Week #11 of CFB


CTG Partner
CFB ATS: 60-59-5, +0.825 units
CFB ML: 1-3, -1.75 units
CFB O/U: 22-22-0, -1.70 units
CFB Total/YTD: 83-84-5, -2.625 units

Slowly inching my way back from week's 8 and 9, that dropped me below the mendoza line for the season. Week 10 was decent at 7-5-2, up a few units. But week 11 will be the one to get me back in black, in an otherwise crazy season.

Saturday, 11/10

Arizona St (-6.5) over UCLA (-110) for 3 units

Michigan (-2.5) over Wisconsin (-110) for 2 units

Ohio St (-15) over Illinois (-110) for 2 units

Saturday, 11/10 (additions)

USC (-4) over California (-110) for 1.5 units

Kentucky (-3.5) over Vanderbilt (-110) for 1.5 units

Kansas/Oklahoma St over 67 (-110) for 1 unit

Florida/S Carolina over 59.5 (-110) for 1 unit

Boston Co (-6) over Maryland (-110) for 1.5 units

Auburn (+2) over Georgia (-110) for 1.5 units

Texas Tech/Texas over 65 (-110) for 1 unit

Cincinnati (-6.5) over Connecticut (-110) for 1 unit

Arkansas (pk) over Tennessee (-110) for 1 unit

Wednesday, 11/7 (late addition)

Akron (+3) over Ohio (-110) for 1 unit W
(Fondy posted this play for me earlier today, in a separate thread.)

Might be adding a play or two more over the remainder of the week...prolly no more mid-week ones though...just getting these posted and updated for now.

Happy capping. :cheers:
Last edited:

UM and tOSU are riding with BAR & Hunt. Their threads say it all.

Now for ASU...

There is one reason why Notre Dame isn't winless so far this season...and it's because UCLA lost both Olsen and Cowan for/in that game, having to rely on their 3rd string QB (a true freshman) to flounder his way through it with mistake after costly mistake.
Well...the earliest Olsen will be back is the 11/24 matchup with Oregon...and that might be wishful thinking. And Cowan is out this week too. In fact, it's unknown when/if Cowan will play again this season. He already had a bum knee...but on Sunday he was released from an AZ hospital with both a concussion and a collapsed lung. (Punctured lung in one report...though i don't know the difference between the two.) Anyways, he couldn't even fly home from AZ...and had to be driven back by his family today. Bottom line, Cowan's out indefinitely.
That 3rd string freshman QB will be the backup against ASU. The starter is Rasshan, who led the late comeback at Arizona in basically garbage time...1 TD, and 2 FGs. Rasshan is a runner. In fact, he was so low on the QB depth chart that he didn't even take any snaps this year (until Cowan got hurt, that is), and was buried on the WR depth chart. Anyways, he was 3 of 10 passing against Arizona...for 70-something yards. But he was also highly erratic. Like i said, his main attribute is his running ability...which he showed in the Arizona game as well.

ASU can stop the run, especially when there's very little threat of a passing attack.

Furthermore, QB isn't the only Bruin position with injuries issues. Bell, their #1 RB, is of course out for the year. Markey, their #2 RB, is questionable with a sprained ankle...and their 3rd best option (Ramirez) is doubtful, with a concussion.
TE Paulsen is questionable with an ankle...and TE Glicksberg has a dislocated shoulder.
So UCLA will be going up againt ASU with a very limited passing attack, an inexperienced & converted WR at QB, and most likely a significantly limited rushing attack. Basically saying they'll be putting out less of an offense in this ASU game then the version that couldn't do jack shit against Notre Dame...well, other than turn the ball over.

There are also a few key injuries to that Bruin defense as well...at CB, at LB, and on the D-Line. Their HC Dorrell is a dead man walking. And with ASU, Oregon, and USC all lined up...it looks like this Bruin team, with so much promise coming into the season, won't even get a bowl game. Well, unless Olsen does make it back and can pull a big upset over Oregon or USC. Unlikely though...

Anyways, i'll copy some local UCLA articles over soon. But in all honesty, i was surprised to see this line earlier today. Called or sent texts about it to a few of the guys. But with all this injury news for UCLA, i half expected the books to take this game down.

But barring any major injury to Carpenter...or ASU giving up on the season, for some strange reason...this game won't even be close. Like i said...no Olsen or Cowan at QB is the one and only reason ND isn't winless at the moment. It's that bad.
All is not lost for Bruins


[COLOR=#333333! important]Despite recent losses and injuries, a stiff upper lip is being portrayed by one of the team's leaders.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#999999! important]By Chris Foster, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
November 6, 2007 [/COLOR]
Their coach's future is cloudy. Their recent performances have them sinking slowly in the Pacific 10 Conference standings. Their health has created a take-a-number policy in the training room.

