Week 5 Junk


Beer and Betting Belong Together
Two to start.........a game under .500 on season, down a few units.........these for 2 units

UW/Rutgers Under 47
Boise State -7
v. wazzu
South Alabama +21 @ lsu.......2 units....big mistake laying too many points with LSU last week, as they just don't have the defense to extend.....S. Alabama's offense is better than UCLA and they will get points here....too big of a number here
Got one more..........

Charlotte +7 @ rice...............a few reasons.....lot of discussion about charlotte being down to 3rd QB, but Ivey has experience in past years and really looked solid against the Hoosiers....ended up watching a lot of that game and came away with the belief that Hoosiers are still underrated and Charlotte played very tough through the first half.......at this point, not sure rice should be laying points to anyone, especially a full 7.......seems ridiculous to me, but have a feeling that this line is set high on the anticipation of further charlotte fade.....also think this line will get banged down this week......will for sure be on my card in the ML underdog contest
Thoughts on the S Bama team total over? Should be 22.5ish.....I think they can move the ball (especially with Perkins out)....and in theory, should be playing catch up....
Thoughts on the S Bama team total over? Should be 22.5ish.....I think they can move the ball (especially with Perkins out)....and in theory, should be playing catch up....
Feel for Perkins, that sucks (for him/future), but ACL not what it used to be.......like a lot of my early bets, I do a lot of second guessing.....I am not thrilled with the line move in this game. UCLA only moved the ball in the air and that is not really USA's thing....I think we find out very early if the USA o-line can handle the LSU d line and get cracks for that misdirection shit.....they have the talent, but need some daylight for the offense to work......I do think they get there, even if it takes a late TD.....my biggest fear here is that LSU holds the ball with long-ish drives and keeps the D completely fresh and they get a few very quick 3 n outs in the first half....willl make for a long night.........that said, the LSU D (LBs) are young-ish and USA very well may be able to get their shit moving against them.......lean over on USA total, but I probably wouldn't look to bet until I saw a drive or two (may be too late at that point).
