Week 3...moving along


Go the Bills!
Thankfully a nice saturday helped my far too negative ass after those week 1 results...


Air Force +7.5 (1*)


TROY +10 (3*)


Central Florida +19 (3*)
S.Miss -1 (3*)
Fla Atl & Minn UNDER 55.5 (5*)

more later..........
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tell me about the fAU/Minny under...I hope you're right about it, but I'm curious about your thoughts.
GL dude, you're the only fucker I've seen anywhere on AF. Sometimes not a bad sign....
thanks Precise:cheers:

red....basically, FAU has difficulties on offense (Minny has difficulties on defense) = No major edge offensively. Minny needs the run to set anything up via the passing game while FAU has faired well against the ground games, but struggled with pass heavy teams (OSU) Neither team has the weapons to take advantage of the others' weakness...GL:cheers:

Thanks bro, always enjoy being the solo man on the mission:smiley_acbe:
UNC -3 (1*)
Fresno St +16 (3*)
Kansas & Toledo UNDER 65.5 (5*)
BC +6.5 (3*)

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thanks G-Man, like I said, it is almost comforting being on bettors island all by myself:smiley_acbe: GL this weekend:cheers:

FJ.....both teams can put up numbers on the offensive end and Troys defense has had a tough 2 weeks on the road against SEC talent. Coming home and facing a Cowboys team that seldom shows up to meet expectations on the road makes the DD spread very appealing to me for the dog.....GL:cheers: