Week 10 major line moves in-game...


CTG Regular
Sorry for the late start.

Yesterday, laundry list totals guy bet a couple of sides.

366 Tex -29 and 420 s bama -7 were the first plays i charted this week.

All-star team movers on 301 N. Illy +8
350 UMass -1
361 NM State +14, then about an hour later back on the favorite in the same game at -13.5 level

Right Angle (i think) is on 420 South Bama at the 6.5 and 7 level and 408 Middle Tenny -1.5. That was it for Monday.

Today the first moves came at 10:20 EST or so. Laundry list guy bet 308 K-State UNDER 69.5

His other plays today:
327 Duke OV 55
336 Ga St UN 63
376 Wash UN 50
382 Okie UN 63
422 Neb UN 58
358 BC UN 40
398 Troy State UN 56
385 UCLA OV 57

I'm not sure who this is - i thought he was doing his own stuff but I found another guy betting the same shit from a different IP, so it's definitely not just one guy.

All-star team on 315 Miss St OV 39.5
319 Temple OV 57.5 and better, but that seemed a mistake or a real bait-n-switch, because then they came back UNDER 59 on the same game about 4 mins later
322 UTEP UN 61
327 Duke OV 55
356 Air Force UN 51.5 - some of the all-star participants were not involved UNTIL this game, at 11:05.
347 had just a few of them, but OVER 70.5 seems their side for now
396 Bama UN 50
303 Ohio U OVER 65

Tout guy bet on 372 Tulsa -17
346 U of L -13.5

Different group of movers bet on 419 Idaho OV, 334 Jorja UN, 314 WMU UN 63.5

One of the all-star guys went OVER on 333 after the move, at 55... the same guy (on his own) bet on 374 UNM UN 58

"And they're off"...

Rex do you anticipate the Clemson/FSU line will be taken off the board and reposted (either higher or lower) once a decision is made on Golson and Cook? Or do you think that line where it stands anticipates them not playing ? Thanks for the help!
Hey Rex - Was that Jorga OV and not UN as you posted? Looks like someone whacked it up so didn't know if it was multiple moves or a typo? Thanks :cheers3:
Sharp money on both sides there.

Last night billy was on OVER in Toledo; best prices I saw here were 60 and worse so he got edged.

Laundry list guy on 320 SMU UN 54.5

All-star teams on 370 Colo UN 60.5 at around 7 EST.

One of the all-star guys went out on his own at 1:43 am and bet these games; expect them to move at some point:

310 Kent State UN 46
320 SMU side on the buy up to 14 -120
320 SMU UN 54.5
327 UNC Duke 57
422 Neb UN 58

Nothing from any of these guys since then. I'll be around periodically until about 1:30 Eastern time and will update at least once before then in addition to the being around during Right Angle release.
Right Angle is on 370 Stanford/Colorado UNDER 59.5 and better
362 NM St/Texas State UNDER 75.5 is also them

Earlier, all-star team movers bet on 359 Penn St OVER, 340 ECU UNDER
One of the movers bet 390 Memphis State UN 65 and 398 Troy State UN 54 a little after 1 pm EST.

I literally saw nothing of note worth charting the rest of the entire day. Crazy.
Rexy what did you make 377 total USC? That one didn't come until today due to JuJu and Wilson injuries. Seems kind of low to me but see it has gone up during the day.
The opener seems about right to me. Perhaps it could have opened a smidge higher but it seems the Arizona offense is a bit of a mess at this point.

Last night one of the guys I respect as an originator bet 398 Troy State UNDER 52. This made three people I had on UNDER as of sunrise this morning with no one on OVER. That all changed this morning.

All-star movers out (although their main guy sat these out, but many of the familiar schmucks were in) on game 397 OVER 52 against the other movers from earlier. They also bet on 343 UNCC OV 50 and 419 Idaho OV 64 so far.... and also a couple of them bet on 397 Monrow +10 as well.
The same group of guys is out there on 349 Akron OV 52.

I'm hearing reports from a couple of people that billy is quietly out on a few games but i see zero evidence of it right now other than what i was told:

Anyways, if you want to chart these and monitor for movement. The Rams in the Niffel is supposedly him.

310 Kent State, 317 Reno, 316 Mizzou sides are reputed to be him and 308 K-State UN also. Who knows...
Thanks Rexy!! Love this thread.

Anybody had time to chart any of these this year (especially Walters sides and totals)? Wish I had time but I can barely find time to get in here and check the thread.
One of the guys who usually bets Walters played these games at 3:15 ish

341 Vandy OV 36.5
354 Mich UN 52
370 Colo UN 56.5
379 Sakerlina OV 58
418 Miami UN 53.5

Obviously missed the first number in some of those games, but will end up with way the best of it on others.

