Weeknight CFB...


CTG Regular
Another small winner on Saturday. 2-4 in small bets, 5-3-1 in mediums and 1-1 for bigs for the games; with 1-1 on posted mediums and 1-0 on posted bigs at the half. Now at 11-2 on big plays on Saturdays this fall...

I posted this Monday but will re-post in case others didn't see and are trying to update their power ratings in the proper manner.

Very very frustrating loss in the Baylor game. Anyone who watched it knows the Bears were the right side. Up 10-0 at the end of one, with the ball and positioning for a field goal that should have put them up 13-0.

To get outgained by only 90 yards and be relatively competitive throughout, only to see that final score, is terribly frustrating. You cannot handicap turnovers, and to lose that battle 5-1 (and get an INT taken away due to a STUPID late hit on the QB) is suicidal when playing someone like Texas. Three touchdowns in 1:44 (104 seconds) was the ultimate nail.

Morriss thought the same thing I did: he wanted to have a chance to win on the field and I think they really had a shot. Yes, Texas was dominant up front and they would win 19 times out of 20 when these teams play. But if THEY were the ones with four more turnovers, who knows. As it played out, I think Texas would only cover 1 time out of 20 - the game that played out the way it did Saturday.

To the next couple of nights.....

You can likely find all you want to know about these games from others, so I'll give you a brief synapsis.

I lean to the chalk tonight in Mount Pleasant. They are playing with a division lead and don't want to spit it up against a BG team that has struggled offensively pretty much all year. If Ball could only muster six points against CMU, don't see BG doing much better than that. It's a short week but CMU is 7-0 against the number and I made it a little higher. If I see any 6's pop up, I'll be there for a small bet.

Virginia and UNC are two teams I'd stay far, far away from. Will watch the first half to see if something develops but hard to tell who will be motivated. Talent-wise, UNC has potential to hang. But psyche-wise, would have nothing to do with outgoing Bunting and UNC.

New Mexico is pretty bad but Rocky Long has always done well with that 3-3-5 defense and Utah's offense has been anything but a model of consistency. Can't lay meaningful points on the road with the Utes at this point.

As far as the Friday night game goes, tough to say. Have heard where this game is basically UConn's season, and with WV prepping for Louisville, expect them to keep everyone healthy in whatever means possible. But they punted exactly ONE time last week in win over the Cuse... and don't see UConn as being any better as Cuse at this point. All depends on which WV shows up; not betting either side in this one.

Good luck with these weeknight games, but you can all have them this week. Not interested....

I hear everyone saying that WVU is gearing up for Louisville, but isn't that two weeks away? Don't they have a "bye week" next week or am I missing something? WVU on national TV and needing some BCS points? Hell, doesn't anyone remember what Navy did to UCONN a couple of games ago? Will UCONN handle WVU's option game any better?

Answer these questions, guys, and you'll find the answer to who you should be playing on Friday night.
UVa has about 20 times more talent than UNC, who is bone dry this week and missing their only good player on defense Larry Edwards, who is out for the year.

UNC could hang in this game because UVa's coaching staff is horrible and they have a lot of youth on their team, but they have way more talent than the Goats.
Could be, I'm just not interested in laying that many points in this spot against a team that will be fired up to play their best game of the year, might even run a trick play or three...

Better investments this weekend are out there, for sure...
Galt: Could be. I don't think UVa is that much more talented than the Heels, at least from what I've seen this year.

Carolina just doesn't have anyone at QB that is semi-capable of running an offense.
Rexy, UVa is loaded, but most of the guys aren't big names (Chris Long, Marcus Hamilton, Brandon Albert, Deyon Williams) or are very young and people haven't seen enough of them to know how good they are (Jameel Sewell, Jeff Fitzerald, Chris Cook). The Hoos are better at every position outside of RB (although I think McGill is bunk) and LB (although probably close to even now with Edwards out).

If the Hoos come out and play like they're capable of (that's a big IF with Al Groh at the controls), we could see a woodshedding tonight.
Well came off 6.5 to 7 which says somebody believes. VA defense definitely better here imo. Edwards big loss for the Tarheels. GL on the HTime plays Rex.
Well, it wasn't a woodshedding, UVa looked pretty mediocre, but they got the job done.

When they go to Bleaksburg at the end of the year, if we're getting 2 TDs (a decent possibility), take the Hoos. They give the Chokies all they can handle at Thanksgiving :smiley_acbe: