Week 2 Ncaa plays


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Staff member
Courtesy of 5 dimes

Writeups to come soon

WVU -24 at -110...1 unit
Oregon +7.5 at -110...1 unit
Oregon ML +260........1/2 unit
South Florida +7 at -110...1 unit

ML parlay 1 unit pays .90

Oklahoma ML
Penn State ML

YTD record: 4-6...+0.25 units
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Some interesting plays Hunt. I was far from impressed with Auburn as I am sure you were not either. I will be on the WVU game eventually. Don't know what is going to happen in that Michigan game except maybe a lot of points.. GL
WHy is WVU getting pounded down? it went from 25 to 23.5 in 10 minutes at 5dimes??

Auburn is not a good football team, plain and simple.

GL bro.

git sexy bar.
I will be adding my plays in the top window as I move on.

Even though I have LSU on the ML...I may add Vtech as a spread play, will be waiting for a 14 if I can get it.

WVU -24

I honestly don't know what is going on with all the line movement, but I don't care. The rivalry and pride thing is overrated. WVU will drill a hole in this team. If Miami Canes can run all over Marshall with no passing game, imagine what WVU will do. I try and keep things in perspective and not over analyze. I don't think Marshall can generate enough offense to stay in this game, and will be run down by the second half. Pat White doesn't get a lot of respect for his passing skills, but he is an accurate qb and throws down the field well.
Oregon +7.5
Oregon ML

At first I said the ML was the only way to go in this game, but I am seriosuly stunned Oregon is getting 7.5...a lot of people think Michigan is going to be pissed and on a mission, yada yada..I got news for you folks..THEY ARE DONE.

Lloyd Carr and his 3 returning glorious offensive seniors came back with two things in mind this year: Win the MNC and beat OSU. Well 1 of those dreams is done and the other one probably will be too.

I saw the whole UM/ App. State game...every play.

It wasn't pretty.

Michigan is not a well-coached team (duh). You can't just turn it up in the second half, whenever you feel like it. College football doesn't work like that. You have to attack and go for the full game. Michigan has a lot of holes and I will break it down.

Michigan Offense:

The pass protection was bad in this game...REAL BAD, and when it was good Henne still locks down his receiver, misses wide open guys and needs 5 minutes to throw the ball. He also fumbled a two point conversion. Very dissapointing coming from a senior qb.

THe receivers were decent when thrown to, TE will be a problem if Mike Massey stays on first string though because he couldn't catch the ball. They need Carson Butler back. When guys were open Henne often overthrew them or missed them badly.

Hart had a good game. Minor did not. MInor fumbled twice, once in a crucial situation when they were driving in the 3rd I believe and again during a two point conversion. The oline run blocking was bad after the first drive of the game all the way into the 4th quarter, then Hart got hot.

Michigan Defense

The defense is prone to giving up the big play. Appy state had several big plays and consistently drove on UM until the middle of the third quarter. Michigan had the team figured out by then and got a few turnovers...but the talent level will be much bigger for oregon running the same type of offense plus they have a great RB. Michigan plays 2 deep zone it seems the whole game, THe corners ar afraid to give up the big play and they play 10-15 yards away from the receivers and they have done this a lot over the years and I will never understand it. they need to play bump and run...jam those fuckers at the line. the secondary and corners specifically are bad runners over the middle, they have no fluidity to them..almost robotic. THey have the speed down the sideleine, but a mobile qb disrupts Michigan's defensive style. The dline did not get any pressure on the qb until the fourth quarter as well.

Special teams

Michigan has a first year kicker this year and he has trouble with getting height on his kicks obviously. It also isn't his fault then no one was blocked on the edges during that final kick, which is another example of bad coaching.

The Kick off specialist consistently kicks it to the 10 or 15 and APp. State had good FP throughout game becasue of this.

THe return game..Johnny Sears for UM is going to turn it over, he barely holds on to the ball..he is fast though.

I have seen enough of Dennis Dixon and Oregon's offense to believe they can win this game. Oregon's defense sucks, but Michigan's is pretty bad too...although they did get much better in the seocnd half, Oregon is not appy. state. I honeslty think it is Michigans psyche more than anything that will determine this game

Carr is not the kind of rah rah coach to get his troops back together. he is lifeless and I honestly think he doesn't have the passion anymore and I also believe a team is a reflection of their coach.

I know I talked a lot about UM and little about Oregon, but it is because oregon has the same type of offense app. state does and why wouldn't they be able to do this to Michigan as well??
South Florida +7

I know S. FLorida didn't have a good game against Elon but from what I read, they seemed to pick it up in the second half...a definite look ahead for this game imo... I like the qb, he is a gamer (Groethe)...they have a good coach as well. I think this is one of the offenses that will really improve onto week 2.

