection for the week? If all diff games u go than way I assume.
I am going to get in this year of i can work out a proxy
That would be a group decision. Need to have the guidelines in place prior to doing it though. Denver at raiders guy A likes raiders, Gal B likes denver. What is done?

One group of 7 guys i know did it and their system was each person independently picks 3 games assigning 3 pts to best play 2 pts to second best play and 1 pt to weakest of the three. Then add the 7 peoples pts together to find the 5 best. Ao many waysbto do it....the important thing when dealing with multiple people is to communicate clearly exactlt gownit will be done
Seems tougher than I thought regarding the selections and interest in same games.

or assign
2 people to select from noon games
1 person to select from after noon games
1 person to select sunday night
1 person to select monday night

could minimize overlapping. tough enough to pick 5 games as it is.
I was thinking round table discussion but that way the stronger personalities win out. I am thinking we all meet up n give top 3 picks each n see where we all stand.
If it's going to be 5 guys, it makes the most sense to get one pick from each per week. This is assuming that everyone involved is willing/trusting of the others' abilities to make a pick...which seems like it should be true, and why I mentioned that it obviously depends on the makeup of the team as to whether or not guys will be willing to be in.

Obviously, there are going to be picks that are shared each week, but that's when you go to discussion or some other way of sorting it out (everyone has a backup pick to begin with possibly).
Seems tougher than I thought regarding the selections and interest in same games.

or assign
2 people to select from noon games
1 person to select from after noon games
1 person to select sunday night
1 person to select monday night

could minimize overlapping. tough enough to pick 5 games as it is.

This strategy seems to pigeon hole your team into picks though. No reason to force picks in certain games just because some guys may share picks in a given week.

If there are "overlapping" picks it may may the most sense to just have everyone have a backup pick each week and we go to that pick if there's a shared play.
each person picks 5 plays, from most confident on top.
from that list, we take the 5 most selected teams? and have some sort of tie selection

also, remember these have to get turned in Friday 10pm PST, thats for the proxy service I use
there is another contest hosted by golden nugget I think , which requires 7 or 8 plays i think. but you can pick from totals, sides in college and nfl, would have to look into that one
each person picks 5 plays, from most confident on top.
from that list, we take the 5 most selected teams? and have some sort of tie selection

also, remember these have to get turned in Friday 10pm PST, thats for the proxy service I use

I feel like if it's 5 guys, each guy should get a pick each week. Everyone gives one pick and has a backup pick ready if there's a shared pick. This way you're getting the play that everyone is most confident in.

There are certainly other ways to do it, like the point system VK mentioned, or this one with each guy giving 5 picks...I just feel like the easiest way to do it is to have each guy give one pick and only go to backup picks if necessary.

Just something that needs to be hashed out once the 5 guys are determined.
I was thinking round table discussion but that way the stronger personalities win out. I am thinking we all meet up n give top 3 picks each n see where we all stand.
Well the worst case Larry is say Oakland vs Dallas and one guys top play Oakland the other guys top player Dallas
there is another contest hosted by golden nugget I think , which requires 7 or 8 plays i think. but you can pick from totals, sides in college and nfl, would have to look into that one

I heard the nugget won't be allowing totals this year. Not 100% sure but pretty sure.
there is another contest hosted by golden nugget I think , which requires 7 or 8 plays i think. but you can pick from totals, sides in college and nfl, would have to look into that one

How much is that one
pstone, garfather and I all had separate tickets in the GN one last year and I think were all planning to do it again but I think we are all backing out if there are no totals.
Meaning that while that contest is growing, it may not grow at the pace you would think this particular year as far as number of entries. The winning percentages in that contest last year were incredible.
pstone, garfather and I all had separate tickets in the GN one last year and I think were all planning to do it again but I think we are all backing out if there are no totals.

had some sort of bracket towards the end correct? I'll look into it, but pretty sure I'll just be part of one contest. Takes too much time to focus on one for me. Hell, I didn't even do any fantasy last year.

GL this year, I think they start releasing the info late June
GN contest info from last year, you right VK, $2000

An unlimited number of contestants are allowed to enter for $2,000 each (cash only). One entry per person.
The deadline to register at the Golden Nugget sports book is Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 10:00 p.m. The field of contestants will be announced on radio Wednesday, Sept. 7.
For the first eight weeks (Weeks 1-8) of the NFL schedule, each contestant makes seven selections against the spread, from all college and NFL sides and totals – excluding first-half lines – posted on Golden Nugget contest sheets at 12 p.m. on Thursdays.
For the ninth through tenth weeks (Weeks 9-10) of the NFL schedule, each contestant makes nine selections against the spread, from all college and NFL sides and totals – excluding first-half lines – posted on Golden Nugget contest sheets at 12 p.m. on Thursdays.
The deadline to submit selections each week is 2 p.m. Fridays – this deadline is FIRM. If a contestant does not submit their picks in advance of the deadline, they will receive no points for the week.
Each winning selection will be worth one point, with a tied selection being worth half a point.
After 10 weeks, the top seven contestants overall according to total points, plus the Wildcard Chase winner, will advance to the second round and a head-to-head bracket portion of the contest, which begins with Week 11 of the NFL schedule. If there is a tie, the first tiebreaker will be the contestants’ total points for Week 10. If there is still a tie, the second tiebreaker will be the contestants’ total points for Week 9, with ties being broken further week-by-week in reverse chronological order, all the way back to Week 1.
All games selected must be played within one (1) day of original game date. If not played within one (1) day, contestant will get zero (0) points for that selection.
Contestants are not permitted to play both sides of any one game, and may not play both sides of any one total.
[FONT=HelveticaNeue-Light, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif]My proxy had emailed this to me, just thought I'd pass the information along...

