Wednesday's NBA Plays...


The Truth Is Out There
58-56 (-3.81)

Another dead horse last night. Run is one for the ages approaching epic.

At least some dudes are enjoying it.

Dubs need at least another week of regular practise to be trusted again, that's apparent.

Portland Trail Blazers at San Antonio Spurs

The play...

Spurs -11 (2 units)

Spot play.

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Basically an auto-play if you're into 'situations', which I am.

Blazers on a 4 in 5, 5 in 7 and playing on zero rest. This can be referred to as a 'scheduled loss'.

Aside from the overrated 'revenge' angle, there's nothing much in the Blazers' favor.
Like it.

I was going to back the Blazers last night and fade them tonight but then they fucked up the narrative by laying an egg last night. Still think -11 is a reasonable number though for a rested spurs team and a coach who respects the number. BOL
Like it.

I was going to back the Blazers last night and fade them tonight but then they fucked up the narrative by laying an egg last night. Still think -11 is a reasonable number though for a rested spurs team and a coach who respects the number. BOL

Line was 12 back in December when these teams played and the Blazers were minus Dame.

Now with Dame in the line-up it opened at 10.5, very reasonable.

Would have preferred the Blazers won or at the very least were a bit more competitive last night but it doesn't change the spot they're in.

GL if you play it Hulu and keep up the good work.
Just quick situational capping I like the Heat a bit...

Best under .500 team in some time...
Just quick situational capping I like the Heat a bit...

Best under .500 team in some time...

Only thing I don't like there is the Pels have played on 2 days rest in the previous 2 games. Not really a major fatigue spot.
Yeah, very small as far as situation goes. Miami starting a big home-stand to really make some noise.
Love that quote haha

emkee, Spurs??? ::guuuuuuulp::

Playing the spot, not the team and yeah the Spurs are hit and miss this season with the spreads.

Will be adding the Rockets no doubt as well. Checking the line.

You know Magic gave Walton some shit for winning in Phoenix.

My season can still be saved.
No Tony Parker and their back-up is out too.

Definite advantage in the backcourt for the Blazers.
Yep. Situation failed again, basically a dead angle right now. 4 in 5, 5 in 7 unless it's the Lakers or Nets.

Blazers wanted it more, Spurs have no soul this season.

But went 1-1 and couldn't be happier.

Run starts tomorrow, just needed to see that win. Amen.
These ain't your father's spurs for sure.

On another note...I don't think there is a team who has screwed me more consistently over the past 5 years or so in bad spots as the Blazers. 5 in 7, B2B, 3 starters out, whatever...they seem to have an uncanny ability to perform in bad spots when they can't seem to perform in the good ones. I suppose every gambler has a couple of 'bugaboo' teams and Portland is definitely mine in the NBA