Week 2 NFL...


thunder thighs & hairy muffs specialist
4-0-1 ytd
(2-0 LARGE)

Locked this in large last night at +2... Would take up to -3 for a decent play.... I said this team may not win a game all season and I'm starting to think they are actually worse Then even I suspected

Titans +2 LARGE

Be back later w more
Great start jim...not many can say that is my guess after week one...

Yeah I'm usually slow starter in football, had a really good feel this past week though.. If it wasn't for that last sec touchdown last Thursday that push woulda been a win.. Actually had a few other leans that I didn't play that woulda hit too.. Taking a new approach to football this year though.. Hope it pans out... GL Buddy
Ouch... Tough one to swallow last night... Covering w 30 secs left i run to my car to look at some papers for work, come back up and 14 points were scored... The only games of lost recently have been bad beats like that so I feel like I'm seeing things well .... . So i seen a fellow well respected capper on a game and started typing about why I disagree w him, next thing I know I have a small book and could keep going..so instead of clogging his thread up I just copied it here.... Definitely interested in discussing if anyone is up for it

Rex.. As a diehard Cleveland sports fan just want to give you my opinion about the Browns ... Absolutely you make valid points about Tennessee Week 1... You talk about the gimmicky shit.: but that's what Mariota does ... And does it very well ... Somewhere over the last year or so there's been a misconception about the Browns defense ... And their defense is not good .. As hard as it is for me,This team is a absolute train wreck and I have serious doubts they win a single game this year ... If you're calling for a Browns win then you must think they're only going to whole Tennessee to 14 points tops ... We just let the Jets get off on us ... Will bowe play this week? Will he not ?? Even if he does he has zero on the field reps with the first team .. The running game is a serious mystery... The guy that they are saying is the future has very limited on field experience ... I would just really trend lightly here ..:I will at the game and personally I'm on Tennessee fairly large ... Don't expect the Browns the score more than 13 ... 31-13 is how I see it playing out... I cannot stress to you how bad this team really is... And that's not even talking about the coaching aspect... This guy is a turd, and regardless what jimmy H said preseason,locally there's rumors staring to fly about him being on the hot seat..they are saying he has lost the locker room....he makes the most obvious mistakes week in and week out...team commits so many dumb holds and penalties it can drive you crazy and that's all discipline starting w petite Besides DBs, And OL tenn has the advantage in every other aspect of the game...and OL means nothing when don't have a capable QB, I would def feel better about our chances(for THIS game) if josh was starting, and I'm as big of Johnny backer as there is,(I feel like sitting him last year put this team 3 years behind)b...now granted it is home opener but even that feels different this year(been to just about every one since return). The most common asked question about our team around here is about a QB who is 3 hours south and plays on Saturdays... Everyone is waiting for that... Before season started (I have hefty wager on UnDEr 6 games) I said I see 4 tops(and that's if Johnny shows up) but more likely 2-3 and have much better chance at zero then we do 6... I did say one of those 3 wins would be either ten/oak, ( other would be a SF, Rams, Kc, cards or someone like that and possibly split a division game)... However after week one I honestly believe they are worse then even I thought..its not even a matter of being less talented then other teams... It's a matter of we can't even get our less talented players on the field to find out how bad we really are lmao...Have serious question marks at QB,RB,WR, defense,coaching...something weird is going on w Haden..hasn't been himself since he got paid.... We sign bowe and he hasn't seen the field, Pryor was supposed to be this break thru WR to give us life and and didn't even give him a fair shake, Even if and when Duke is healthy I don't think he's very good, too small ..so gonna have to wait till his health is better just to find out he can't cut it..2 nights before the game last week we have our top 10 DB who we completely blew a draft pick on getting busted for road rage incidents... I mean it's going to take all the stars to align to pull a win out... Say what you want about Tennessee , but if they run that offense and no way that will make Mariota comfortable , I really really like their Wr core and think Beckham is gonna show his freakish talent...to me, the ONLY valid arguement for backing Cleveland here is more so of a fade of mariotta, on the road for the first time against a team on its season opener... This one is different because I believe Mariotta played on the biggest stages, and he has the talent and head for it...and I'll take the talent and head on the shoulders everytime.... But if you wanna use that angle I understand...but when you bring up talent and coaching .. Tenny is on another level imo...I think Mariotta is the real deal and has a chip on his shoulder cause shoulda been first pick IMO..
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I agree with you on the Titans this week jimbo. Add to what you just wrote that before last week Dick Lebeau was 26-3 vs rookie QBs going back to 1995. His defense absolutely owned Winston last week. Let's face it, Manziel is a rookie.
I agree with you on the Titans this week jimbo. Add to what you just wrote that before last week Dick Lebeau was 26-3 vs rookie QBs going back to 1995. His defense absolutely owned Winston last week. Let's face it, Manziel is a rookie.

Very good point.. That's a whole other argument.... I'm a realist so all off season when I talk to all the locals who are die hard Browns fans and think every year is gonna be "the year"finally..that's their main argument this week, is how it's mariottas first road start... And to me it's like so what??? I take him over Johnny right this second 100 times out of a 100 Based on skill alone... Add the fact that I really really really like their WR core, add walker at TE who is banged up but I believe he is playing... Plus Marcus has the right head on his shoulder it's a no brainer... Like I said at QB, WR ,TE I give tenny the edge in a landslide... At RB I'd say it's a wash although untill Duke is really a factor I think tenny has slight advantage... Browns have one of best lines in football, but to me that's kind of Irrelavent w the qb and running game we have... People get mad at me all the time because I say we have and literally are wasted careers or joe Thomas, Haden and a few others, it's a shame but it's true... What it said and done their careers are going to go for nothing ... I've been dealing with this for years so I'm just completely fed up, but everything I say is not a biased opinion ... We can say what we want about defenses and how Tennessee played a weak Tampa Bay's offense but they looked pretty damn good against them ... And we let a Jets team, mind you don't have their starting quarterback either , we let them get off on us because there's some theory out there were people think the Browns defense is good and it's not ... Why we keep picking these guys up like Phil Taylor instead of drafting play makers blows my mind ... Shelton is just the second coming of Taylor in my opinion and will probably just get cut in 4 years... Was a waste... The fact that we could have , Julio, or at the very least Sammy Watkins or any of them boys last year a long w a mariotta angers me... Seen a thing last week That over the last 5 years we don't have a single first round pick who starts on our team( and a few years we had more then 1 pick).. Obviously That changes a little bit w Johnny but you get the point ...b
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I'm sorry I just getting going and I can literally go for hours about this crap
good info and appreciate it. For me it's strictly a numbers play and i still think Cleveland is a better team than Tennessee on paper. And yes I am anti-Tennessee, until further notice.