Week 13


Proud Member of Chiefs Nation
53-23-4 68,8 % +28.32u

First losing week of the year... 2-3, still salty about the no call on Jordan Reed but Carolina and Philly just didn't play well enough.

Pittsburgh -3 (-120)
Denver -4
Minnesota +5
Tennessee -8 (-108)
Washington +6.5

Missed the # on Denver and Buffalo... Might come back to it..
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GL Cap. Only one I don't like is Minny.

I get it.. And $ is not made often fading the Pats at home.. And this line may even be shorter than my numbers say it should be, but there has been very little the last bunch of weeks that impresses me about the Pats. The last good game they played was the Bears game in my opinion. The sleepwalked through the Bills game and it was close throughout, Aaron Jones fumbles away the momentum and the game, the Titans beat the shit out of them and they were tied with the Jets for far longer than anyone should be tied with the Jets..

I think it's a FG game... Health to you and Go Chiefs
Absolutely love Pitt and Washington this week and i'll probably have the Titans in a teaser. Glad to see we are aligned again this week.
Fucking Kareem SMH. Video is pretty weak IMO I've seen plenty of drunken skirmishes much worse involving guys and girls at 3am but the public lynch mob is out so he's fucked. Once again I'm sure the NFL saw the video back in February, did nothing, now shit hits the fan.
Fucking Kareem SMH. Video is pretty weak IMO I've seen plenty of drunken skirmishes much worse involving guys and girls at 3am but the public lynch mob is out so he's fucked. Once again I'm sure the NFL saw the video back in February, did nothing, now shit hits the fan.

Was I horrified by the video? No. The police most definitely had access to this and filed no charges. And we heard zilch from anyone including the victim. No outrage. Nothing. The league was aware.

A simple Twitter search today will show that the mob is out in full force. Comparing him to every domestic abuser ever. As someone who loves his wife, his mother and all the women in his life, I do not condone violence against women. I’m going to tell you this though. No woman has ever come up and called me a racial slur and slapped me across the face. So I can’t tell you I wouldn’t react in a fury though I’d hope to handle it well.

Bottom line, the public outcry with the video trumps any investigation that already occurred. He was sent home from practice today and I doubt we will see him the rest of the season.

If I come off insensitive to the victim in any way I’m not trying to. I’m just wondering why there was a closed investigation on the matter and now we all get to pile on.

Edit: I still feel like my comments are ones an apologist would make. I’m disappointed with his actions I just am conflicted as to what is going on.
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I am also conflicted about the video. On the one hand what he did was wrong and as a public figure he will be held to a different standard. That's just life these days. On the other, I don't see this incident as being nearly as egregious as some and the fact that no criminal or civil sanction has come speaks to how minor an incident this was. On the spectrun of assault, this one sits pretty near the low end.

A suspension I could see, even for the remainder of the season. An outright release seems harsh but I understand the Chiefs organization wanting to get out in front of the coming public relations nightmare. We live in a world where mob justice is swift thanks to social media. I suppose the only upside to that is that the same people who are presently displaying holocaust-level outrage will, in a few days at most, have moved on to the latest outrage of the moment.

More importantly, the line is down to 14 now.
Would you mind sharing thoughts on titans and skins? Those were two i couldnt find a great angle but did lean those two ways.
Since when under any circumstances including racial slurs and face slaps is a man of great strength allowed to assault a women of no strength, in my humble opinion there is no excuse ever for a man (of far superior strength or not) to use physical violence against a helpless foe to the tune of kicking her when she is on the ground, the man is a total coward and anyone who supports such actions at any level is equal in my book, he should be removed from the league for a minimum of 3 years and forced to go to counseling weekly for the entire 3 years if he wants back in, and I'm not sure that is severe enough. To support this action at any level by decrying the "piling on" is beyond disgusting.
People should not be able to stir up shit and verbally and physically assault people without consequences Do I condone him getting physical with her...of course not. But this is far from a Mixon situation where he slugged a girl. And the fact there were no criminal charges says a lot. I would not rush to call this girl a victim. She is every bit an assailant as well.
Fucking Kareem SMH. Video is pretty weak IMO I've seen plenty of drunken skirmishes much worse involving guys and girls at 3am but the public lynch mob is out so he's fucked. Once again I'm sure the NFL saw the video back in February, did nothing, now shit hits the fan.

How about I kick your little sister right in the ribs while she is on ground after trying to convince her to go for a gang rape? Would that be cool? Fuck Kareem. It's going to come around on that POS.
How about I kick your little sister right in the ribs while she is on ground after trying to convince her to go for a gang rape? Would that be cool? Fuck Kareem. It's going to come around on that POS.

