Week 13 tout/service/Walters release in-game...


CTG Regular
With the college hoops tourneys this week and next, I just won't have the time to be dealing with all of these moves. Today a bit after 11 am EST there were no shit seven different games in 4 sports (college hoops, Nuba, Nihhel and college foots) that were getting steamed in about a 3 minute period. It was mass chaos. Have to be prepared for that at all times this week and next, so no time for idle chit-chat or to update this thread at my leisure. I don't have a leisure the rest of this month.

here's what i saw:

UMass/Akron sharp on both sides of total, game got steamed up on the side but i don't know who was responsible.

NIlly/Ohio U same shit, sharp on both sides of total, no one i respet bet either side from what i saw.

Kent St/Buffalo everyone bet on OVER there that I respect. It got postponed. Look for movement tomorrow up from what it opens today when it re-opens.

BG/Toledo sharp everywhere OVER early, then some sharp buyback late. most sharp guys were on Toledo, but i think that could have been a Doctor Bob jobber also.


all $ i respect so far is West By God Virginia. I hope they push it up just a smidge more. I want to bet K-State later.

The whole world and I mean everyone bet on 115 Arky State/Tex St OVER. It was a joke, like 10 guys hit it within a minute the other day after someone had pushed it down to 56. I assume at some point there could be a bit of buyback to UN but at this level, not sure.

Most sharp I see bet on 120 SD State at some point, i think it was yesterday.

122 Utah State is a mover that hit it right now, within the last few mins at -13.

128 Tenny was sharp earlier in week.

148 Purdue +3 was the move agianst my Northwestern i think precipitated by Doctor Bob or another tout, not sure who.

152 E Carolina looks like Dr. Bob and Billy working together. Game should crash at some point (has certainly topped out unless the followers ain't had enough).

166 W. Kentucky was billy's guys a bit ago.

202 N Mex St +8 was also his guys.

210 Hawaii -10 and better also him.

Some other games moving today (Memphis State for example) where I see no sharp support are likely getting phonied. Keep an eye on your screen. I'll update sometime when things slow in the afternoon.

GL this week...

let's see, what else today...

sharp on 111 K-State OVER... and also sharp on the side finally at +2.5, had to scurry out to get my ML.

Walters on 207 OVER Reno OV and 182 N Tex UNDER.

The 207 OV matches with a suspect guy who bet some OVERS earlier in the week...

137 OV Vandy
143 OV Kansas
167 OV Boise
that Duke at post was phoney, another guy came right over top and took 5.5 on UNC at another place... another example of billy trying to keep everyone guessing.

In theory, he could have been on Duke and the UNC was fake, but the more likely outcome is that he bet both sides at different places to try to keep people from reverse engineering his sides there.

Back later today with an update; super busy with the hoops again.
just curious how do you know all of this lol

also, out of all the groups you keep an eye on... who is the most profitable.. im guessing billy?
bb i am a consultant for multiple offices in Costa Rica. I am able to keep an eye on some of their bet tickers and advise possible movements to the bookmakers there. Profitability varies from week to week. Those who get the numbers will be the ones who win in the end.

Here's what I saw ayer...

Friday - razorblades on both sides of the 117-118 UTEP/RIce total. Most sharp side $ was on Rice real early in week, UTEP early Fri and Rice later, toward post

All sharp on SD State all week. No buyback, that result was fairly predictable, thoguh some respected accounts bet Air Force 2h, which frankly surprised me.

SJ State they all bet OV, of course winning it late, and not much sharp on either side.

Surprisingly enough, very few if any sides that I respect got bet yesterday and overnight, it was all totals. If you saw anything deviate on the screen the last couple of days that I did not post, then it will almost surely come back with real money today on the other sides.

These games are from a sharp outfit, and must be respected...

136 Min/Neb UN 56
145 Cuse/Pit OV 49.5
164 UNM/Col St UN 68
184 Stan/Cal UN 56

Here's another guy who chases steam, sometimes moves for someone (?) and appears to be on the ass end of a few games, which did get hit on the screen but i think might be fakey

123 VT OV
140 Ohio St UN
154 FSU UN
155 Penn St OV
157 Wisky OV
167 Boise OV

Another group of sharp, i thought billy but not sure

166 Wky UN
176 Houston UN
203 SMU OV
205 USC OV

Lastly, these are the overnight guys that will always get the best of it; you saw in last week's thread. Lines are almost a cinch to move your way on all of these totals if you get them at the numbers that these groups did overnight. You could probably scalp most of if not all of these should you choose to later on.

124 Wake UN 40.5
126 Va UN 49.5
137 Vandy OV 54
139 Indy OV 64.5
150 CMU UN 53.5
151 Tulane OV 55.5
153 BC OV 55
156 Illy UN 47.5
158 Iowa UN 52.5
164 Colly St UN 68.5
168 Wyoming UN 56.5
169 T Tech OV 70.5
173 Okie St OV 67
177 Colorado OV 72
209 UNLV OV 54.5
here is one more set of sharp sides, this guy is highly respected (Canadian) at a couple of places down here...

129 Sbammer +24
133 Rutg +22
134 MichST UN 57.5
135 Minn +10
140 Ohio St UN 66.5
141 Md OV 41
143 Kansas +26.5
151 Tul +19.5
153 BC +17
153 BC OV 56.5
156 Illy +6.5
158 Iowa +10
160 UAB +20
160 UAB UN 69
162 Old Dome UN 68.5
163 UNM +21.5
171 Piss OV 44.5
172 Arky +3.5
175 Tulsa +21.5
179 U of L +3 -105 AND +135
181 Fla Int +125 ML
183 Stan -5.5
185 Appy +9.5
188 Utah -4.5
193 Wazzou +15
202 NM St +7 AND +230 ML

first halves he just put in, as well...

136 UN 28.5
143 +14.5 -105
160 +11.5
203 +17
thanks; i enjoy doing it. not sure how much longer i'll be able. it's a stressful biz and i'm not sure how much more of it i want to take. in the meantime, i'll be glad to contribute, just hope to have people click on the banners and sign up with our sponsors, and (most importantly) see people continuing to post ideas and thoughts that continue to lead us all in the best chance to succeed...
two hot sides later

Ball State -16.5 should go through 17

Missouri +5.5

They phonied Tennessee up, I see no one I respect on the favorite. Game will crash at some point, 127-128.
one of billy's guys the early one is on wake 124 +14.5, if you like the dog there, go now, if not, wait it out.

i'm gonna be buried from here on out with everything; this is a top 10 busy day of the year if not top 5. GL today :shake: