Week 7 What Are We Learning

Homer alert, and I think we already knew it, but Bryce Young is the best player in the country and it's not particularly close. He won't win the Heisman again of course, but we're going to miss him

And it's not why we lost, but the officiating today was atrocious. Particularly in the 4th quarter when the refs changed the outcome of the game with 3 horrendous calls, and 3 or 4 more non-calls. And that's the last I'll mention it here
Homer alert, and I think we already knew it, but Bryce Young is the best player in the country and it's not particularly close. He won't win the Heisman again of course, but we're going to miss him

I don't watch a lot of Alabama football, but did today and I'll affirm what I saw, Bryce Young is the best player in the country.
So, so many bad defenses this year...among ranked teams...

USC defense =bad
Utah defense =awful
Tennessee defense =frightening
Alabama defense=not the best
Washington = yikes
UCLA =shootout city
Okie Lite= somehow get worse AFTER halftime adjustments
Ole Miss= torched today

Portal/NIL are definitely part of this...

Continuity is huge. The really good defensive teams generally have blah offenses (except for Georgia and Michigan -- Ohio State still to be decided on defense).


At some point in his presser, Franklin was blaming recruiting. He said something to the effect of 'too small'. He should talk to the guy who does the recruiting.

UNC takes years off my life.

Big win for MSU, still a chance at a bowl.

What was that Wisconsin gameplan? They have no clue about Sparty secondary?

Illinois is going to be a tough out all of November. That of course is a match-up for Michigan the week before The Game.

Kansas competes, doesn't give up.

Notre Dame is laughable. All that hype, and the recruits are looking elsewhere.

A lot of talk about scheduling -- Ohio States best win right now is Toledo. Nothing they can do about catching ND in a possibly under .500 season.

Purdue survived a tough scheduling game. B10 west is fun down the stretch.
Brutal beat for Akron straight up, but they are used to that. Central Michigan returned a fumble like 60+ yards for the win in the final minute when Akron was positioning for a potential game winning FG in a tie game. Although Akron had already missed 2 FGs on the day.

2H Min-Ill Under 21 wins despite Minn essentially having a KO ret TD (to the 5 and they punched it in from there next play)...and I think ILL got a TD within the first couple minutes too of the 3rd Q...14 pts in the first 5min of the 2H...and it stayed Under 21, they scored 20. That's going in my hall of fame of Unders.

Nice win for Bowling Green.

Old Dominion - WOW ... Coastal Carolina - WOW

Texas definitely looked hung over I think. There were times it looked like their D was just not moving very fast, ISU guys in space and making plays. Tough loss for the Clones, on this particular day it felt like they were better team.

Last week was fake VT O. They are not really the team that scored 29 pts and had 400y last week vs Pitt. Today, as it was in their other games, the real VT O gets shut out at home for 3 Q and accumulates most of their yards as they try to catch up late. But they covered...

Was watching UConn off and on, looked pretty sure they were going to win, turned it back on and they were losing in the final minute without the ball. I'll have to look and see how that happened.

Colorado storms the field! Cal loses to the 2 worst teams in league in back-to-back years. I know last year was covid riddled team vs Arizona, but it what it is and today they lose to Colorado. Which if CU was going to put together at game, it was going to be today, but still, from a Cal perspective, that is inexcusable. Buffs do have good fans despite how bad they are, people still show up to their home games in good numbers.

So Kent State did the old switch-a-roo today. Instead of playing bad in the 1H and having to mount a comeback to salvage a win or 2H cover or something, no today, they were gang busters in the 1H....and I think they didn't score a single point in the 2H. Hmmm....

Did Tennessee fans get the goalposts out of Neyland?

After a few years of some really good D in the Big Xll, the old Big Xll is reemerging, atleast for some of the league. Big comeback by TCU. Big comeback for Kansas to push on 10

Teams that suck with a former player as head coach....Western Michigan. That teams just gets worse every year it seems.

Tough break for USF to lose their QB in the 2Q. They kept it close for a bit (tied 17-17 3rd Q), then just couldn't get stops, handed Tulane free points and then couldn't keep up. Feels kinda wrong they didn't atleast cover, but you lose your QB that can happen.

Georgia Southern was a fun win for those guys.

Wisconsin is 1-1 the last two games. What would Paul Chryst's record be? I know it isn't about that, but I don't get exactly what is going to be different with the current staff with him gone. There must be something else in play here.

Tough loss for Arkansas State. They've had more than their share of that this year

I knew ECU would do their best to try to lose, you just can't lay points with them - I mean sometimes they cover as favs, it's just difficult

Stanford. You know, college kids are more resilient than they get credit for sometimes. The manner in which they lost the Oregon State game was most devastating. But David Shaw said post-game it was their best game of the year, and it was, but they had their heart ripped out. Credit to them to show up, play tough and find a way to get that win in South Bend.

