Week Two NCAA Plays...


CTG Partner
CTG Posted

06-07 NCAA: +47.4 total units
07-08 NCAA: +24.25 total units

08-09 NCAA: +6.95 units
Sides: 6-1 +7.95 units
1st Halfs:
2nd Halfs:

Teasers: 0-1 -1.00 unit

Friday Side:

Navy +7 -110 (1 unit)......*writeup below in thread... L

Saturday Sides:

Northwestern -6.5 -110 (2 units)

Oregon St +16.5 -110 (1 unit)

Western Mich -6 -110 (2 units)

Syracuse -4 -110 (2 units)

New Mexico +115 (1 unit)

E Carolina +7 -110 (1 unit)

Rice +3 -110 (2 units)

UTEP +26 -110 (1 unit)

***Writeups are all below in the thread

2nd halfs:

tOSU -14.5 -115 (2 units).... L

5 Teamer 7 Point Teaser

Wisconsin -14
Northwestern +0.5
Texas Tech -3
Western Michigan +0.5
South Fla -7

Risking 1 unit to win 4 units
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Damn. I was looking for your thread last week and thought you hadn't started playing yet. Nice work in week 1. GL this week.
great start to the year Jump.

Everyone likes Northwestern's spot in this game; I agree with the spot but my rankings have this spread right on and it's not like Duke is going to let down after beating JM. I'll be watching.

Beavers go to Beaver Stadium...it's a Beaver kind of day.

Good luck.
i lean NW, i just cant pull the trigger on them right now, some thoughts? awesome wk 1 btw
Friday side:

Navy +7 -110 (1 unit)......Navy rushed for 521 yds last year vs BSU...a staggering number...I don't see alot of improvement on the front 7...three dlineman gone from that putrid squad...now Davis will get his...Navy's D was just horundous last year as well..but they still competed...Navy always plays better away from the academy...less drills to do w/ teh 5am wakeup and such ...homefield doesn't matter here..K squared is out but Bryant can ball...5.9 ypc....but just can't get 8.0 ypc on 62 carries out of my head...will be a shootout..weather is possible which could be a hindrance to the air attack of Bsu...they rushed for 267, 6.2 ypc in this game last year, so wouldn't kill them either though..small play based on value and matchup...
Northwestern -6.5 -110 (2 units)....alot has been said about the spot here and it's a very good one...Duke got their only win of the year in Evanston by six....NW outganed them nearly 2-1 by over 200 yds and that was w/out sutton...the entire offense returns this year and I love the NW squad...NW historically the last ten years have been very explosive in the spread w/ a senior playcaller...this bodes really well for NW...Cutcliffe got thaddeus lewis his second career win last week w/ a 31-7 dismantling of a good FCS squad in JMU...he's doing good things here and the crowds are showing the appreciation..weather issues keep some of them away today..NW has the better runner in Sutton and the quicker hitters the spread allows help as well...NW is going to be a good ATS squad this year and they get revenge on the game that really kept them out of a bowl game in a 6-6 campaign last year..

New Mexico ML +115 (1 unit)....enormous issues on the Oline for aggy and it reared its head in the 2nd half with a comedy of errors from the group up front and the qb spot..crybaby is back which may help, but he's still hobbled...tough times ahead for now for Sherman until they get some big upset later in the year over Texas, Mizzou, or OU...always happens...Long's group will get pressure up the middle and thats tough to overcome..Lobos have started slow last couple years and last year was the first year in five that they've been better at home than on the road...slow starts bother me w/ this group and that showed up last week vs The Frogs....but not two straight imo...good value..wrong team favored..

Oregon State +16.5 -110 (1 unit)....this was a play for me before the suspensions..but that was enough to almost push it too two units..alas though, that drubbing at Cincy last year just won't allow me to do it...Dline and Qb play caused the loss last week vs Stanford..the Oline is green on the right side and boy do those suspensions help that...Mo evans comes from that speed side and he's out...Kuroma out too and that puts PSU down three DTs..camp injuries to Devon Still and now Kuroma out kill this group...they have to have them back by Illy game or it's bad..weather issues today as well...all the great equalizers....Oregon St will have to score a bit to cover, but they have an explosive enough offense and good enough coach to get it done..way too much value...small play though as I respect the offense JoePa has this year, which has drawn comparisons to that 94 group in State College...show me..that group was insane..

Syracuse -4 -110 (2 units)...no clue what this line...respect for the MAC I suppose after the strong start and two misleading scores last week...Cuse were beat good by the Cats but they did lead after scoring 10-9 after a sutton fumble early in the third...Akron stayed w/in the number at Wisky but shoulda lost by 40...multiple miscues by wisky isnide their own redzone....Cuse will get 150 plus on the ground here...the Zips are the worst team in the mac east for sure ...number is too low...

Western Michigan -6 -110 (2 units)....I think this is the best team in the west division of the Mac and that's saying somehting w/ CMU and Balls squads this year...a pretty good drubbing last week in Bo Pelini's debut, but the Broncos three scoring drives were all 70 yds or more..that tells me a ton about them...giving up short fields but thats not going to happen nearly as often in this spot..N Illy is improved, have young and hungry coach and that showed in Minny..but that team is awful don't be fooled...Steele agrees as he has NILLY his number 3 improved school, but this line should be over ten...this will be surgical imo...

I have some more leans but I want to see some weather issues and just do a little more looking around...I've been way behind all week....the NFL opening week always does that...

GL today..

Teaser in a bit.
Also, would like a couple opinions of the Mike Ford injury to those that are near the Bulls or watch them more than me...I saw three games they played last year..Wvu, UConn, and the bowl game...I was also on CFU during that drubbing last year (against RJ's advice)...so a little help would be appreciated....I want to play them but just can't for some reason...can't get teh Texas game outta by head from last year down there...even sans Kevin Smith
5 Teamer 7 Point Teaser added:

Wisconsin -14
Northwestern +0.5
Texas Tech -3
Western Michigan +0.5
South Fla -7

Risking 1 unit to win 4 units
***Warning....was horrible on 2nd half bets two years running..

that said, the homer in me:

tOSU -14.5 -115 (2 units)....2nd half

two drops on the goal line have cost 14 pts....they don't look good at all, but the Oline is playing better...Ohio wont score again...
Agree Ohio shouldn't score again...

You'll prolly get a turnover for score as well.

Think its a very solid play...wish it was 14...but I think the job gets done.
homer but was right play..misses by a pt and a half...defensive score for Ohio on bad snap and boeckman fumble....

couple late in additions in a second.
homer but was right play..misses by a pt and a half...defensive score for Ohio on bad snap and boeckman fumble....

couple late in additions in a second.
Was the right play, we lost it but oh well. Was hoping Pryor would bust through on that last drive to get it for us.

Old clock rules we would have won:hang:
E Carolina +7 -110 (1 unit)...I've actually got +8 w/ local Ohio sucker but don't wanna get the record police startin up another thread that Fondy has to close....this is all Skip Holtz for me...we'll see...a joke in Morgantown last year...hoping the weather is a bit of an equalizer for the speed at Qb...I like the senior mobile QB for EcU...also...ECU's D reminds me a bit of S FLA and that's who's killed wvu's spread the last couple in conference...revenge spot..so we'll see..
Rice +3 -110 (2 units).....I just don't see Memphis keeping up here...best team Rice has had in I don't know how long..anyone who watched the SMU game can tell the xplosivenes.s......veteran QB, etc....too much O

UTEP +26 -110 (1 unit)...small, small play...game of the decade here and impossible ticket to get....hang on early and gonna be a ballgame....Texas pulls away late but enough of a value for a small play here....