Week 2 major line moves in-game...


CTG Regular
Hi folks, lots going on so I'll try to go back to yesterday and get some of these posted chronologically. As discussed with Alan, linde and VK in Kyle's Week 2 thread yesterday, some of these moves were by individuals who were just correcting an opening mistake. The "right" sides on a lot of these non-Right Angle games won't come until later in the week (Fri/Sat) when the limits are bigger. A lot of these plays that I'm about to post are probably phonies at $500 or $1000 limits to get the market to move and get a better number later.

The first move came at 10:34 yesterday on 358 Cal -9.5.

They then bet 323 LSU -3 -115 at two places I'm looking at.

There was a move on 376 SMU at 11:33 where they laid 3 flat.

At the same time a different group bet on 328 UTSA +18.

It looks like Right Angle started yesterday at noon prompt with his sides. They sent out UConn game 314 at where they laid -7 -105 at the two places i was able to check out.

Cal -11 looks like them also three minutes later. SMU at -3.5 came 2 1/2 minutes after that from RAS as well.

397 Tulsa +6.5 is them at +6.5 at 12:09.

Guy I respect bet 333 Wake +6 at 12:39 but not sure who he was moving for.

312 Penn State -19 was a move that included one of the RAS subscribers but i don't think it was them that released that side. No confirmation either way at this point. That was it for yesterday.

The Walters and poker movers bet on 302 Wky UNDER 65 right at 11 am on the nose to start things today.

320 Ole Miss came at 11:17 today from someone that gets all of the tout stuff, so it could be anyone. Best guess here would be Doctor Bob.

311 Buffalo OVER 47 came from another group, some of which were the same from the first group and some other ones (302 UN) so not sure if it was RAS or not. That same group bet on 375 North Texas OVER 58 at 2:05, so just about 25 minutes ago.

That same group bet on 340 Wyoming UNDER 55.5
359 Memphis State OVER 57.5
397 Tusla OVER 70.

One guy from that group bet 361 Toledo OV 53.5
and 397 Tusla OVER 70.

Super sharp account bet on 369 BG OVER 67.5 on his own. Line always moves his way. Then he went out and bet the other ones above later, which is very unlike him. Might have to temper my respect for him a bit going forward, we'll see.

Anyone with credible info on where those games came from are welcome to post in here. Anything else that's moved hasn't been anything sharp so any big moves were likely phonied at some on-screen places that are still taking peanuts.

Here are RAS sides. They bombed in Uconn, Cal, SMU, and Tulsa early. Came back with Penn State a little later, then hit Ohio when CRIS was only taking 2K and a lot of other shops didn't even have the game up.

312 Penn State -18.5
314 Connecticut -6.5
330 Ohio +5
358 California -10.5
376 SMU -3.5
397 Tulsa +6
thanks for the info.

359 Memphis State is going to go up, early mover laid 13.5 here when there are 13's to be had, idiot.

someone bet 346 Michigan UNDER. One of my buddies told me it was Right Angle but i can't buy that; none of his subscribers touched it. Someone somewhere betting Clempson up against Appy State, to 17.5 now.

375 North Texas OVER was hit by a couple of guys just now at 58.5.
Interesting that Right Angle releasing 311 OVER after it got bet up about 8 levels but their guys went OV 51 and 52 just now.
i cannot confirm this now that i think about it. One of my BOL friends who is pretty astute thinks that someone is front-running RAS. Considering he's not supposed to release for another 20 plus minutes, it's certainly plausible. The board is lighting up, yet some games not getting hit.

399 OVER same guys.
i mean it has all the fingerprints of Right Angle on these games, but for example the screen blacked out on 321 OV and 326 UN and BOL hasn't moved (53 on Temple whereas CRIS has 55.5) and my perhead guys didn't bet it either. So something seems amiss. Several games fit that profile, like 7 or 8; i just have time to list those two right now.
Another game where they manipulated the game tremendously. I posted that game in here yesterday where these movers all had OVER yet somehow someone somewhere was able to get the screen to drop back down so they could go OVER 53.5 and better, which was better than the CRIS opener.
yep, good manipulation on 368 as well. These guys are getting better every year at disguising their shit. It's still amateur comedy hour for most bookmakers worth their salt most of the time, but not nearly as bad as it was two years ago.
That is nuts that the game opens 54.5 and they can release 59 or worse and everything is just hunky-dorey. Every mover in the world bet it yesterday. Either it's a woeful secret or they need to release earlier. They're not stealing anything going OVER 59 when it opens 54.5, i don't care if the final score is 52-51.
they are dummying Pinnacle, which is comical in its own right. Anyone who has a robot that's following Pinnacle on its college football totals deserves whatever happens to them.
they gave up 40-something to a mediocre I-AA last week. The opener sure seemed like a mistake there; the point is not winning or losing, it's the line value. No one is going to win over even a medium sample size (call it what you want, i'll say 50 games) betting OVER 59 when the game opens 54.5.