Duke...talk about excruciating losses

USC - Utah, that was awesome! The drama in the final minutes of that game, the crowd, what a great game and finish to witness
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Today felt like the best cfb day we’ve had in a really long time. I’ve been critical of the sport - regular season games, playoffs and bowl games have all felt boring for a number of years IMO, just a lot of hyped games being blowouts or uninspiring. But I can’t be critical today…these magical Saturdays are why we all love the sport
Today felt like the best cfb day we’ve had in a really long time. I’ve been critical of the sport - regular season games, playoffs and bowl games have all felt boring for a number of years IMO, just a lot of hyped games being blowouts or uninspiring. But I can’t be critical today…these magical Saturdays are why we all love the sport
Had USC +4.5 so won but that Roughing Passer penalty on them in 1H changed the game. Up 14 0 and pick Utah QB in the end zone. Horrible roughing call (as bad as the 2 in the NFL last week) gives Utah fd and next play they score. 14 7 vs. USC 14 0 with ball at 20. Game from there.

The lack of defense in CF is becoming a joke. I don't get it - the NFL is going the other direction with scoring so it's not coming from the top level. But it's comical how bad it is now in CF. TT Overs kept me alive today - I'm dead even on year.

oh, there's this one. Had Kent St. +8.5, they were up 28-7 early in 2Q and lost 52-31. Only in the MAC.

In both the NFL and CF you just have to know that the Refs will impact a game (and spread) with a horrible call much more often then they used to (as much as replay can get to be too much, can you imagine if we didn't have it - oh my). Just have to hope it goes your way. Like bad beats, should even out over the long run.
Agreed on that. It might've been this way for a couple years now, very obvious this year. Every game has so many significant penalties, negating a turnover, or creating a first down, or taking away a first down. It has always been part of it, always, but now numerous times in what seems like every single game. Sometimes it helps me sometimes it hurts me. No way to tell the net on my bets. Just that penalties and refs are impacting football more than ever.
This was the most amazing day a ncaa football I can recall in a long time. The only downer was few the games had god awful calls where the refs should be investigated if not just taken out back and shot!! They straight up cheated those ncst boys. Wasn’t the only game, just sucks these kids playing their asses off and we have either incompetent at best or totally crooked at worst refs stealing games from teams.
Homer alert, and I think we already knew it, but Bryce Young is the best player in the country and it's not particularly close. He won't win the Heisman again of course, but we're going to miss him

He's not only the best player but I can't imagine a tougher one. He took 4 or 5 vicious, I mean vicious, shots in the game and wasn't fazed.
Homer alert, and I think we already knew it, but Bryce Young is the best player in the country and it's not particularly close. He won't win the Heisman again of course, but we're going to miss him

And it's not why we lost, but the officiating today was atrocious. Particularly in the 4th quarter when the refs changed the outcome of the game with 3 horrendous calls, and 3 or 4 more non-calls. And that's the last I'll mention it here
I am about the furthest thing from an Alabama apologist and have seen quite a few games where I thought they got the calls but those refs totally screwed that team. This Alabama team is certainly not at the level of recent teams but the refs really did that team no favors.
Dare i say Saban blew that game. When they got the FD at Tennessee 32 with minute plus to go i think you pound Gibbs or get Young on RP option 3 times to 1) get closer and 2) make Tennessee use their 2 timeouts. I won overall but missed a middle when bama missed that kick. But i think he needed to bleed that clock down and make it goto OT at worst.
“Kansas competes, doesn't give up”

Cheers to you for saying the first ever positive thing said on this site about KU.

This Lite and Makers is for you.
KU hired a great coach and now has a really good team. You’ll be hearing good things about KU football as long as he’s there.
Dare i say Saban blew that game. When they got the FD at Tennessee 32 with minute plus to go i think you pound Gibbs or get Young on RP option 3 times to 1) get closer and 2) make Tennessee use their 2 timeouts. I won overall but missed a middle when bama missed that kick. But i think he needed to bleed that clock down and make it goto OT at worst.

I think most agree with you, though I also get the thought process of letting Bryce get it done, especially since Tenn D was selling out to stop the run. If Gibbs hangs on to the pass, it’s a TD. Can’t win games like that by dropping passes though
Gibbs is pure dynamite for Alabama. I heard Danielson say, "I've been doing SEC broadcasts for 17 years and Gibbs is as good as any back I've seen." I agree. I can't believe I never even heard the guy's name when he was at GT. I don't know why, but he was smart to get out and go to Bama. He's the best game-breaker in football. You don't see many one-step and he's gone type guys, but he's done it over and over. He made one move in the backfield, on his first step, that was amazing. A Tennessee guy would have had a normal back nailed and Gibbs embarrassed him.

