Week 11


Awesomeitus Degenerate

  • Sides: 21-14 +9.78
  • Totals: 7-12 -5.97
  • Team Totals: 1-1 -.44
  • Player Props: 7-6 -0.27
  • Teasers: 5-7 -9.70
  • Second Half: 1-0 +1.25
  • 1[SUP]st[/SUP] half total -1.10
  • 2nd half total 1-0 +.50
  • Parlay: 2-2 +6.35

Still working on week 11. Going to get involved in the Thursday Nighter - 2nd half:

Buf/Mia OVER 20, -125 (2nd half) for .50

I believe 3 TD's will be scored in this half. Or at the least 2 TD's and 2 FG's

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Didn't have the time to properly cap this week. Small card.

MAC –Top teams >40 Bottom 10<40 mac score


RED = Did Not Cover
GREEN = Covered
GREY = Bye Week
MAC = Margin Against Close: Metric measures how a team performed against the closing pointspread.

Negative numbers = underperformance against closing number.
Negative numbers indicate did not cover.
Positive numbers equal out-performing the closing number.
Positive indicate did cover.

Teams entering the week with a MAC of -40> AND a non-cover are 9-2 ATS
Teams entering the week with a MAC of +40> and a cover are 8-2 ATS

Week 10 candidates: MAC of -40>: SD (-49 mac L4)*. CAR (-44 mac L4). NYG (-50 mac L4). CHI ( -64 mac L4)
Week 10 candidates: MAC of +40> (listed teams should be faded): NE (+55.5 mac L4)*. PHI (+46.5 L4)

‘* Team mac score includes a bye week. NE and SD were both on bye in week 10.


  • SD was a fade candidate in week 6. Entered week 6 +53.5. Week 6: SD -7 vs Oak. Final: SD 31-28. Registered a -4. Since week 6: SD -49 mac. Weeks 1 -5 +55 mac. SD 0-4 ATS L4.
  • Since week 5, NE is a +89 mac. Highest in the league YTD.
Week 11 under the radar Injury Report – Pos/Neg Impact

Atlanta at Carolina (Sunday): Panthers defensive tackle Star Lotulelei is out with an ankle injury – According to PFF Lotulelei is not the best DT on his own team (Kawann Short is +16.1). However, he is 19[SUP]th[/SUP] in the league with a 7.9 rating, and with Lotulelei out, CAR will turn to Colin Cole the 72[SUP]nd[/SUP] ranked DT in the league with a -7 grade. Not good. NEGATIVE IMPACT

Seattle at Kansas City (Sunday): Seahawks nose tackle Brandon Mebane is out for the season after suffering a hamstring injury this past Sunday against the Giants. Mebane ranks 45[SUP]th[/SUP] at DT this year according to PFF. The bad news? Jordan Hill is 44[SUP]th[/SUP] and Kevin Williams is 46[SUP]th[/SUP]. Mebane is the topped ranked Seattle DT. The DL depth that helped define Seattle’s defense last year, is no were to be found this year. NEGATIVE IMPACT.

Chart did not paste.


PANTHERS +110 (1.25)

GIANTS +3.5 (1) AND +160 (.25)

Good Luck.
Teaser of the week:
CHI +4.5 and SAINTS -1 (2.5)

Alex, Schurte, Bar, and Trey..............:cheers3:

TAMPA +7 and OVER 46 (1 to win 2.4)

Both defenses have can give up chunks of yards. In addition, this game has the feeling of miscues that will lead to scoring opportunities. I think this game is played in the high 20's. Call it 27-24.