Wednesday's MLB...


CTG Regular
Sup fellas; ready for another profitable season around the diamond. My matchbook is back open so despite going against the toughest competition in the world, I feel I'll be able to overcome because of the prices I get. Most plays will be there or Pinny, with an occasional BOL or CRIS play thrown in for good taste if they are slow to move to the steam or overaggressive on the favorites...

Small 1, Medium 2, Big 3 unless i mention more (there will be 4, 4.5 and 5 unit plays on occasion).

To make it easier, I was 1-3 yesterday and had Houston Sunday, so 2-4 this year and -1.19 units (despite none of them being posted).

Wash -1.5 even money -2u medium. Gio is in a pitching mismatch here, and I liken this to a Texas/Houston type series with the exception that the Nats are at home and should start to hit today against a nervous Slowey, making his first appearance since 2010. Would lay up to -110 here.

ROY +133 at Atlanta. Everyone wants to count Halladay out. Do it at your own risk. He was injured for most of last year, but too gutsy to admit it to his teammates, front office etc. Now he's healthy and goes against a team with which he's quite familiar. Can't wait to see how he looks tonight, but assuming some rebounding, this price won't be one we see too often so long as they give him some support. Philly the play here, medium. Would bet +125 or better medium, which should be out there.

Arizona -109 medium. McCarthy jumps over the NL, which should instantly make him their ace. Not impressed with the Cardinal offense and believe the right line here should be closer to -135. Medium play.

Cleveland +158 medium. The Tribe I have finishing in second in that division and have really been impressed with their offseason moves and guys starting to hit prime years in the right spots. Had them yesterday against Dickey (of course, although that was about the only game I won). Toronto's big spending still netted them 3 starters walking up 18 and a host of others who might or might not help their lineup in the long run. The mainstays are still the ones who hit. Price too high.

Yankees -115 medium to big. Boston pticher is generally a disease in April and Kuroda is probably the Yankees' best. Two days to stew off the Opening Day loss and I expect a bounceback here at the relatively cheap price.

Tampa -122 small to medium. Hellickson is generalyl solid in April and I still am ticketing Baltimore for a slot at or near the cellar, despite the fact that Jones and Wieters are absolute monsters.

Oakland UN 7.5 -110 medium. "E" behind the dish with two lefties. Read the ump thread for more details...


Sup Rex? With you in Oakland, but against at the Trop and Turner. Best of luck this season bro.