Welker to Broncos

decker and welker on same team. Will be tough to keep the ball out of both their hands, the short dump off pass will be used all day.
If Welker played safety for denver he might be trying for back to back.

Meanwhile Tebow gives an inspirational talk to Liberty and now that 20(+) loss team is in the dance.

You can sit in the short dumps though I think ... I mean my 4 year old niece can throw farther than Peyton now.
For those asking, C Johnson, B Marsh, AJ Green, D Thomas, W Welker ( R White, Fitz). Not sure how great Fitz is anymore since you cant really tell in those games.
Now the pats can get the cheaper version and younger version in Danny Amendola and they can go after a desperately needed corner. Welker is a definite stud but you can't argue with how they have done in free agency in the last ten years or so. Guys are rarely as good out of Hoodies system as they are inside Hoodies system.
How many picks did Welker just drop in a 12-team draft? 60?
Thats an injustice to welkers production to say danny can step in and do what he did. Did Branch? Did anyone else in a Pats uni? Danny is a solid player, so i guess well see.
For those asking, C Johnson, B Marsh, AJ Green, D Thomas, W Welker ( R White, Fitz). Not sure how great Fitz is anymore since you cant really tell in those games.

i love calvin, but Julio is the only wr that rivals him talent for talent, freakness wise. just wait. fitz is probly the third best wr in the nfl, maybe even the best all around, dude is suffering down there and now stanton? ugh
welker wont catch 100 balls ever again, his contract calls for bonuses at 90, highly unlikely unless decker or thomas get injured. a lot of people confuse decker with being a slot guy, he plays outside.

the patriots never really used branch in the slot either, at least not exclusively, so that comparison is not the best. compare edelman when he played. people forget the pats were running edelman over wes to start the year until edelman got injured. the writing was on the wall for both parties, there would be a break up once that happened.

probably mcdaniels choice, he loves to drive guys out of town, insert cutler and marshall.
brady won 3 soups sans wes

brady won 0 w wes

not wes fault, but i dont doubt brady can win one without him, if those tight ends stay healthy with amendola, i know a big IF, then i dont doubt they will be every bit as good if not better.

amendola has proven to be a quick healer, last years injury was a freak thing and he still came back a few weeks sooner than expected, hell it was life threatening i believe at the time.

the pats need an outside guy for tom, but their offense is so complex it takes an intelligent guy to learn it so either randy moss is as football smart as many say, or he was just so damn talented it didnt matter, maybe a little of both
I must be in the minority here, but Welker won't be nearly as good on another team. He fit into what NE does perfectly and had exactly the right situation for success. I would be very surprised if he makes much of an impact at all in Denver.
Peyton Manning is a check down king these days. Welker will have plenty of chances to make an impact. He is a very intelligent slot reciever and once he gets on the same page as Peyton they can have the same sucess imo.
only problem with that is if you do that youre taking balls away from decker and thomas who are both more productive than Welker
<s>@</s>tomecurran: Amendola signed with the Patriots on Tuesday. NE did not react to Denver, they made choice when Welker went to market

They must have right? Didn't Amendola and Welker sign for the same amount annually? The Welker contract was a few years longer, which is why I initially thought the Pats let him go and got Amendola instead (didn't wanna go more than 2 yrs), but if they made their mind up when Welker went to market it would make sense...I guess.

Why you would let Welker go for Amendola, and sacrifice the continuity and everything doesn't make much sense to me, but NE seems to know what they're doing so they certainly get the benefit of the doubt from me.
brady won 3 soups by knowing what the defense would be ahead of time because his team cheated

brady won 0 without knowing what the defense would be ahead of time because his team was caught cheating and forced to stop

I always found one thing funny about this whole scandal (well a couple of things but...)...when this was being reported I remember them interviewing Hines Ward about it and he said that it made sense to him (that NE was "cheating") because it seemed as if NE knew everything they were going to run before they ran it. He was saying they lost to NE in the playoffs because NE knew what they were going to run....ummm....if they were accused of stealing DEFENSIVE signals, why in the world would it have given them insight on to what someone's OFFENSE was running? And everyone just ran with it like Hines Ward was speaking the gospel, and they had their proof with his comments.

One of the other issues I had is that it wasn't illegal to videotape. It was simply illegal to videotape from the location that NE was taping. Talk about a technicality. Maybe it was because NE was already warned (as was every other team) in a previous memo from the league, but I always found it funny that everyone labeled them cheaters for videotaping, when that wasn't the issue. They could have taped the signals from the press box, as that's allowed, but not from the sideline location they were taping from. As Jimmy Johnson said at the time "Bill Belichick was wrong because he videotaped signals after a memo was sent out to all of the teams saying not to do it. But what irritates me is hearing some reactions from players and coaches. These players don't know what their coaches are doing. And some of the coaches have selective amnesia because I know for a fact there were various teams doing this. That's why the memo was sent to everybody. That doesn't make [Belichick] right, but a lot of teams are doing this."

Am I the only one who found the entire thing absurd? Is there that big of a difference between taping from the press box (or another location that isn't the sidelines) vs. taping from the sidelines? I find it hard to believe there is, given today's video recording technology. If you can tape from the press box, you can certainly get close enough to see the defensive signals being called as well as you could from the sidelines. The entire rule makes no sense to me....either you can or you cannot videotape...the location of the taping should be a moot point.

Not to mention, they weren't using the tapes for the games they were taping, so I'm really confused as to what the huge deal is/was. NFL coaches are a pretty paranoid bunch (covering their mouths while calling plays, etc), so I would imagine the defensive signals would be changed up quite frequently. What good would having tapes of defensive signals from last year (or last meeting) do a team when those signals have most likely been changed? It's like stealing signs in baseball....they aren't going to do you any good the next game, week, or month, teams change their signals every single game for the most part (and even during the game if they suspect the other team has picked up on their signals).
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