-week 7 nfl-


May 5Dimes MLB 2nd place
had a solid week last week; finally getting the ml dogs rolling in a big way. will update the record later...work has been very busy this month. not much time to spend, but i will try to respond at least briefly with any questions/concerns....

***BIG PLAY - Bills +1***

Cinci +10

Dolphins -3 (+100)

*will play Rams +_/ML as well when it comes back out

Saints +3/ML +135

Raiders +3 (+110)/ML +160

Skins 1h -4

Pats -3 - may be a big play as well....


packers (at +2 at some places; may add if it gets to +3)
tenn/kc under
minn/chi over
sea/tb under

Good Luck this week Joe, leaning hard on Denver big...let me know your thoughts on NE.
hey marlo; i will go into a little more detail a bit later, but i agree with what SFCapper said in the discussion thread, and i also explain some of my reasoning of why i think denver is one of the most overrated teams in football in the discussion thread, near the beginning....

this was from an argument i was having, so some of it may not make sense, but here are some buff thoughts...

Amazing record against the spread when a favorite by 3 pts or less. Great at home. Off a bye (and an embarrassing loss), where Jauron has been 2-0. Edwards and Parrish return, Parrish giving a jolt to the WR corp and what will already be a big advantage on special teams. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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They can run 3 WR sets now, something they couldn’t do in their Ariz, and Edwards is a huge catalyst and upgrade from Losman who played in Ariz. Losman turned the ball over 3 times in Ariz, and that distorts what would be the most concerning thing about this play – turnover margin. Coming into this game it’s Buff -3 and SD +4…but as I said 3 of those were Losman. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Edwards is very careful with the football and won’t make mistakes like Losman does, and that’s something that the Chargers need and thrive on. That spot was awful for the Bills @ Zona…they’re already a team that plays different home/away, then they have to travel 2000 miles to Ariz to play, which is no easy task – ask the Cowboys. They were coasting at 4-0, while Ariz was desperate for a win dropping both games in their east coast road trip. It was a horrible spot for Buff. Buff IS for real, and will win this division. Many think the Ariz game exploited Buffalo, and that they were a mirage; they are wrong…the Ariz game was a mirage.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Conversely, it was a great spot for a SD team wanted to avenge their NE defeats and climb out of the hole. This is now a bad spot; they have to travel 2500 miles and take a bad defense with them, and they have the London game with the Saints the week after. Not having Chambers will be bigger in this game, because the Bills corners are beat up a little. They are far more physical than NE’s small corners, so the jump ball to Jackson and Floyd (?)…Whitner will be able to contain Gates, and their run defense is always tough at home. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Bills should be able to move the ball with better field position (Bills special teams!) and facing the 31<SUP>st</SUP> ranked defense against the pass and 28<SUP>th</SUP> defense overall. Merriman was their defensive catalayst and motor to an average defense, and it has suffered without him. Lynch is due for a breakout, and I think he gets it here because of the Bills’ ability to now spread it around to Reed, Parrish, and Evans. Also Jauron>>>Turner<o:p></o:p>
GL Broadway. I don't like that your on the Rams.The line on DEN/NE makes me think Patriots, but I'm not sure I could look myself in the mirror and think I'm a good person by making money off those unscrupulous motherfuckers. Why do I take this shit too seriously? :36_11_6:
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yessir, i don't see seattle scoring hardly at all...their offense has been anemic, and they have to travel half way around the world to play this game against a good defense in primetime. anytime i expect tb has a good chance to win big, i like the under better, because they don't necessarily put 40 up either. i can see this as a 21-10 game, a 17-13 game, or even a 13-7 game. can't really see this game played in the 20s under many circumstances. maybe sea gets a late garbage td to push it over. maybe it's 30-13...but i like my chances on it being a low scoring game, and sea hardly doing anything offensively here
that TO differential in Miami had me off the game (or on the fence) - forgot to consider Losman's impact on it - thanks Joe - probably add it as a play
***BIG PLAY - Seahawks/Bucs UNDER 40***

fuckin ridiculous browns...how romeo still has his fuckin job and braylon still gets #1 receiver money i will never know. he officially has 3 drops, but he really had 5 and about 4 or 5 occasions where he didn't read the blitz or the secondary including the last play on 3rd down when he cut off the route too early. awful awful coaching and awful play by braylon. one of the most frustrating losses in recent memory as a fan.
and now watching more awful coaching as my raiders bet melts away...fuckin unreal how you can be this bad at what you do
nice hit with both big plays joe. Making NE a big play 2m? Want to play them, but not without Maroney and Jordan. Thoughts?
yeah; i'm making it a big play....my thinking has a lot more to do with denver being overrated than it does with ne...i think just about anyone can move the ball on den...and ne just happens to be a very solid home team.

***BIG PLAY - Pats -3 (+100)***