Weekend Weather and Hurricane Matthew


Pretty much a regular
Sure hope this storm turns out to the Atlantic but looks bad for Caribbean now and forecast to turn up the east coast.
Seems like a lot of games could be affected Saturday
Army @ Duke
Syracuse @ WF
VaTech @ UNC
ND @ NC State
Georgia at So Carolina

Couple games in Florida but storm may have already passed Miami and Fla Atl

Not sure of speed and direction but could possibly affect the games farther north
Houston at Navy would be on my radar (pun intended)

Post any and all info of this or other games weather may play a larger role
Best to all on your plays
The hurricane is on track to be in the Carolina region on Saturday, as of the latest model update. A lot of be decided before then, but the games you highlighted are all in range.

The latest model put the storm on a more western track, and has trended west in each of the last 3 model updates. Florida is now within range, and South florida has 70% chance of seeing TS winds, and a 20% chance of seeing a hurricane. They expect the storm to be in south florida area on wednesday/thursday
thanks OFS, definitely looks like the Carolinas could be affected
liking Army more than Duke, not sure of the weather effect on the others
Good time to hit these Unders and big dogs IMO as they will probably all move. So far took:

Tulane/UCF U 51.5
SCAR +7.5
Tulane +13.5
UGA and USCe will make a decision by Wednesday whether or not they will play the game in Athens
Things are forecasted to get pretty ugly from Charlotte to Chapel Hill as the wind gusts could reach 50+, not to mention temps may not break 70 and the rain is expected to come down in buckets. I took the under 59 as I expect it to keep dropping as the week goes on. The storm is pretty much all they are talking about here in the Piedmont so unless it makes a dramatic turn, the storm should cause some havoc across the Carolinas.
They'll end up canceling these games if this storms stays on this track. Maybe they move them up? You can't play in the contortions CB just described. Nor can u expect fans to come out.
liking Army more than Duke, not sure of the weather effect on the others

It makes sense given Duke having a more balanced style O and Army doesn't care to throw it. I would just caution that I have seen Army year after year having fumbling issues within their option operation. They fumbled 38x last year and lost 13. Maybe they've cleaned it up this year, just a head's up if the field and ball is wet it might be more problematic for Army than one would think.
20/21 models have the hairican moving away from NC now and no direct hit. Doesn't mean there couldn't still be any rain, but it won't be anywhere near what was predicted earlier. Stay tuned as it will change again before we all wake up in the morning
LSU and FLA announcement at 1pm
Eastern tomorrow.
They want this game in Gains and have said it ain't moving.....real curious what they do here
WTF are the Gators thinking here? I KNOW you don't want to lose home field advantage but ffs

how will they play this game?
the governor is telling people to evacuate, get outta FLA

UNLESS, you have tickets to the UF-LSU game LOL
Pretty obvious dumb dumb. Lsu offered the private plane, buses, and police to get UF there. They said no. The inference would be that they don't think they can win there; especially given these conditions, so game cancelled unless either team needs it.
UGA/USCe moved to Sunday at 2:30 still in Columbia. Big break for the Dawgs to avoid the night game
anyone have a read on field conditions in Raleigh? Looks like 100% rain throughout the game
anyone have a read on field conditions in Raleigh? Looks like 100% rain throughout the game

buddy who lives in Raleigh sent me this-- heaviest rains from noon to 5pm, gusty winds up to 45mph. Field drains well but wind doesn't drain.
Great thread for the day, please post updates as it's appreciated guys :shake:BOL
Wow, during game in Raleigh, projections are rain could come down by as much as 2inch/hr
Local forecasts for chapel hill and Raleigh both calling for heavy rain all day, wind gusts up to 40+ and chilly. It is a mess here in Charlotte but even worse further east so game conditions will be messy at best and crowds are expected to be impacted due to conditions en route to the game being nasty for many.