[FONT=HelveticaNeue-Light, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif]So it is clear, reliable sources have told us at the Westgate Hotel who runs the Football Supercontest that proxies will be needed for another year moving forward for the 2017-18 football season. There is serious talk this will be the last season for proxies. The Westgate is in the process of getting clearance through Nevada Gaming to run everything online thus eliminating the need for proxies in the future. There is no confirmation when this may start but there has been talk about it in recent years. We look forward to helping you for another football season but also in other ways if needed, Thanks, All the Best!![/FONT]
from doing this thing twice before in a group of three, it's really challenging because you end up making picks you don't want and when they lose it sucks. Think i'm doing this by myself if i ever do it again
from doing this thing twice before in a group of three, it's really challenging because you end up making picks you don't want and when they lose it sucks. Think i'm doing this by myself if i ever do it again

Cannot disagree the more you think about it...
I'd be in if you guys needed one, and wanted me in there. I sucked balls in NFL last year but usually I'm okay.
I'm going end of August to go sing up. One entry for myself and one for a friend. So I'm maxed at the 2 sign ups.

This is a good idea, and has its pros and cons, but to get all the tax info, picks, etc, looks like too much trouble IMO for now.

GL fellas
from doing this thing twice before in a group of three, it's really challenging because you end up making picks you don't want and when they lose it sucks. Think i'm doing this by myself if i ever do it again

Exactly, human nature. Never go into biz with a friend yknow, but Im sure Wiz could find dudes here to make it work.
Hope everyone is having a nice summer, I was Wizardofodd Proxy for the Football Contest when he cashed, fortunate to have had 2 past winners, happy to answer questions or help the posters or site in any respect. Regardless if you deal with me or someone else I want you to have a good experience and have the correct information before getting involved. I post some contest and contact info in the FRIENDS OF CTG + WEBSITE PROMO ROOM not to break site rules. Teams have done well in recent years, I think as long as you set ground rules before the process begins it goes a long way in keeping harmony. Winner took home $900,000+ last year with a prize pool of $2.6 Million. They added a side contest A WINNER TAKE ALL EVENT WITH A $5000 ENTRY FEE, same rules as the $1500 entry SUPERCONTEST, 5 games against the spread sides only.
It must be time, the $1500 & $5000 t-shirts are out and the countdown is on, Signups Start Today, They are giving out championship rings to the winner of each contest..

First Million Dollar Winner expected, prize pool for the $1500 contest last year was over $2.6Million
Brent Musburger was the 1st to signup for the Westgate Supercontest on July 1st.

So its clear they moved the Golf and Seminar Weekend to the Aug. 19-21 so not to compete or be the same weekend as the Mayweather/McGregor fight.
I signed a few people up tonight, As of late tonight the SUPERCONTEST is on record pace to get 1st MILLION DOLLAR WINNER 117 entries very early is a good number.
I updated the Las Vegas Football Contest thread in the FRIENDS OF CTG ROOM AND WEBSITE PROMOTIONS for all your rules and contest information
Still on record pace heading the 200 entry way for SUPERCONTEST ENTRIES. Late Saturday Morning Submission times and changes are available if needed from a good proxy. [FONT=&quot]Many proxies do not offer one or both of these options because they choose to deal with 200-300+ people. It has happened many times that late friday night or saturday morning injuries affect an impact player status. Please ask the right questions before signing up so you have a good experience this football season regardless of who you choose to be your proxy.[/FONT]
Over 200 entries now over a week ahead of last year so the early numbers are strong for entries in the Traditional Supercontest... 5 Entries so far in the New Gold Supercontest

Golden Nugget Friday Night Football Showdown Opens on Wednesday for Signup. Contests available this year between $500-$5000 entry fee.
We're Signing up a few this weekend, entries are still strong in the $1500 Supercontest at 259 and they are at 8 in the Supercontest GOLD $5000 Entry Contest. FOOTBALL THREAD IN THE FRIENDS & WEBSITE PROMOTIONS ROOM HAS ALL THE RULES AND CONTACT INFORMATION.
They are doing the Westgate Supercontest Golf Tourney again for those interested and people sign up for the Football Contest at the same time.

I posted details for the golf tourney in FOOTBALL THREAD IN WEBSITE PROMO ROOM
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Hey bud, I know you post in Mains and stuff but can you keep all the advertising stuff in Web Promos/Friends of CTG Forum for us? I know this is related, but we have to draw that line with it or other things will leak into Mains as well...thanks!

[FONT=&amp]Contests available this year between $500-$5000 entry fee. College or NFL or a mix of the 2 are available in various contests

[FONT=&amp]Been fortunate to have 2 past winners in the SUPERCONTEST[/FONT]


They are doing the Westgate Supercontest Golf Tourney again on AUG. 19 for those interested and people sign up for the Football Contest at the same time.

I posted details for the golf tourney in FOOTBALL THREAD IN FRIEND OF CTG

Brent Musburger and other sports experts will do their shows from the Westgate SuperBook on SuperContest Weekend Aug. 17-19.

The SUPERBOOK is currently approx. 30-40% ahead of last year entry wise so still on a record pace for entries.