Yet all is not lost for UCLA football players, merely the last two games.

Taylor on the tackle
click to enlarge

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=relatedstoryheader style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px" colSpan=2>Related Stories</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=headline11 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; PADDING-TOP: 0px">-</TD><TD class=mostemaillink style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px">In defense of the target in blue</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>
There was plenty of rubble to pick through after a 34-27 loss to Arizona on Saturday, but a stiff upper lip was being portrayed by one of the team's leaders.

Linebacker Christian Taylor was of a single thought -- Saturday's game against Arizona State.

"We got one game ahead of us, Arizona State, that's our only focus," Taylor said calmly but sternly. "It's not about anything but winning this football game.

"At this point, for me, there is nothing to be said. Enough talk. It's all about, 'Lets go play ball.' . . . No one needs a rah-rah speech. It's doesn't work. If you're not ready yourself, you're not going to be ready. That's all I want the guys to do this week, is to be ready to play football."

That once-more-into-the-breach cry comes as concerns accumulate

Coach Karl Dorrell's job appears to be on the line, with victories in the last three games -- against Arizona State, Oregon and USC -- perhaps the only way to earn his way back.

"Our players want to win regardless what's being said about my status," Dorrell said. "We can't control any of those things that are being said. The only thing we can do is play better football and get ourselves a victory.

"What's being said, I can't do anything about that except to coach hard, and our staff to continue to coach hard and build on our improvement to get ourselves back in the win column."

Coaching hard hasn't worked the last two weeks. The Bruins have lost consecutive games to Arizona and Washington State, teams considered beneath them. Taylor described UCLA's performance in the Arizona game as "disgusting."

"It is really a testament of character when things like this happen to you," Taylor said. "It's easy to be up-tempo and upbeat, excited about the game and confident in yourself when you're winning. But it's a challenge and shows what character is all about when you get beat, when you don't play your best ball."

Whether the Bruins are capable of playing their best ball is to be seen. UCLA will be without its top two quarterbacks, Ben Olson (knee) and Patrick Cowan (collapsed lung, concussion), as well as several other key players.

Sophomore Osaar Rasshan, who put up 13 points in less than a half against Arizona, will start at quarterback. But the Bruins may be without their second-leading rusher, Chris Markey (ankle), and have already lost leading rusher Kahlil Bell (knee).

Rasshan waited two years to play quarterback at UCLA, then had the offense handed to him last Saturday. His thoughts about his upcoming start went unanswered Monday as UCLA officials refused to allow him to talk with the media despite several interview requests.

