Week 10


Beacon of Calmness
Will update record later, but just under 50% and slightly negative in terms of $$$ for the year (after being + in both categories for most of the season).

Don't like much tonight. Hoping the Vikes lose tbh. They have nothing to play for but a very veteran locker room. Lots of injuries on both sides of the ball. This should lead to some scoring opportunities for the skins and should press the Vikes to score more. I'm pretty surprised the line has moved as much as it has and is definitely fishy in favor of the Purple. However, I've seen this script before and many of you know my thoughts on the Vikes in prime time (they have a terrible record in PT games). Case in point was the Thursday game with Tampa here a year or two ago when they whooped our ass.

Lots of points tonight. Both defenses suck.

Vikes TT o23.5 1 Unit
Nice cash. Vikes overs against any competent team have to continue to be auto plays. This season sucks, but we're at least scoring a lot of points which makes it interesting.
FF be damned. I will tempt fate tonight. Had this as a lean all week and steam has confirmed it.

TB +1.5 -105 .5 Unit