Ya I've had more time to digest and I agree it is totally fucked up, especially the kick, and he deserved to be cut. 100%.
Since when under any circumstances including racial slurs and face slaps is a man of great strength allowed to assault a women of no strength, in my humble opinion there is no excuse ever for a man (of far superior strength or not) to use physical violence against a helpless foe to the tune of kicking her when she is on the ground, the man is a total coward and anyone who supports such actions at any level is equal in my book, he should be removed from the league for a minimum of 3 years and forced to go to counseling weekly for the entire 3 years if he wants back in, and I'm not sure that is severe enough. To support this action at any level by decrying the "piling on" is beyond disgusting.

Ok. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on me being disgusting. I, like many, were under the assumption that the police, NFL and the Chiefs had seen this video in February and had closed their investigation then even with the video evidence. My comment on everyone “piling on” was in reference to the assumed fact that all the major players already had this info and decided that the circumstances called for no punishment, etc. I don’t believe I once said he was justified. I did however say that I don’t know how I would act if a woman hurled a racial slur at me and whacked me across the face. I’m able to say that as a human being who understands anger very well. I spoke for me and nobody else, including Kareem Hunt. Now you can twist that into your version if youd like. 12 years and I’ve never had a problem with anyone on this site. I offered an alternative viewpoint than you and you chose to be a keyboard tough guy. That’s fine too. I never advocated for anyone to lay hands on women. Never said it was remotely ok. And given the details that have continued to come out, he deserves a very strong punishment from the league which I would hope would be longer than the 6 game standard. But don’t come in here with that disgusting shit. Domestic violence is a near and dear issue in my extended family. You don’t know me. You don’t know my feelings on the matter.
Would you mind sharing thoughts on titans and skins? Those were two i couldnt find a great angle but did lean those two ways.

Titans in must win mode. Their defense should be able to have its way and I question the Jets motivation.

Eagles can’t score for some reason. DVOA has Wash as the better team by 7 spots. I think the line is about 3 pts off
Cap is that Denver pick a play-on or more a play-against? 4.5 on mine but Ive been tempted.
Cap is that Denver pick a play-on or more a play-against? 4.5 on mine but Ive been tempted.
I think I read Vance Joseph is 0-7 in the 12 noon time slot?

Play on and against. It pains me but I think denver is actually presently a very good football team with a ton to play for. And that D is legit and I’m not sure how Jeff Driskel will handle it
Oh yeah. This is a place for football picks too

Denver -4

Idc about the line move or ticket count. I can’t not take this one.

Yeah I've been staring at this one for a while. We know so little about Driskell but I really think Denver has improved and is underrated by the market. Cincy is such a mess I don't see how the Broncs don't truck them today.
Ok. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on me being disgusting. I, like many, were under the assumption that the police, NFL and the Chiefs had seen this video in February and had closed their investigation then even with the video evidence. My comment on everyone “piling on” was in reference to the assumed fact that all the major players already had this info and decided that the circumstances called for no punishment, etc. I don’t believe I once said he was justified. I did however say that I don’t know how I would act if a woman hurled a racial slur at me and whacked me across the face. I’m able to say that as a human being who understands anger very well. I spoke for me and nobody else, including Kareem Hunt. Now you can twist that into your version if youd like. 12 years and I’ve never had a problem with anyone on this site. I offered an alternative viewpoint than you and you chose to be a keyboard tough guy. That’s fine too. I never advocated for anyone to lay hands on women. Never said it was remotely ok. And given the details that have continued to come out, he deserves a very strong punishment from the league which I would hope would be longer than the 6 game standard. But don’t come in here with that disgusting shit. Domestic violence is a near and dear issue in my extended family. You don’t know me. You don’t know my feelings on the matter.


Please do not misunderstand me. I meant none of my rant toward you or anybody else. And I apologize for not making that more clear. I in no way meant to imply that you or anyone else here was "disgusting" I actually read in your opinion that you value and respect women. It was my opinion on domestic violence where it pertains to a helpless victim in terms of strength and only that,not a judgement on anyone's character. I have a very close friends that lost a sister to domestic violence that started out exactly as that fight did and ended in her death so I have very strong feelings about this subject and violence in general.

Once again I sincerely apologize for my lack of clarity.

Please do not misunderstand me. I meant none of my rant toward you or anybody else. And I apologize for not making that more clear. I in no way meant to imply that you or anyone else here was "disgusting" I actually read in your opinion that you value and respect women. It was my opinion on domestic violence where it pertains to a helpless victim in terms of strength and only that,not a judgement on anyone's character. I have a very close friends that lost a sister to domestic violence that started out exactly as that fight did and ended in her death so I have very strong feelings about this subject and violence in general.

Once again I sincerely apologize for my lack of clarity.

BJ. I’m sorry if I read your post wrong as well!