I watched the majority of KSU/AUB game and honestly KSU jsut got too tired and couldn't hold on for the win. Cox is awful and the oline is awful. They don't have any playmakers on offense. Auburn is also conservative, they don't blow teams out and let teams hang with them, it's been that way for a while..kinda like Michigan.

Auburn's d is good, but I think S. Florida can hang around and possibly win this game as well...the defense should be decent and disrupt cox.
ML Parlay thoughts

WVU to lose?? sure.

Oklahoma is the best team in the country, I don't give a shit if Bradford is qb. patrick will be back as will brown..sick depth..theya re fast and hungry. Freeman will be on his ass the whole game. May be added as a spread play if I can get under 10.

Cal has too much firepower to lose I believe. I have to wonder where CSU's psyche is after the rivalry game this past weekend also.

PSU has revenge and is not losing to ND..ND is awful.

LSU kind of scares me, but I jsut have to start believing I guess. Vtech's d worries me but I think the night game, home crowd and LSU offense wins out.
Great writeup on the Michigan game. I think you're spot on in your psychological assessment. How could it have ever even entered their minds that they could lose to a D1-AA team at home?
I'll be on the Oregon ML as well when I can get a number. In general I've had pretty good luck fading teams the following week after a shocking upset.

Good luck on your plays.:shake:
thanks mac...might want to grab Oregon +300 at 5dimes now. I am mad I didn't wait but I couldn't pass up 7.5...this line reminds me of UM at ND last year when it keep fiddling around these numbers in the beginning of week and I think it settled at 6.5...BAR and I grabbed the Ml then too.

Thanks sir..I honestly am in shock about this line...utter shock.

Hey I have been wrong plenty of times though.
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Hunt did you catch any of the Oregon- Houston game? Just wondering how Alridge looked for Houston. I see he had 300 all purpose yards, the kid gave SC fits in the bowl game.. He is real FAST
Everything I have heard about Oregon-Houston is that the final was misleading as can be that Houston did whatever they wanted...as did Oregon obviously
I thought I had recorded the game but its obviously not on my DVR. Alridge had 200yards rushing and 90 receiving on 3 catches.
ETG, I saw bits and pieces of it on replay and Alridge is GOOD.

UM doesn't have anyone with his speed outside of Manningham. Hart isn't a burner but he noticeably faster than he was last year.

The big thing with this play is the psyche, like Mac stated above...and Henne chokes when it counts. He is going to have a world of pressure on him this Saturday.

I'm a bit more surprised at the LM moreso than the opening # in Mich. -
had it pegged at 3.5. Agree with the takes on the game and thanks much
for the ST update since its tedious work checcking that info out. gl dog
thanks gems, gotti and ray..gl on your plays.

Imgn, no problem bro.

A little rant here...Everyone hates to see UM lose and where is the big ten pride? I got 25 texts messages saying UM sucks haha blah blah. ESPN has shown this shit over and over.

THink of it this way all Wisky, OSU and MSU fans...if you guys beat UM and one of you go 12-0 do you think your getting in the national championship if you beat UM this year?? hell no you won't because they lost to Appy state..that kills the sagarin ratings for you guys.
South Florida +7

I know S. FLorida didn't have a good game against Elon but from what I read, they seemed to pick it up in the second half...a definite look ahead for this game imo... I like the qb, he is a gamer (Groethe)...they have a good coach as well. I think this is one of the offenses that will really improve onto week 2.

I watched the majority of KSU/AUB game and honestly KSU jsut got too tired and couldn't hold on for the win. Cox is awful and the oline is awful. They don't have any playmakers on offense. Auburn is also conservative, they don't blow teams out and let teams hang with them, it's been that way for a while..kinda like Michigan.

Auburn's d is good, but I think S. Florida can hang around and possibly win this game as well...the defense should be decent and disrupt cox.

Hunt I hear you on SFLA as well, I have them as a play as well. Something else to add to the above SFAL returns 19 starters from last year, not to mention they did the un thinkable BEAT WVirginia last year. I think they definitely stay within the #
I hope so Tigator...I think Auburn is vastly overrated and Sfla has proven they can win in tough venues..i.e. WVU.

Pisses me off BAR lol.
Yeah, not sure I could play Oregon in that game. The only way Oregon covers is if they are still thinking about last week and Lloyd Carr coaches poorly..........errrrrrrrrrrr let's make that if Michigan has not gotten past last week's debacle.

In all honesty can't take a team on the road that gave up all those yards to Houston at home.
I saw zero plays from the appy state mich game other than the nauseating number of replays since the game ended. I did see every play from the houston - oregon matchup though hunt. Here is what i gathered from the game about oregon. offensively this team is going to be a juggernaut. Dixon is really fast and is capable of making enough of the throws for them to score in just about every game. Stewart is a hard runner and he looked to me like he was reading blocks better than he did a year ago. It was really his only weakness last year and now with his combination of power and speed it makes him very tough to defend. The one problem that I think could develop for oregon is that I don't think you can trust dixon to make the "big" throw when they need it ( though getting 7.5 kind of covers this scenario). Defensively they look a lot like last year. They got gashed on the ground. Granted houston has a decent ol but i didnt see in week 1 the improvement in the run D that would have made this team a real contender for a national title.