Dorrell said Cowan was traveling back from Arizona on Monday after tests confirmed a partially collapsed lung, but no further damage. How long Cowan will be sidelined is not known. . . . Olson will resume individual drills this week in hopes of returning for the Nov. 24 game against Oregon. . . . Defensive tackle Jess Ward (knee) will resume practice and could play Saturday. . . . Defensive tackle Brigham Harwell (knee) will increase his practice time this week.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>List of injured Bruins keeps getting longer
</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER type="block" width="1" height="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><STYLE type=text/css> td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }</STYLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspwidearticlebody>By Sam Allen, Daily Bruin
November 5, 2007
(CSTV U-WIRE) TUCSON, Ariz. -- The UCLA football team's injury trend just keeps on going and going and going.
The Bruins came to Tucson without their top rusher, Kahlil Bell, and original starting quarterback, Ben Olson. Both have knee injuries.
On Saturday they lost quarterback Pat Cowan and running back Chris Markey. And once again the Bruins lost while playing with less experienced players, many of whom started the year as second-, third- or fourth-stringers.
<TABLE cellPadding=1 align=left border=0 hspace="10" vspace="5"><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE class=ad_slug_table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[SIZE=-2]ADVERTISEMENT[/SIZE]
<IFRAME marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="http://ad.yieldmanager.com/st?ad_type=iframe&ad_size=300x250&site=140509&section_code=11492843&cb=1194341307516960&ycg=&yyob=&pub_redirect_unencoded=1&pub_redirect=http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=12jcmpgoa/M=619213.11492843.11998947.1806201/D=sports/S=95862291:LREC/_ylt=AleG0.TjX5axVlxYVZW2v3kTvrYF/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1194348507/A=4919460/R=0/*" frameBorder=0 width=300 scrolling=no height=250></IFRAME></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><SCRIPT language=javascript>if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();window.yzq_d['LmZ6OdGDJHI-']='&U=13bbrju70%2fN%3dLmZ6OdGDJHI-%2fC%3d619213.11492843.11998947.1806201%2fD%3dLREC%2fB%3d4919460';</SCRIPT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>"We're losing some continuity (because of the injuries)," coach Karl Dorrell said. "That hurts when you don't have the same lineup. But this is football. ... There are no excuses."
During the game, Cowan suffered a concussion on a hit by Arizona defensive end Louis Holmes, and the team later discovered that Cowan also had a slight collapse of his right lung. He was held for observation Saturday night at the University of Arizona Hospital emergency room. Because of the lung injury, Cowan was unable to fly back to Los Angeles, and the team has announced that he will be traveling home by ground transportation with members of his family.
Markey had been hobbled by turf toe for three straight games, but it was an ankle injury on his other foot that took him out of the game Saturday.
Cowan was replaced by quarterback Osaar Rasshan, who took the first snaps of his three-year career.
Sophomore Chane Moline stepped in for Markey, rushing the ball 15 times for 63 yards and one touchdown. Sophomore Christian Ramirez also suffered a concussion, which led redshirt sophomore Craig Sheppard to get eight carries for 32 yards. Sheppard, like Rasshan, was playing for the first time in his career.
The consensus after the game was that the inexperienced players did a decent job.
"We have some guys that are coming in and playing hard," Dorrell said. "They may not be the prettiest of guys that are having to play right now, but they're giving it everything they've got."
It was hard for any of the players to feel too great about their performances, considering that they came in the Bruins' second consecutive loss. "We obviously could have played better," Moline said. "We didn't get the win."
Return man Matthew Slater returned another kickoff for a touchdown. It was his second of the season, tying a school record held by former Bruin running back Maurice Jones-Drew.
After the Wildcats scored a field goal on their first drive of the game, they kicked the ball right to Slater, who was able to find a lane towards the right side of the field and reach the end zone. Slater said that one of the Arizona players grabbed his neck in the open field, but he was able to break free and sprint the rest of the way.
After the game, the senior gave all the credit to the 10 blockers he had in front of him.
"You can't get a good return in unless your guys up front are working hard," Slater said. "We've been in a bit of a rhythm lately with the kick returns. Those guys are doing a heck of a job, they're unselfish, and they work every day. They get all the credit."
After that first touchdown the Wildcats kicked the ball to Slater just one more time. He returned that one for 24 yards. It appeared that the Arizona coaches had instructed place-kicker Jason Bondzio to angle the ball away from Slater, or to kick it short.
"It is frustrating, but it's also a compliment to our unit and what we're able to do," Slater said. "As long as we're helping the team get field position we're doing our job."
The locker room facilities at Arizona Stadium were hardly luxurious. Players, coaches and reporters bumped into each other in the small, hot room. Because of the lack of space in the locker room, Dorrell addressed the media on the field just after the Arizona students had filed off. The loss only added to the discomfort, and many of the Bruins were visibly shaken and seemed completely deflated by the loss.
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=matchupHeader>UCLA</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">RB Kahlil Bell out for season - Knee - 10/30/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">CB Micheal Norris out for season - Knee - 10/23/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">LB Shawn Oatis Out indefinitely - Back - 10/20/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">DE Nikola Dragovic Out indefinitely - Hip - 10/19/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">QB Ben Olson Mid Nov - Knee - 10/8/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">DT Brigham Harwell Out indefinitely - Knee - 9/26/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">DT Kevin Brown out for season - Ankle - 9/18/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">TE Ryan Moya out for season - Leg - 9/12/07</TD></TR><TR><TD class="matchupCells Text">RB Raymond Carter out for season - Knee - 8/12/07</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

This (from the matchup section) is really outdated. None of the new stuff is included...at QB, RB, TE, or the latest defensive injuries. There's also either a corner or a safety (i forget) with a shoulder/collar bone who'll be out.

ASU get's a very favorable tune-up for USC, it appears.
Rasshan to start at quarterback for UCLA vs. Arizona State

UCLA notes: He is one of the three quarterbacks left for the Bruins.

