Week 9 CFB


Beer and Betting Belong Together
5-1 on posted last week, with a winner on 3 unit play....best week in a long while

Ohio State -6 1/2 v. penn state.....3 units....gonna be a beatdown
Washington -17 v. UCLA....1 unit
Arizona State +3.5 v. USC...1 Unit
Rutgers/Michigan U24 (1st half)....1 Unit
Wazzu Pk @ Arizona...3 units

GL degens
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I may be following you on this one. Not sold on PSU still and tOSU has been just rolling recently.
I'll never fade Urban with a week+ to prep. He's now 40-10 ATS in those situations. Obviously didn't help him much last year against Clemson but overall you can't ignore the #s.
Thx fellas.....

Washington -17 v. UCLA.....1 unit (for now)....I am getting a unit right now and really hoping for this line to drop below 17 with an over-reaction to the UW's loss to ASU two weeks ago and UCLA's beatdown of Oregon.....fact is that ASU played a great game and was just the more emotionally ready team that night...UW still had every chance to win, but too many mistakes and missed opportunities....and I think ASU is a pretty good squad (see below!)......at this point, UCLA has just been killed by injuries and I really think you will see a max-effort, max-emotion UW team on saturday....I have no worries about the banged-up secondary, at that unit is pretty friggin deep with talent.....sure, Rosen could have a huge day and the backdoor could be wide open......but just don't see the UW laying off the gas here.....side note, no team in the country has given up more 10 yd +, 20yd+ and 30 yd+ runs than the UCLA defense.........long day......47-13

ASU +3 v. USC.....1 unit.......I want the Devils in the P12 championship game, because I will be winning a fukk-load of $$$$ on the UW when they play
I think Browning torches UCLA's pass defense. And the physicality of its running game against soft UCLA. Go Huskies!
Thanks fellas.........LETSFUKKINGO!!!!!!!!!

Just needed something on the opening slate of games......so......rolling a Unit on

Rutgers/Michigan UNDER 24 (1st Half)..........better than 50% change that Rutgers is shut out in 1st half.....LFG
Nice add, maybe I should put something on that 1st half too...took game under
Fuck off with that 28 point second quarter.....and all the luckbox shit for PSU.....angry chase

WAZZU PK @ AZ............3 units................pirates and vikings.....