West By God Virginia


18" Pythons
We are one win away from taking the NC game. What an unbelievably freakish year. The only thing that would make this season end right is WVU winning the championship. I picked WVU at the beginning of the year and said if there time is ever its this year(before i saw Devine play goddamn!!!!!!!!!!) Rich Rod needs to mek it clear typical WVU pl;ay would be to choke on a dick against Shit I mean Pitt and I hope they do not overlook this game as this will be the biggest game anyof the mounties will ever play in. All I can say is thank god for McFadden. He should win his heisman and I think Pat White has a good shot at runner up what an great year he has had throwing 70% completions. Truley a duel threat QB the best since VY for sure. I am really excited and would love to see my 2 favorite teams play WVU and tOSU. Keeping my finbgers cross agaisnt Pitt though!
Troy - I hear ya on every point. 1) I put a few bucks on WVU to win the NCS prior to the season ($25/187) because if they were ever going to do it it would be this year and I was all too familiar with Devine as Miami was in the recruiting war for him...saw his you-tube via abouta a year ago. 2) They (WVU) lose that 1 stupid game every year and let's hope it isn't shit/Pitt...I'll be there to witness things first hand. 3) Agree that McFadden should win the heisman but think the eventual winner or runner-up should be Tebow (crazy ass stats there bro). 4) I think OSU/WVU would be a great game! I said it yesterday in a post...don't sleep on WVU's defense! I do not think OSU can handle WVU's offense though...see Juice Williams and they are NOTHING compared to WVU!!!
Of course you'd love to see WVU play tOSU, it would pretty much guarantee WVU a national championship...
first off florida is nothing special this year and teebow has lost 3 games as a qb which means his ass stays in gainseville. second wvus defense is actually pretty good and they are very underestimated i think its bc of their mentality and style of play taking chances that either lead to turnovers or big plays against them i liek to call it the roy williams defense hahaha fuck dallas haha. third i would never sleep on tressel ever ever ever. last year was a fluke not to take anything away from florida as they deserved it 100%. wvu should and will IMO win it all.
I'll throw in my 2 cents and say that if there were a playoff system the 2 teams (other than th eobvious) that NO ONE would want to play right now are USC and Georgia. IMO, GA is the best team in the SEC right now and this is coming from a die-hard Miami Hurricane fan! The avatar has been this way for a while to show that Miami should have gone after Richt as head coach:)
McFadden doesn't deserve the Heisman. He had three games where he failed to reach 100 yards. That is unacceptable for a Heisman.

Tebow has what, 52 touchdowns? And if Chase Daniel wins against OU, he also deserves mention.
I have been rooting for this team to win it all for the last 2 season yet im dumb enough to not get a future bet on them.


Daniels if he can get them past OU

Thats it

my friends at WV are getting ready to punch thier flight tickets to N.O, I am quite jealous. I went to Jacksonville with them last yr for the bowl game vs. VaTech, wouldn't mind another trip
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