Week 2 sharp stuff/line movements thread...


CTG Regular
Guys, I wasn't going to do this because Right Angle isn't releasing their plays via the timer anymore. So the anticipation factor is gone.

Another thing about this thread: I don't have the same job responsibilities as I did last year (thanks, automation and robots). I am looking at the ticker a lot less often and charting fewer players. A few moves on gameday morning are abundantly clear but some are not.

I do not want to start a thread where I post some information and omit other information because that would only cause more confusion. But I have gotten a few messages from people inquiring about it, so I figure might as well post and then check back in a time or two each day when there is now new news and I can at least answer any questions.

Prior to this most recent wave that started in the last hour, movers this week had bet on (sorry no prices, I didn't chart the prices only the sides/totals):
303 OV (sharp money came for that UNDER this morning)
309 OV
315 OV
318 UN
322 UN
323 OV (that seems possible Right Angler)
323 side
332 UN (this from the sharpest guy in the office, same guy who bet 304 UN).
348 UN
some movement on 348 side but could be fakey
357 OV I think is Right Angle
363 side is one sharp guy but might not be real
365 OV
374 UN
374 side
385 OV
388 UN (I pretty sure that is Right Angle)
391 OV.

Sharp totals guy might be Walters, bet 303 OV 70.5 and 314 UN 54.5 at 2:02 Eastern. He added 315 EMU/Mich OV 55 an hour later.

I think it's Right Angle on 323 Testicle Tech +17. His guys have also bet on 374 Illy +8.5, 301 Maryland -10 (nice phoney jobber there by someone on Fla Intl earlier), and 304 UNDER 70 (another possible phoney but it seems the OVER money there is real so could be two sharp groups opposing each other).

These plays came at 2:53 from a suspicious account but not sure who he working for at this point:

302 +8.5
303 OV 70.5
305 -16.5
309 OV 53
315 OV 55.5
322 UN 59
324 -17
324 UN 61
329 OV 47.5
331 OV 56.5
339 +5
341 +4
348 UN 52.5
357 OV 61.5
359 OV 47.5
367 OV 54
374 UN 58
385 OV 74.5
388 UN 58.5
391 OV 62

I'll add more when I get time and see fit. Good luck this year following and/or fading the moves.

Yamasaki wave runner group on several of these Rex. You heard of them out of Eastern Asia? Big conglomerate making the foray from cricket to cfb.
will ask around when things are a bit less hectic. Wave runner sounds familiar from somewhere but i can't remember. Might have even been from one of y'all in this thread last year. If that's the case, I've still got no clue who that is.

Sharp money 348 AFA -20.5 a bit ago
will ask around when things are a bit less hectic. Wave runner sounds familiar from somewhere but i can't remember. Might have even been from one of y'all in this thread last year. If that's the case, I've still got no clue who that is.

Sharp money 348 AFA -20.5 a bit ago

Sharp money hit that this morning at -18
yeah the followers were the ones who bet it later for sure. Sorry for mis-stating that. Case in point about why I don't even want to do this thread to be honest. I don't want to spread misinformation. Very few sharp people are going to bet secondary and tertiary numbers. Just the followers - who I would book all day and twice on Sunday for whatever they wanted to bet. I wasn't around when they laid 18 and there will be several times I'm not going forward.

The same guy who bet all that shit at 2:53 came back for first half fun:

302 +6
303 OV 34.5 -120
309 OV 26.5 -105
315 OV 30
324 -9.5 -15
329 OV 24 -15
357 OV 34
369 OV 41
374 UN 29.5
385 OV 37.5

NOTE -------------------------------------
This was all Thursday PM. I thought I hit post reply but i guess not. Sorry for the mistake.

Friday believe it or not only movers play is 340 Duke -5.5, I remember being sick when they bet that because it's my side and I was so busy with other shit.

I also see nothing from Walters suspects overnight; he usually has a stealth totals guy who bets 10-12 games right sides but nothing yet. Weird.

GL today.
Yamasaki wave runner group on several of these Rex. You heard of them out of Eastern Asia? Big conglomerate making the foray from cricket to cfb.

Asked the guys I know at SBO and 188 about them and they haven't heard of them. They must go by a different name or it translate differently