Week 8....3 week rebound plays


18" Pythons
Fuck here goes nothing

Rutgers+3 -130
Louisville-3---fixed game fuck that shoudl be a push
Ball St-1 -120
Troy-16.5 -120
FAU-6.5 -120
UCF-2.5 -120
WVU-17/PSU-1 Teaser
Texas-24 -120

looking at a big card this week will liekly add 2 or 3 more
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With you on louisville and i really like ou to dominate a bad and beaten iowa state team ( could not lay that many on the road but i think you win). Wondering if you would share your thoughts on the buffalo at syracuse game. i also lean cuse but have read some compelling stuff pointing to the other side as well.

as always, gl this week troy
added 3 more writeups and such later this week thansk for uderstanding besides i'm doing shitty and yet there are 20+ people at this thread you guys have ballz
Looks like we're opposite on just about everything this week, except for Troy, which is my Game of the Year. Good health and good luck!
Unless you have Bodog I dunno know where you got a +3 homes. Nobody has that line or 2.5 for that matter.
Nice job Troy. Need Michigan and Washington for a nice 9-2 weekend myself. Hope UNLV hits for ya