The nonsense from the public handicappers about how Florida State had a chance against Clemson never stopped. The Daily wager guys droned on all week about how somehow, even though the teams had three opponents in common and Clemson proved they are far better, some stat or other proved Florida State was the side to bet. Bear had the topper on Friday. He said, "this line has confounded me all week and I couldn't understand it, but I realize now the number is telling me Florida State is the side to bet." Think about that one for a minute. Pure gibberish. Then he made it his Best Bet of the Week. Amazing. The handicappers on this board saw right through that one immediately and loaded up on Clemson. The game wasn't even close. Look at the final score and it may seem close, but Clemson is three or four TDs better

I can't recall a year when the books offered two gifts like Texas two weeks ago and Clemson on Saturday. Free money!

Saturday was an all-time HOF day for fans. To get to watch three games like Tennessee/Bama, Utah/USC, and TCU/Okla State was a thrill. A reminder, if we needed one, of why we love college football so much

Old Miss keeps winning and looks good doing it, but for some reason they have been over-valued all year long by the books. Only 3-4 ATS and every week I look at them and have to pass because they are laying so many points

The Pac-12 suddenly is one of the most interesting leagues. Utah is as tough as ever and almost unbeatable at home. UCLA is unbeaten and looks like they could stay that way except for the fact UCLA bloodlines say they will blow a couple against weak teams. Cable Williams is unstoppable. Utah had no answer for him. So they can beat anyone. I see Oregon as a soft team, but I'm probably wrong because they appear capable of beating anyone. And Oregon State and Washington State are the same as always, not loaded with talent, but able to beat anyone at home.

What a year for college fans!
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Gibbs is pure dynamite for Alabama. I heard Danielson say, "I've been doing SEC broadcasts for 17 years and Gibbs is as good as any back I've seen." I agree. I can't believe I never even heard the guy's name when he was at GT. I don't know why, but he was smart to get out and go to Bama. He's the best game-breaker in football to me and I expect him to keep making highlight reel plays. He made one move in the backfield, on his first step, that was amazing. A Tennessee guy would have had a normal back nailed and Gibbs embarrassed him.

The nonsense from the public handicappers about how Florida State had a chance against Clemson never stopped. The Daily wager guys droned on all week about how somehow, even though the teams had three opponents in common and Clemson proved they are far better, some stat or other proved Florida State was the side to bet. Bear had the topper on Friday. He said, "this line has confounded me all week and I couldn't understand it, but I realize now the number is telling me Florida State is the side to bet." Think about that one for a minute. Pure gibberish. Then he made it his Best Bet of the Week. Amazing. The handicappers on this board saw right through that one immediately and loaded up on Clemson. The game wasn't even close. Look at the final score and it may seem close, but Clemson is three or four TDs better

I can't recall a year when the books offered two gifts like Texas two weeks ago and Clemson on Saturday. Free money!

Saturday was an all-time HOF day for fans. To get to watch three games like Tennessee/Bama, Utah/USC, and TCU/Okla State was a thrill. A reminder, if we needed one, of why we love college football so much

Old Miss keeps winning and looks good doing it, but for some reason they have been over-valued all year long by the books. Only 3-4 ATS and every week I look at them and have to pass because they are laying so many points

The Pac-12 suddenly is one of the most interesting leagues. Utah is as tough as ever and almost unbeatable at home.
Daily Wager is such a joke. Professional level sports bettors (i.e. winners) are screwed in this day and age. The Networks, Sports Books and State Govt are all in bed together. No way they let a consistent nickel/dime bettor winner play. They want idiot bettors who play 5 team parlays and big players who have no concept of bankroll/money mgt. and put all there money on that can't miss game (that eventually loses). ESPN could care less if their Daily Wager personalities win or lose long term. These guys are TV personalities not pro level handicappers. I read your weekly thread to get YOUR picks. Rest of these TV guys are a joke and coin flip at best.
Daily Wager is such a joke. Professional level sports bettors (i.e. winners) are screwed in this day and age. The Networks, Sports Books and State Govt are all in bed together. No way they let a consistent nickel/dime bettor winner play. They want idiot bettors who play 5 team parlays and big players who have no concept of bankroll/money mgt. and put all there money on that can't miss game (that eventually loses). ESPN could care less if their Daily Wager personalities win or lose long term. These guys are TV personalities not pro level handicappers. I read your weekly thread to get YOUR picks. Rest of these TV guys are a joke and coin flip at best.
It's an oversaturated market to say the least. It's in all of the networks best interest to push gambling content, no doubt. I will also say it makes no sense for a professional bettor to go on these shows (for a variety of reasons but a simple explanation is that they're betting numbers that the public has no chance of getting), likewise it doesn't make any sense for the networks to hire them
I feel like everyone else does about the media people and their picks. I try and insulate myself from all of it because I don't want my thought process polluted with things I hear people say that I don't want to hear. I want to play what I want to play and don't want to be influenced. I do like Tahoe's thread and reading down the picks people give - more or less just to see how they do, not for me to follow any.
The show has flaws, but I like Daily Wager better than all other gambling shows put together because they give out so much information in such a short time. Not just gambling picks, but injuries, weather, line movement, betting gossip in Vegas, money movement, what percentage of the public is on each side, both tickets and money, in all the games. Saves me a lot of time. It looks and sounds like a professionally done gambling show, which is a treat after watching the disaster that Fox tried to foist off as a gambling show.