While CFB totals are a player's market for sure, the people at CRIS who are looking at several sets of numbers just don't make THAT many mistakes. This might be one where all the bookmakers get bent over and the players are chuckling by halftime. Then again, it might also be one that gets Severe Thunderstorm washed out with Memphis up 51-20 after 3 quarters, No Action...
Right. I didn't mean KU's Air Raid leading to covering a spread, just that it's one of the most radical changes in tempo for a team in the FBS this year, leading to potentially more scoring opportunities in the game for one or both teams. The opening # was a little high using just last year's numbers, which leads me to believe they had some adjustment already built into it. Just not as much as the market believed to be appropriate, lol. Some huge lines moves based just on week #1 games against FCS opponents. I haven't capped enough college football seasons to know if that much over-reaction is warranted or not (I was NFL only for 10 years). It will be interesting to see how those play out, especially SDSU and USU, imo.
I don't see why RAS gets so much respect. Years ago they were great, and I could see why the lines move so much. But the last 3 years they're +10 units, +6 units, and even. And that's with their lines. If you get the lines late or couldn't get the games in on time, those numbers are worse. College basketball he's had some tremendous years but has also lost units in 2 of his last 5 years. Again, that's if you can even get his lines.
Every single one of those were bet on my accounts- most with same or better #'s
346 UNDER and 386 UNDER both got hit by a guy who has been betting mostly RAS stuff (312 total and 355 total he bet the other sides, mysteriously enough).

Not sure who it is.
cogen - you'd have to ask their subscribers why they are so popular. Bottom line is for bookmakers, they don't like writing 20 bets at the same time against a proven winner. When someone goes UNDER 58 and the market goes to 55, that bettor has an edge that he exploit in a variety of ways.
It seems like these nits are trying to drive the prices back to where they can slam into them again on some games, and to get initial plays in on others. I see no one betting 326 Wiskydicks UNDER yet game sliding down on screen back into the 52 range. I see no one on 330 UNDER yet game going to 60.

There are a few others for anyone watching the screen. If anything moves and I don't post in here about it, it's probably fakey.
@Rex. The 346 and 386 under that came in from similar RAS pushers are from propap, who I suspected last year may have been a contributor to RAS before he we went solo. Some RAS subscribers also get ProCap plays.
i won't chart that for now, but thanks for the heads up.

318 U of L got moved by the same guys who bet the poker players stuff in baseball.

There is money for 344 Culorado State

Movers bet on 382 Rutgers -2.5 also.

Mover took 310 Ga So +5 earlier as well. Still having trouble putting names with accounts at this point; there still ain't been a Niffel game played yet so bear with me while I try to sort through it.
Some games that moved on the screen and I don't think are real moves (meaning other sides might come tomorrow or Saturday)

313 Army OV

A move came back on Houston +14.5 and 14, now it's painted 13 again. I didn't see who did it, either. Who knows.

336 Clempson got nudged up to 19.

345 total got nudged up.

354 Virginia moved down

355 moved over small.

360 moved under a bit

367 total moved up a bit.

373 UK moved down a bit.

382 Rutgers also got nudged down a bit on the total.

384 UT total got nudged down a bit also.
the M Hotel is really pressing the issue on 301 La Tech. They were at 3 a few minutes ago when most everyone else was at 2. Not sure what's going on there.
Good chance of weather in the PSU game ... they can't score in perfect conditions so it makes sense.
Walters 334 Cuse UN 43. I went right to 41 and a couple more guys bet it at that level also, which tells me it's almost for sure him.
Is there a weather thread created yet Kyle? If not, feel free to start one and I'll chime in with my thoughts when I do that work later this afternoon...

That has to be a set up. Who could bet Wake/Cuse under at that number?
I line it at 41. I can see a play at 44 minimum, but not below. Anything in the low 40s or less always runs the risk of shit happens and points get scored to screw the Under in spite of match up disadvantages for the offenses.
There was good money for 343 Minny/Colo St OVER; it seems that people been trying to fuck with that game but gun to my head, OVER seems right there.

Nothing else that moved, I respect much. Could all be fakeys.