Weekly threads?


To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
Just a suggestion to posters and moderators and all you guys...... I see plenty of new posters posting plays this year (many with no explanations), and that's all great but...... Having dozens of these every day on this forum, I think, will be a bit much

I think the NBA forum will be much more organized and easier to navigate if all those who are posting plays created one thread per week... Maybe like Monday-Sunday for every week??? All your plays for the week could go in your weekly thread, then we would all start up our new ones every Monday

Just a thought... I think it would be make the forum more organized, easier to navigate, less cluttered, and all that good shit

I can't think of any good reasons to oppose this idea, other than stupid shit like you think a thread with losing plays in it will bring you bad luck (lol) or you need to feed your ego with a new thread every day (lol again)...... If a person's weekly thread gets too long, say, over 100 posts, the poster can and should create a new one

Just a suggestion to posters and moderators and all you guys...... I see plenty of new posters posting plays this year (many with no explanations), and that's all great but...... Having dozens of these every day on this forum, I think, will be a bit much

I think the NBA forum will be much more organized and easier to navigate if all those who are posting plays created one thread per week... Maybe like Monday-Sunday for every week??? All your plays for the week could go in your weekly thread, then we would all start up our new ones every Monday

Just a thought... I think it would be make the forum more organized, easier to navigate, less cluttered, and all that good shit

I can't think of any good reasons to oppose this idea, other than stupid shit like you think a thread with losing plays in it will bring you bad luck (lol) or you need to feed your ego with a new thread every day (lol again)...... If a person's weekly thread gets too long, say, over 100 posts, the poster can and should create a new one


It actually sounds like a solid idea...

I'll discuss it with the guys..
you're a genius. Probably won't be all that necessary after a few weeks and less people post their plays.
I'm not really proposing that you guys make it mandatory or anything like that, that will never work......

I guess I'm proposing that the better-known posters start doing it, and recommend it, then all others will almost definitely follow.....

I know some of the guys already do it, and I'm gonna join them.... Hopefully others will too
Love that idea. Otherwise the whole board will be too cluttered up I think.
Weekly threads would get huge...but daily threads would work. That's how we fuction on the french betting forum where I also post.
Yeah, i think daily threads, so that people can find what they need daily, cause what if people start posting three days worth of picks on the weekly forum?
Can you edit posts a week later? If so, I guess that works. If not, I always find that it is a pain having to read through many posts to find new plays/analysis
Weekly threads would work if the poster edits the opening window each day to include that days picks.. Otherwise, digging through a weeklong thread trying to find Fridays picks is very cumbersome IMO.. Good to see you back in action btw. I will be following your comeback tour closely:cheers:
t*d - if you want a title that says something other than Cheerleading Captain, just Pm me with what you want.

As for this topic, it's the whole point of a MB that people have a right to create a thread for their own input. The idea for a daily thread for soley picks (where no write-up/other input is expected) - like Lippsman does for covers hockey - is the way to go, if a way must be gone.
I have to admit, I thought the weekly thread would be a great idea but it's starting to become a pain finding new plays. I find myself reading the same posts over and over again all to see a " GL " at the bottom. Can we do a poll or something and find out if everyone else likes it this way?
That's an easily solvable problem. We could all make our plays in big font. Or we could make all the plays on the first post, adding every day, as JPicks does.

Is it really taking you that long to find plays? lol