Billy on Kent State game 310 all the way around, 1h, ML, +2 etc, although anyone with much of a pulse can figure that one out by looking at the screen.

He also took out all of the +6 on Tulane game 364.
One of the guys who usually bets Walters played these games at 3:15 ish

341 Vandy OV 36.5
354 Mich UN 52
370 Colo UN 56.5
379 Sakerlina OV 58
418 Miami UN 53.5

Obviously missed the first number in some of those games, but will end up with way the best of it on others.

Billy on Kent State game 310 all the way around, 1h, ML, +2 etc, although anyone with much of a pulse can figure that one out by looking at the screen.

He also took out all of the +6 on Tulane game 364.

i see a ton of 6s available for 364?
I guess there are a few 6 flat's still out there; looks like there has been a bit of rebound since earlier but i was at a meeting and out of the home office for a few hours. i guess considering i made the game 2 i should go but fuck if i want Tulane at less than 7 :(
Anyone worried about what someone in Vegas is doing in regards to sports wagering is doing it all wrong. With all regards to our resident lindetrain, who i have the utmost respect for in regards to his intelligence, the people who call the shots in Vegas are play checkers while the people offshore are playing chess.

Movers are on the clock, but this group of guys hasn't been in action this week... out on some sides this morning... 386 Oregon State +17.5 and 365 Kansas +28.5 were their first two plays.
Probably a noob question, but I've heard of Billy Walters and the like dumping money on a spread to get a better number and then pound the other side once it moves, but do they also dump money on say a favorite to raise both the spread AND ML and then get a much more potentially profitable number with the ML and play that?
i would say his group bets ML's sometimes but only for themselves, the movers who know math and what the value of ML's are in relation to the total might scalp for their own pocket, say take a +4 when the ML is +170 or something at its highest level and then when they're betting the dog down to 3-ish or so can scalp out at a decent earn at -150 or -155. That's what the smart ones would do if i had to guess.

That's billy on 348 Houston UN 73; one of the same guys who bet OV earlier in the week was involved right at the start of the move so i'd guess the UN is his side.

It's also him on 354 Mishitgan UN 51 and 342 Fla UN 37.5 and better. One of the chasers went UN 36. Yikes. 373 OVER Utah State 56 is also him, the chasers also OV 57.5. Just like with the 348 total, the same guy who bet against that 373 move was at the head of the line betting OV about 45 mins ago.

That's it for now; I'll be on and off for most of the early evening, at least until most of these guys are done... then will report back in the AM with the shady overnight shit.
One of the guys who sometimes gets the Walters stuff early just bet 3 totals. They have NOT hit the screen yet but will soon. Go out and get them if you like them.

376 Wash UN 44
413 Auburn OV 60.5
421 Mich St OV 57
I'm sure that someone is out moving these college games, but I'm not getting any of the action. The robot seems to be ahead of the curve so they're tagging the spot where the robot is following before everyone else on the screen, causing the places i look to move on air before most everyone else and not getting the bets.

334 Jorja, 343 UNC-Charlotte (thank God, been waiting on it all week), 345 Cuse, 353 Rutgers, and 405 all have moved in the last 15-20 mins. Again, I can't confirm if any of it is real other than one guy at a screen shop down here confirming that he's getting some of it. Unfortunately, he is buried with post-time Nuba and other shit so i can't really bother him about it right now.
working on my own writeups in my own thread, so going back and forth as of late.

Some other games that have moved, but I don't see any evidence of them being real, include 381 Iowa State, 383 TCU total up to 77.5 ish, 386 Oreg State down to 17 ish, and 387 Florida State down inside of 11 everywhere. Also some movement on 389 Navy. Tough game for me; I made it higher than most (right at this level, where the guys I swap with made that one around 5 or so). I like their number way better and Navy outright wouldn't surprise me. Memphis State ain't seen the option one time since Fuentes got there (he's coached them for 45-ish games now).
I have seen nothing worth being charted in the last two hours.

There has been money for the following sides - i consider them either to be phonies or at the very least just followers chiming in with one originator, which I have not seen at any of 4-5 books down here.

Move to 326 Purdue, very small move to 331 ttech, decent move to 367 Colo St (reeks of fake), small move on 380 Tenny, and decent rattle on my 419 Idaho, which again could be fake and it might get shoved in my face.
Some other shit moved without any sort of respectful backing...

the 324 San Jose +12.5 ish or so was the all-star team guys.

One of the Walters minions bet 364 Tulane+6.5. Another I respect bet on my We Are Marshall +2.5 (game 407). we'll see...

Could be some phonies. Looking at the "blacked-out" games, seems someone trying to get down 417 Va to bet the Canes tomorrow... also seeing the screen black but no money for 403 Old Dome, 396 Bama, and 376 Washington. Other sides would seem to be right to me (if i did zero work and had no opinion other than reading the screen).