I thought as a whole the team speed of oregon was pretty dang good. from what they have been saying on tv ( again you saw the um game and i didnt) appy states speed and spread gave michigan trouble. oregon is fast fast fast fast and i have to think ... faster than appy state. I love bellotti, i think he is one of the top coaches in the nation.

if um plays the same way they did vs appy state then oregon beats them by a lot more than the guys from boone. i actually had oregon targeted for week 2 , expecting oregon/houston to have a close final and app/um to be a blowout ---- creating a nice line. worked the opposite way so i wont be betting it, and then looked at michigan .. but "upon fiurther review and reading your post i decided against that as well.
sir, I see your point and understand your thinking.

thanks pokey, let's cash that game!

VK, Great info, much appreciated. I can't explain it as well as I would like to probably but the psyche of this Michigan team is down regardless of what you hear in the papers. I honestly think Vegas over reacted and set a high line with an expected bounceback, but I just don't see it happening. The line would tell you to pound Michigan, but how are they going to make these improvements in one week? Looyd Carr was quoting as saying "we are starting over, new everything" Well, what the fuck have you been doing the last 8 months preparing this team Mr. Carr??? How do you think the eniors on that offense feel about having to start over, after everything they worked for.

Oregon is appy. st. on steroids. If Dixon can make the throws they will win this game.

A criteria for a ML for myself is to take a team that can score and Oregon will put up points..I didn't go crazy on the ML or spread but I feel confident.

UM will put up points too, but there are just too many unanswered questions with this team...
Oregon is appy. st. on steroids

lol that is funny and an accurate assessment i think.

Looyd Carr was quoting as saying "we are starting over, new everything" Well, what the fuck have you been doing the last 8 months preparing this team Mr. Carr??? How do you think the eniors on that offense feel about having to start over, after everything they worked for.

lloyd carr sucks. we know it .. everyone knows it. but the wolverines have overcome this fellas stupidity before. you and others and a closer look at the um appy box score have helped talk me off a michigan play and i wouldnt be shocked to see the ducks beat them.
bro..I hate talking people out of plays, this is just what I know you know? go with your gut bro.

Michigan/Oregon over 64.5

1 unit at -110

Will see what the line does rest of week, may add more on it.
Great write up on this Michigan game, Hunt. I have a friend from work who's a hardcore Oregon fan. He'll be going to the game this weekend and says he's concerned about the run-d. Hart, because he's not a pound it down your throat guy, more of a juking guy, will give the D problems.

He says it's the Over or nothing. I gotta think that some might be overreacting to the loss, and throwing the season away for no reason. I'd be scared to play a side, but after reading your write up, Oregon does seem like the play. I don't have the balls to be on it, but I'll be rooting for ya!
Houghton it will be a wild game, no doubt. I think it goes over..I hated the number being at 64.5 but i told myself and BAR a few night ago I'd take it up to 70 and I'm sticking with it. Thanks man.
USF +7...that's ballsy, and I like it. :smiley_acbe:

Already with you on WVU. Tempted to take Oregon and the points, but the line just keeps going up. Think it'll go any higher than 8.5?
Houghton it will be a wild game, no doubt. I think it goes over..I hated the number being at 64.5 but i told myself and BAR a few night ago I'd take it up to 70 and I'm sticking with it. Thanks man.

think we've all been saying that since saturday, lol. i'll be adding it later too...but i'm waiting, hoping it may come down a bit. ya never know...

anyways, like all the plays this week Hunt. very solid.
Dmac..I think it stays around the 8.5 and goes back down in the next day or two...just my opinion tho. GL bro.

Yanks...yeah, It's a high number but I like it. I think it stays around the 64-65 range.


Florida -16 at -110.....2 units

Hunt-BAR collabo...Florida has too much speed for Troy and Troy will actually have to defend a qb this week...along with the speed at skill positions. Florida likes to get off quick starts against shit teams and I honestly think this is a good number. I put a lot of thoguht into first halfs...keys for me are speed and a wide open offense for 1st half plays among other factors.
Page 2? Page fucking 2?


Listen up members of CTG, Im putting you all on notice. If this thread does not remain on page 1, I will skull fuck the shit out of all the females(the ones of age, of course) in your families. Let this be a fucking warning.
LOL vas, u crack me up player...thanks bro...ride or collide.

thanks pags...gl to u 2 buddy.
that being said..I can't see Marshall scoring moe than once in second half so gonna have to rely on Lloyd..um I mean Rich to keep up with the idiotic play-calling