Week 11 FCS....


Captain of Vanzack's yacht
2* 10-3-1 ..... +14u
1* 13-12......+0.25u

Week 10
2* 1-1... 0u
1* 3-0..... +3u

Campbell's off this week, so I'll have to work a little harder.

FCS Plays

1* UMass -2/ Brown -1
1* Samford +8.5/ Auburn -21
1* UMass -2/ Auburn -21

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Games on my list....

Central Arkansas
Northern Arizona

Still need to go through everything, but those are the ones that stick out at first glance.
Do you think Chattanooga can stay within 5 TDs of Appy St, who's coming off the big stomp over Wofford last week? Will Appy St be motivated enough? Looks like Chat has little scoring punch though.
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I never knew what guys meant when they complained about 'tight lines' but I guess I now have a clue. I went through usual list of 8 + conferences doing my usual analysis, and put dots by the plays I favored. Then I applioed the power ratings I use ( Keepers) and have been left with virtually no plays.
Hoops- I assume you are talking tease with UMass and Brown, bringing each dowen to a just 'winthegame' basis. I happen to lean to Maine and Yale ATS, FWIW. And my initial check mark was by GW, which has been supported lightly by Keepers power rating of 6.47 in a 3 1/2 pt game.
I sort of like all the dogs in the under 20 spread games in the Colonial, see nothing in the Northeast conf to play this week, lean Fordham, Colgate, and Lafayete, nothing of interest down in Appy neighgborhood, and looking with interest at Tennessee-St, Jacksonville St, Northrn Iowa - AND fail to understand the respect Western Illinois still enjoys.
Tell me why not Southern Ill ??
Good luck this week - Look forward to your decisions as usual.
Do you think Chattanooga can stay within 5 TDs of Appy St, who's coming off the big stomp over Wofford last week? Will Appy St be motivated enough? Looks like Chat has little scoring punch though.

Chattanooga is piss poor at best.

That could turn into a 56-7 game EASY.

But of course it will probably end 35-17 since I'm not playing it, but absolutely no interest.
Bull -

All the games listed are with the tease. The only one I may be interested in SU is North Dakota -2 over Southern Utah.

As for GW, Coach Bennett is too damn good of a coach to let Coastal drop to 0-4 in BS play. Coming off a bye week, with a chance to get everyone healthy, I just can't see it. GW is susceptible to good QB play as they showed against Brohmar, and I have a feeling MacDowall will have a big game against them. Still in the think tank though.

CAA just looks like a big crap fest this week, no good matchups.

Herb Donaldson is why W Ill is gettiing so much respect. He's big time. S Ill is a solid team all around but nothing spectacular, but Herb is a wrecking crew by him self. S Ill's wins aren't anything special, they played a bunch of absolute scrubs with North Dakota being their best win besides UNI who they caught at home, they lost a HUGE lead to a crippled ND State team. Not really felling them against a great D, and a man that can eat up yards and clock big time.

Other than that, not too many thoughts on the OVC games, just too shitty and unpredictable for the most part, especially considering what SEMO did to Tennessee State a few weeks ago, so I'll probably pass on those.

I'll go though things agian, and see if anything sticks out any more.

Nova -3 against UNH may not be too bad. Best D UNH has seen all year by far, and a very efficient O from Nova will probably move the ball all day. I'll look at that somem more too.
Hoops- Quite possible we're locking horns a bit this week.
It's not a Good week, IMO, so I'll probably stick to the northeast and mid-coast. I smell some upseta or near upsets in the CAA and hope my olfactory lobes are correct.
GL with whatever you decide.
I don't think I'll have any super strong plays this week, but I should have a few regular ones.

1* UMass -2/ Brown -1

UMass is clicking on all cylinders right now. They're 6-3 with all 3 losses to some tough competition. FCS #1 JMU, FBS #2 Texas Tech, and FCS #7 Richmond. That's not too bad. I don't thnik the Bears have what it takes to go on the road and steal this win.

As for Brown, this is a huge home game for them. They sit at 4-0 in the Ivy, and a win here would be huge. Yale just hasn't found any offensive consistency, and its tough to win games when you don't score points. Brown should be able to hold McLeod to another shitty day on the ground, with their #7 ranked rush D.
1* Samford +8.5/ Auburn -21

Samford is a much, much better than expected team in their first SoCon season. GA Southern is one weird ass team. Besides their game against Georgia Tech, and bottom 100 Austin Peay, they've played 4 OT games, and had 2 other games go to the wire, losing them by a combined 3 points. That is absolutely crazy. 6 games either tied, or within 2 points at the end of regulation. I think Samford will be able to controll the ball with their big OLine, and their D will be the best GaS has faced all season. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one go to OT again.

I really think Auburn wins this game by 40. UT Martin's rating can be attributed to ROLLING two D3 schools, and playing some OVC bottom dwellers. This isn't a top 3 conference even in the FCS, and Aburn should come out and kick their asses simply with the size and speed differential. I also wonder if UT Martin doesn't send up the white flag before halftime, and pulls the starters, as to not get anyone hurt while making a drive for the OVC autobid in the playoffs.
Also, does Indiana St. play this week? If so, you could probably sub them in for the auto-fade in place of Campbell.
Yes, Indiana State plays, but its against YSU.

YSU has completely given up this season, and is on their 5th string QB I believe, because every one else has quit.

You're right, they'll probably get rolled again, but I have no interest betting on YSU this season.
Yes, Indiana State plays, but its against YSU.

YSU has completely given up this season, and is on their 5th string QB I believe, because every one else has quit.

You're right, they'll probably get rolled again, but I have no interest betting on YSU this season.

Wow, some bad luck there for YSU.

I don't know much at all about FCS, but I'm shocked everytime I see a huge line for Indy St. and then they always fail to cover it.
I can't catch a break.

3 UMass INTs, and a missed PAT to tie the game and at least force overtime.

Story of my season right there.

Auburn probably won't get it done against UTM either, sad.
Hoops- i know you had a lot going on UMass. Tough beat because you never know what might happen with a tie going into late 4Q or OT.
Maine totally dominated the first half in this game, dominant on both sides of the LOS.
UMass came out with 2H kickoff and drove to a TD, then stopped Maine near midfield with an INT. Proceed to take it in with a short field.
From that point on it was pretty even-steven.
Maine's offense continued to grind it out, and eventually got their third TD.
Mass scored on a pass and long run by their premier playmaker # 8 but missed the PAT.
A midfield INT ( great catch by the Maine boy) stopped them and the last INT only shows up in the stats- a meaningless pick of a hail mary.
Was hoping you could pull it out, but . . . .
My FCS day is not looking very good at the moment, but FBS wise I may be in for a bit of good fortune. Need Rutgers to hang on for me among others.
Go Samford Go Auburn
Thanks for the detail bull.

300 yards on the ground is hard to stomach, especially when you bet on the other side.

Oh well. I force plays, and that's what I get.

Hope your FBS card keeps you in the black for the day.