West Point


Pretty much a regular
Anybody been? Anything a must do/see? Finally getting to home game there this weekend...

If this needs to be moved to Gen Discussion my apologies
My buddy's son played there and I am fishing with him this week. He recommends, stop at Welcome Center good intro and possible tour. Trophy Point a must see, Athletic Center has all history of Army Sports. Those things should be pretty quick to do.
I was there twice, once for a game. Probabaly 2005/2007 timeframe. It is one of my favorite places in the country. A beautiful place, the history that has taken place there with the chain across the Hudson to block the British. The dedication and commitment those kids sign up for. I really liked it there.

When I was there wasn't much to do or see outside the gates. The visitors center is good. There is also a military museum next to the visitor's center. Those are both outside the gates.

Over 10 years ago, they did not allow people to freely walk around the academy grounds. If that is still the case taking a tour is a must. You should inquire about the tour schedule, I do not know if they do tours on gameday. If not and you are in the area Friday or Sunday you should definitely plan on a tour. It will take you by bus around the grounds and stop so you can get out at a couple spots.
went there years ago during the Vietnam era with my cousin who was a newly commissioned Army officer of engineers and me a brand new Ensign Naval Aviator for a football weekend. the place just REEKS of tradition and is one of THE most beautiful college campus's anywhere. the Cadets dress parade the morning of a football Saturday is a must see as is the guided tour :shake:
Post some pictures if you take any. Will allow us to relive our trips there and allow others to dream!
jealous of you. Enjoy it and share your experience with us afterwards (and cheer for MOH).