The Orange County Register
Comments 0| Recommend 3

LOS ANGELES -- Detoured by a stint as an outside receiver through fall camp and six games in which he did not catch a pass, Osaar Rasshan is back at his position and will start at quarterback for the UCLA Bruins on Saturday against No. 9 Arizona State.
Patrick Cowan, who suffered a concussion in the third quarter of the Bruins' loss at Arizona and later was found to have a collapsed lung, is expected back in town today following his release from the University of Arizona Hospital. Coach Karl Dorrell said that team physicians do not know yet how long Cowan will be out.
Ben Olson, who opened the season as the starting quarterback, will do more this week in practice coming back from a sprained knee ligament.
Rasshan, freshman Chris Forcier and redshirt freshman walk-on McLeod Bethel-Thompson are the only healthy UCLA quarterbacks. "Those three guys are what we have left,'' Dorrell said.
After leading the Bruins to 13 second-half points in the loss to the Wildcats, Rasshan said he could see playing again this week. But he kept focus on a bigger goal.
"We just want to win, that's the biggest thing. We want to win a game,'' he said. ''We still have a chance at the Pac-10 championship and that's the most important thing.''
To have any chance, Rasshan will have to continue to make progress. He played well in spots at Arizona, making plays with his ability to scramble and on a few occasions with a big pass play. He hit only 3 of 10 passes, but included were 42- and 26-yard plays.
"I thought he went in there and played very competitively. He did some nice things,'' Dorrell said. "His very first play, he threw it out on the rollout pass and hit it and had a couple of nice throws in there. I was really encouraged. For his first time playing in a live game instead of a scrimmage he played pretty well.
"He proved to me that he can handle much more than probably we anticipated. He was able to go in there and do the things we had game-planned for Arizona. He's gotten better and better the last few weeks that he's been practicing and playing quarterback. He's digested more and more information and now he's at the point where he's going to be the guy starting, and he'll get a chance to digest even more information because he'll get a lot more repetitions.''
I pulled the trigger on ASU...too many good cappers on them for me to let it go. Glad I got it when I did, because the line is at 7 now.

GL this week bro...agree with all three thus far. It's only my opinion, but I think both Navy and Rutgers are worth a look. Huge road chalk for both, but playing terrible teams.

LJC...i hope so, bud.

Sportfantatic...thx, man. Same 2 u.

Aztec...thx, bro. ASU's gonna roll to a 42-16 win. Bruins will get a TD off a return, then 3 FGs is all i'm willing to give this very depleted bunch...and moronic HC.
I'll take a good look at those other 2 plays in a bit. Thx, man.

VK...i'll take a look at that one too. Does look tasty at 1st glance. Kinda worried though about all the road teams i've got this week...and mostly road favs at that. It's something definitely outta my norm...but then again, i'm taking what the week's presenting me...imo.

Thx, guys. :cheers:

Also, i added all my additional plays into the 1st post. Wanted to finally get them posted before Dr Bob does his thing tomorrow.

Over the last 2 nights i added: USC, Kentucky, Kansas/Okie Lite over, Gator/Cock over, BC, Auburn, TT/TX over, Cincy, and Arkansas.
Also had a play on Akron tonight...that Fondy posted for me in a separate thread. Gonna see if i can figure out how to merge the things...but if not, i added that play in above as well.

Other than that...let's see what movement tomorrow brings. :tiphat:
pretty much updated injury report

U-C-L-A - Linebacker John Hale (11/6, hamstring) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Tail back Chris Markey (11/6, ankle) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Tight end Logan Paulsen (11/6, ankle) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Quarterback Patrick Cowan (11/6, concussion/collapsed lung) is doubtful for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Running back Kahlil Bell (10/29, torn ACL) is out indefinitely. Wide receiver Marcus Everett (11/1, high ankle sprain) may miss the remainder of the season. Fullback Michael Pitre (11/5, knee) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Tight end Tyler Holland (10/17, shoulder) is out indefinitely. Defensive end Nikola Dragovic (11/5, hip/hernia) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Linebacker Shawn Oatis (10/17, fractured vertebra) is expected to miss at least 4-6 weeks. Quarterback Ben Olson (11/6, arthroscopic left knee surgery) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Wide receiver Gavin Ketchum (11/5, fractured tibia) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Defensive tackle Brigham Harwell (11/6, knee) is questionable for Saturday's game against Arizona State. Running back Raymond Carter (8/7, knee) will miss the entire season. Cornerback Michael Norris (8/7, knee) will miss the entire season. Defensive tackle Kevin Brown (8/7, ankle) will miss the entire season. Tight end Ryan Moya (8/7, broken leg) will miss the entire season.
If Markey can't go...Bruins will be starting their #4 QB, and their #4 and 5 RBs. TE position has 2 injured. WR has one out, one ok, and one fairly dinged up.

And the Bruins are gonna score because this QB happens to be able to run? Considering Dorrell's genius...this guy was so buried (on the WR depth chart) that last Saturday was the first time he's taken any snaps all year.

