Week 5 major line moves in-game...


CTG Regular
OK, let's get the thread going. I will only be here to update it through Wednesday. Anything that happens after that, I won't be able to do it much this weekend.

I did jot down the accounts of six or seven players and will look once or twice a day to see if/when they do anything and will try to report back Thursday night. Be flying all day so will be unaware of the line movements until I get my DB/SO fired up in my Phoenix hotel.

Will also check in a couple of times Friday and Saturday morning with one last update if I see anything from the key accounts.

First move of the day came on 137 Iowa +7 from a sharp group. 130 UMass by the same group about 15 mins later. 106 South Florida +11.5, 118 Ball State +8.5 the same guys.

Isolated guys (different IP addresses) from the same group bet on 141 Miss St +7, 193 Arky +7, 111 UNC +8, 213 NM State +14.5 and 209 UTSA -2.5. Also added 148 Okie Lite -6.5

Another one of them bet on Baylor about the time the Mahomes injury hit the screen. Who knows.

135 West By God got hit by a guy i respect who sometimes gets the early moves before a few touts release.

Right Angle i THINK is on Texas +17.5 game 155. I also think they're on 150 Tulsa +7.5, which is fucking great news for me.

Different group on 170 C Mich +3 -105 after that, which was at 12:19 EDT. Nothing notable has happened since then.

Back to finishing my own bets and getting my own thread up!

haha im on houston, by reading that it makes me think you are too. BOL this week, safe travels!
Another tout guy just played 178 Cal -17. Not sure who it is, and none of the other minions followed.

He also bet on 120 Appy State -23.5 with anothre guy just now.

I saw screen action on 184 and 185. Looks phoney fuckin baloney to me on both.
Same tout-type guy 215 UNLV +8. There were about eight of them betting that, and the last half or so ended up taking 7.5 so it's a real move, whoever it is. Me thinks judging by the chart last week that it's Doctor Bob on Las Vegas.
178, 120 and 215 i assume you are referring to, Niffel guy? That would make sense judging by the UNLV play - my guess is that the first one didn't get the volume because the people weren't expecting a release. To the ticker I'm monitoring in chronological order - one hit, three hits, eight hits, lmao.
It's pretty brutal, matty.

Here are the sharp totals. These either will move or already have. Most of them are still good.

106 USF UN 62
124 Kent State UN 46.5
126 Iowa State UN 57.5
128 Mich State UN 57

106 and 124 were bet by multiple people UN. 126 and 128 were bet by the same people, but not sure who messed up .... guessing they were supposed to match, so 126/128 not sure the deal but 1 guy bet 126 and 1 guy bet 128.
158 Navy UNDER 53.5 is going to get destroyed on the screen. Four guys buried it at the same time. Surprisingly, it hasn't moved there yet. Get it if you want it...
Big shocker, betting under in the AFA/Navy game. Every year like clockwork, doesn't matter how much you shade it down.
Big shocker, betting under in the AFA/Navy game. Every year like clockwork, doesn't matter how much you shade it down.

I shaded the shit out of it and am still showing a little value on the Over, lol. Biggest freaking anomaly in football when these academies play each other.
same guys who bet the totals in post 11 bet these a few minutes ago. They will move. I'm off to run errands and will post any updates before the Champions League matches start at 2:45, then again periodically at 5 after they are over for the rest of the night.


115 Beegees OVER 68
177 Wazzou OVER 69.5 and 70
155 Texas OVER 71.5

Those games will almost certainly move their way if they haven't already.
Just got back from haircut; let's catch up a bit.

Looks like Right Angle or another respected tout on Baylor -15.5 all the way up.

Newbie joined the fun with another mover on 151 Ariz St OV 57.5. They recently added 199 S Bama OV 58.5 and 159 Bama OVER 53.5. This one mover who has been in here awhile HAS been known to phoney some totals, so beware those plays.

The same guy who bet the totals in post 11 and 18 added these:

167 Ohio St OV 64.5
189 EMUs OV 57
197 UNT OV 65
148 Okla St UN 50
196 SMU UN 68.5

Those games, I am convinced Right Angle will probably have on his list one or two, and if not him, Walters for sure. This guy gets the best of it so often it's scary.
Please note that when i list totals I will almost always (unless i commit a typo or am copy-and-pasting someone else's info) post the OVERS under the visiting team/odd number in the rotation, and the UNDERS in the home team/even number.

120 Appalachian State Under 56
134 NC State Under 50
138 Wisconsin Under 48
184 Louisiana Tech Under 63
thanks niffel, sorry was not around to post as I am running errands today and unofficially "off the clock" the rest of the week.

I show my ticker with someone (if not Right Angle, then another tout-type) on 164 Duke UNDER 39.5

Also someone touted 108 UNCC UNDER 47

I show the same guy who only bets tout stuff on my Houston 149 -6.

In order, Right Anger released 138, 184, 120 and 134.

Nothing else noteworthy has happened since they finished up about an hour ago.
One solitary mover bet a couple of totals, and he seems new. I must respect them for now because they moved strong.

He bet 191 Old Dome OV about 20 minutes ago, and 123 Miami O OV 47 about three minutes later, against the early steam guy.

That said, I just went back to check his account - not all THAT new - and noticed a couple of other bets; he gets the right sides it seems, but betting them at bad numbers. He won't win in the long run doing that; nor will anyone else.
One more update tonight, and that'll do it for the week.

There was a decent move on 128 Mich State -21 earlier, it was legit.

Right before 8 Eastern, there were sharp totals movers (won't count Billy out on this one, especially when looking at the plays) on these games:

172 Baylor UNDER 89.5
176 Culorado UNDER 70.5
200 Troy State UNDER 62.5
202 Monrow UNDER 49.5
210 UTEP UNDER 58.5

One of them guys came back in on a few others later; they'll almost surely move his way if they haven't (yes I've closed my screen and no I'm not re-opening it. My Colombian ex is here and I'm in the middle of a marathon truckjob. Just taking time out for a few minutes before I dig back in).

133 U of L OVER 47
150 Tusla UNDER 81.5
156 TCU UN 72
157 AFA OVER 51
168 IU UNDER 67
hi all, Meteorologist Rexy here with a Niffel play in the wrong forum...

bet UN 45 big in Philly as i think the hurricane might have a big saying on the outcome there and there's a great chance i'll be able to get out at 41 or better.... no real opinion on the total myself.... just passing along info, i would either circle or take it down until you have a clue ofthe forecast.... would guess it COULD affect 260 and it WILL affect 264....

I will post this when i post my Niffel plays Thurs night or Friday afternoon! Just wanted it to be there on record before I fly in a few hours...