No way anyone can look good when they have to make picks every single day on some sport or other so I don't even keep track of their daily picks, but when they take all week to come up with Best Bets and Triple Option picks then they should be held to the same standard we all are--did we win or not.

I respect them for another reason too--they keep track of their picks and post how they did, including keeping a season record and posting it every week win or lose. I don't know of any other gambling show that does that.

But the biggest kick I get out of all of them is how convincing they sound. You listen to them and think, wow, he's only 18-38 for his careeer, but no possible way can he lose this time after all the evidence he just gave to support his position.

I enjoy Bear because he shows what happens when a guy gets so tangled up in stats and what is a public side and what smart money is doing and how bookmakers are in a conspiracy to get people to bet a certain way he forgets he's betting football. I never knew exactly what his job was at ESPN till last week when a crawl identified him as Head of Research for Gameday. That made sense. He seems like a guy with so much information he can't make sense of it. He reminds me of the guy in The Princess Bride whose thinking gets so convoluted trying to guess which glass contains the poison he poisons himself.

So I enjoy them all and find them likeable, but as much as I enjoy them, I don't follow their advice. I'll take the guys on this board any day.
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Lightning Round style - no context. These numbers are from Pointwise, occasionally they have misprints

Colgate accumulated 342y and 17 pts on Army

Bowling Green won by 4, 17-13, but outgained Miami Oh 325-189

BYU lost 3 TOs, net -2 ratio and Arkansas outgained them 644-471

UCF fan for 304y! and outgained Temple 737-293

ODU ran for 324 on 31 attempts!

5 combined turnovers in Cal - Colorado, Cal was held to 35 rushing yards!

Utah State outgained Colorado State 390-262, but only won 17-13

Duke ran for 297 and slightly outgained UNC 542-536

NIU outgained Eastern Mich 410-226 in their 39-10 win

LSU outgained Florida 528-395 in the 45-35 game

Rice lost 3 TOs, net -2 ratio, FAU did outgain them by 50 yards and won 17-14

Florida State outgained Clemson 460-370, FSU lost 1 TO

Fresno lost 3 TOs, net -2, still won 17-10 very slightly outgaining San Jose

Georgia lost 3 TOs, net -2, outgained Vandy 579-150

James Madison outgained Georiga Souther 675-590, but lost 4 TOs, net -3 and lost 38-45

Hawaii ran for 223!

Minnesota posted the third lowest total yards of the weekend, 180 on 42 plays. Gophers completed just 6-of-18 passes

Kentucky outgained Miss State 478-225 with a 239-22 rushing yard edge

Liberty and Gardner Webb each lost 3 TOs, GW outgained them 325-315 and GW lost by 1

Michigan ran for 416!

Michigan State outgained Wisconsin by 106y on a similar number of plays

Auburn and Ole Miss combined for 749 rushing yards! (Auburn 301 - OM 448). Auburn lost 3 TOs, net -2

New Mexico State won 21-9, but New Mexico outgained them 269-225

North Texas ran for 475 (47att) on LaTech! LT did pass for 424. NT outgained them 671-504

Notre Dame was -2 TOs, Stanford outgained them 385-301

3 teams ran 100 or more plays, Oklahoma 100 for 701y, Purdue 101 for 608y and most surprisingly Navy 101 for 508y. Navy was averaging 71 plays per game before last week.

South Alabama outgained ULM 615-438, but only won by 7. USA had zero TOs and were actually +1

TCU had to come from behind to win in OT, they outgained Ok State by 125y

Troy outgained Texas State 406-293 but only won 17-14

Air Force was +4 TOs from UNLV, as if they needed them. AF outgained them 420-179

Miami Fl outgained VT 449-257, only won by 6

Baylor outgained WVU 590-500, but lost 3 TOs, net -2 and lost 40-43

Western Michigan lost 6 TOs, net -4! Ohio only outgained them 383-333, but Bobcats won 33-14