This isn't what Markey imagined

Robert Gauthier / LAT
UCLA's Chris Markey, leaping over a pile of Oregon State defenders, scored a touchdown on that play last month, but also came up with a case of turf toe during the game, one of several nagging injuries that have turned a promising season into something less than for what Markey would have hoped.

[COLOR=#333333! important]After leading the Bruins with 1,107 yards rushing in 2006, he has spent the last eight months on the mend from one thing or another.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#999999! important]By Chris Foster, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
November 8, 2007 [/COLOR]
Tailback Chris Markey doesn't feel cheated, merely unfortunate.

A promising season lay before him, he thought, after leading the Bruins with 1,107 yards rushing in 2006. Instead, he has spent the last eight months on the mend from one thing or another.

There was the stress fracture in his right foot that forced him to miss spring camp. There was the turf toe in his left foot he suffered against Oregon State. And now there is a sprained right ankle that has slowed him the last week.

"Those things are all out of my control," Markey said. Still, he admits, "I have been dealt a pretty rough hand this season. Unfortunately it all happens in my senior year."

Markey has 457 yards rushing this season, giving him 2,475 in his four-year career, making him 11th on UCLA's all-time list. But Markey has been limited to 21 carries in the last three games. He had four carries for eight yards against Arizona on Saturday before re-injuring his ankle.

His role is expected to be limited when the Bruins play Arizona State on Saturday. Chane Moline and walk-on Craig Sheppard have done the majority of the work during practice, while Markey has alternated his time between individual drills on the side and a handful of reps with the second-team offense.

"I'm hoping he's available," Coach Karl Dorrell said, but added, "we're counting on Chane to be our lead guy. We're going to have Craig Sheppard play. If Chris continues progress like he's doing now, we'll have those three carry the running load."

That is far from how Markey envisioned the season playing out. He recovered from the stress fracture in time for fall camp. He split time at tailback with Kahlil Bell, who is out for the season with a knee injury.

Markey averaged 16 carries through the first five games, which included a 193-yard performance against Washington. The next game, he injured his toe against Oregon State. He received a shot in the locker room, returned to the game and has been hobbled ever since.

Markey has only 53 yards rushing since the Oregon State game.

"This is my senior year, I don't have another year to come back and fix things," Markey said. "I want to go out with a bang. We can still be Pac-10 champions. I can't ask for anything more."

Moline gained 62 yards in 15 carries against Arizona, career highs.

"I had to get back into the swing of things and get used to being used like that again," Moline said. "I had to mentally prepare to carry the ball a lot."

The Bruins' game against Arizona State will give defensive end Bruce Davis a chance to renew his acquaintance with Sun Devils quarterback Rudy Carpenter.

"He has become one those guys I consider a nemesis," Davis said, smiling broadly.

"He is to his team what I am to my team. He's their energy; he's their spark. He's the guy who makes big plays, talks trash, same as me. Over the years, he and I have battled it out, gone back and forth talking trash."

And Carpenter's best quip?

"Nothing I can put into the fine print of the newspaper," Davis said.

Defensive tackle Brigham Harwell suffered a setback in his effort to return from a knee injury. Harwell "tweaked" his shoulder during a drill, Dorrell said, and had to leave practice.

Defensive end Kenneth Lombard also left practice with what Dorrell said was "blurry vision," after "getting his bell rung."

fucking 7-6, but drop a cunt hair over 4 hundy today.

for C's sake...hit the small ones, lose the big ones. and throw in a damn 17-21 pt negative swing in the asu/ucla game to boot. (punt return to the 1 yd line, 89 yd kickoff return, and an asu fumble on the bruin 5 yd line for the other 3 to 7 pts.) jeezus...w/ all the bruin injuries, that offense was only legitimately responsible for 6 pts. this is my fuckin team, and it took damned near everything going their way to get the cover here. anyways, sorry bout the hit/loss boys. BAR, RJ, Hunt, etc...sorry for propping up this fucking play. 9 times outta 10, with all these bruin injuries, it hits easily...but today we got the gotdamned 10%. Fuck.

Updated YTD #'s after today...

90-90-5, -6.725 units

No worries, Yanks.

Thinking about cutting out on the rest of the season, laying low to bowls, or some other plan.

This season is being kind to only a few. Violent to almost everyone else.
No worries, Yanks.

Thinking about cutting out on the rest of the season, laying low to bowls, or some other plan.

This season is being kind to only a few. Violent to almost everyone else.

Solid, solid advice for me, as well...